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ProAgent: Building Proactive Cooperative Agents with Large Language Models

Getting Started

How to setup

We highly recommend to use Linux or WSL to run instead of Windows, especially you should VPN to link OpenAI API. It is useful to setup a conda environment with Python 3.7 (python3.8 not support tf1 which is the precondition package used in the baselines):

  • Install requirements

    • Do it directly by conda env create --file environment.yaml, which will automatically install the conda env, and all Python dependencies in it.
    • Another choice:
      conda create -n proagent python=3.7
      conda activate proagent
      pip install -r requirements.txt 
      conda install mpi4py==3.1.4 # pip install often fails

    Notes: Here we use tf1-cpu. If you are only familiar with pytorch. Don't worry! The baseline models are trained with tf1, so we have to use tf1 to load the model and we ONLY use tf1 when loading the models.

  • Install the game environment overcooked_ai and another supporting package stable_baselines locally.

    cd ./lib/overcooked_ai
    pip install -e .
    cd ./lib/stable_baselines
    pip install -e .

    Notes 1: Overcooked-AI is a benchmark environment for fully cooperative human-AI task performance, based on the wildly popular video game Overcooked. Notes 2: stable_baselines package is only used for supporting BC method, which is trained through the GAIL in stable_baselines.

  • Download the baselines. We now support baselines: Greedy, Random, Behavior Cloning(BC), Self-Play(SP),Population-Based Training(PBT), Fictitious Co-Play (FCP), Maximum Entropy Population-Based Training (MEP), Cooperative Open-ended Learning (COLE).

    • Greedy (rule-based) and Random algorithms are built-in methods in the overcooked_ai package.

    • For those learning-based algorithms, COLE, FCP, MEP, PBT, SP. Thanks to COLE-Platform, we can download those trained models in here directly, with the structure layout/model.

      • Note: The layout names in code and google drive are not aligned with the layout names in recent papers. Here is the mapping:
            "unident_s": "Asymmetric Advantages",
            "simple": "Cramped Room",
            "random1": "Coordination Ring",
            "random0": "Forced Coordination",
            "random3": "Counter Circuit"
        You need to download those model file and put in the dir ./models.

How to Run

  • Build a ./src/openai_key.txt file and put your openai key in it.

  • Run ./src/ For example

    python --layout cramped_room --p0 Greedy --p1 Greedy --horizon 20
    python --layout coordination_ring --p0 ProAgent --p1 Greedy

    We support five classical layouts: ['cramped_room', 'asymmetric_advantages', 'forced_coordination', 'coordination_ring', 'counter_circuit'].

  • To run many experiments simultaneously, you can use ./src/ where you can select the layouts and algorithms you want to use.

GPT parser choice

GPT Model

  • Our main experiments were completed between June and August 2023 based on gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, which will be deprecated on June 13th 2024, see:

  • We also test the text-davinci-003 and gpt-4-0314 as the comparsions in our extention version.

    • However, the model text-davinci-003 has already been deprecated on Januray 4th 2024 and the official recommended replacement is gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct, but we haven't test it yet.
    • To use GPT-4, please insure your openai key has the right first. As to the first GPT-4 version, model gpt-4-0314 may be shutdown at earliest 2024-06-13, and the recommended replacement is model gpt-4-0613.
    • Learn more here:

Prompts level

  • l1-p: make plans directly without CoT
  • l2-ap: plans with analysis
  • l3-aip: plans with analysis and intention

Memory length

We now support retrival recent K dialogs and use BERT+cos to retrival top K similarity dialogs

# without any in-context in the query
python --layout cramped_room --p0 ProAgent --p1 Greedy --retrival_method recent_k --K 0

# with recent 10 dialogs in the query
python --layout cramped_room --p0 ProAgent --p1 Greedy --retrival_method recent_k --K 10

Notes: Our full experiments (5 baselines, 5 layouts) are based on --gpt_model gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 --prompt_level l2-ap --retrival_method recent_k --K 0or1. We did an ablation study on the impact of choosing different prompts based on crampt room layout. we also use the different LLMs on five layouts only cooperate with Greedy method.


  • [] human interaction


[OPENAI ERROR]: Rate limit reached for default-gpt-3.5-turbo in organization org-xxxx tokens per min. Limit: 90000 / min. Current: 88214 / min. Contact us through our help

[OPENAI ERROR]: Error communicating with OpenAI: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/chat/completions (Caused by
SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1131)')))

Answer: Check your VPN connection.

[OPENAI ERROR]: You didn't provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in an Authorization header using Bearer auth (i.e. Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY), or as the password field (with blank username) if you're accessing the API from your browser and are prompted for a username and password.

Answer: Please delete the blank lines in your openai_key.txt file. For example, if you have only one key, just make the file only one line.

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'overcooked_ai' distribution was not found and is required by the application

Answer: You may forget to install the overcooked_ai package.


  title={Cooperative Open-Ended Learning Framework for Zero-Shot Coordination},
  author={Li, Yang and Zhang, Shao and Sun, Jichen and Du, Yali and Wen, Ying and Wang, Xinbing and Pan, Wei},
  booktitle={International conference on machine learning},

 title={On the Utility of Learning About Humans for Human-AI Coordination},
 author={Carroll, Micah and Shah, Rohin and Ho, Mark K and Griffiths, Tom and Seshia, Sanjit and Abbeel, Pieter and Dragan, Anca},
 booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},