title | terms |
Ambra Demo |
2 |
Please, validate the Google capcha to activate the shell on the right. Then, you can either copy the commands yourself, or simply click on the grey boxes to automatically copy commands into the terminal.
Note: "Play With Docker" is a little buggey and seems to work better in Chrome then Firefox unfortunately.
echo 'hello world'
git clone https://github.com/PLOS/Dockerfiles.git
cd Dockerfiles
themes/fetch.sh minimal
./nv stack ambra_minimal
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no node1
cd Dockerfiles
./nv stack ambra_minimal ps
Ping the content repo to see if its up
curl -I node1:8085/docs/
Wait a minute until you see the logs ending with messages from wombat_1. Ping the wombat to see if its up.
curl node1:8015 | grep Wombat
- Wombat{:data-term=".term1"}{:data-port="8015"} running on port 8015
- Content Repo{:data-term=".term1"}{:data-port="8085"} running on port 8085
curl -X POST --form "archive=@tests/test_data/demo/pone.0153419.zip" localhost:8006/articles
curl -X POST localhost:8006/articles/10.1371++journal.pone.0153419/revisions?ingestion=1
curl -I localhost:8015/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0153419
See the article rendered in wombat
- Article 0153419{:data-term=".term1"}{:data-port="8015"}