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Extending R with Compiled C code, by Michael Anderson, Dept of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (BSE) and Dept of Pediatrics, Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core (BBMC).
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.
Balanced Anova in R and SAS by Dee Wu, Dept of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.
A Quick Survey of R Usage: Some of Our Favorite Programming, Graphical, Reporting, and Analysis Features, by David Bard, Will Beasley, & Thomas Wilson, Dept of Pediatrics, Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core (BBMC)
Box Plots in SAS: Some of Our Favorite Programming, Graphical, Reporting, and Analysis Features, by Summer Frank, Dept of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (BSE).
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.