We've achieved a lot so far and hope to do a lot more in the future. We're always looking for help so please pitch in!
- Encoding/decoding of image formats (plugable).
- Jpeg (Includes Subsampling. Progressive writing required)
- Bmp (Read: 32bit, 24bit, 16 bit. Write: 32bit, 24bit just now)
- Png (Read: Rgb, Rgba, Grayscale, Grayscale + alpha, Palette. Write: Rgb, Rgba, Grayscale, Grayscale + alpha, Palette) Supports interlaced decoding
- Gif (Includes animated)
- Tiff (Help needed)
- Metadata
- EXIF Read/Write (Jpeg just now)
- ICC (In Progress)
- Quantizers (IQuantizer with alpha channel support, dithering, and thresholding)
- Octree
- Xiaolin Wu
- Palette
- DIthering (Error diffusion and Ordered)
- Atkinson
- Burks
- FloydSteinburg
- JarvisJudiceNinke
- Sieera2
- Sierra3
- SerraLite
- Bayer
- Ordered
- Basic color structs with implicit operators.
- Bgra32
- CIE Lab
- YCbCr
- IPackedPixel representations of color models. Compatible with Microsoft XNA Game Studio and MonoGame IPackedVector<TPacked>.
- Alpha8
- Argb32
- Bgr565
- Bgra444
- Bgra565
- Byte4
- HalfSingle
- HalfVector2
- HalfVector4
- NormalizedByte2
- NormalizedByte4
- NormalizedShort2
- NormalizedShort4
- Rg32
- Rgba1010102
- Rgba32 - 32bit color in RGBA order - Our default pixel format.
- Rgba64
- RgbaVector
- Short2
- Short4
- Basic shape primitives.
- Rectangle
- Size
- Point
- Ellipse
- Resampling algorithms. (Optional gamma correction, resize modes, Performance improvements?)
- Box
- Bicubic
- Lanczos2
- Lanczos3
- Lanczos5
- Lanczos8
- MitchelNetravali
- Nearest Neighbour
- Robidoux
- Robidoux Sharp
- Spline
- Triangle
- Welch
- Padding
- Pad
- ResizeMode.Pad
- ResizeMode.BoxPad
- Cropping
- Rectangular Crop
- Elliptical Crop
- Entropy Crop
- ResizeMode.Crop
- Rotation/Skew
- Flip (90, 270, FlipType etc)
- Rotate by angle and center point (Expandable canvas).
- Skew by x/y angles and center point (Expandable canvas).
- ColorMatrix operations (Uses Matrix4x4)
- BlackWhite
- Grayscale BT709
- Grayscale BT601
- Hue
- Saturation
- Lomograph
- Polaroid
- Kodachrome
- Sepia
- Achromatomaly
- Achromatopsia
- Deuteranomaly
- Deuteranopia
- Protanomaly
- Protanopia
- Tritanomaly
- Tritanopia
- Edge Detection
- Kayyali
- Kirsch
- Laplacian3X3
- Laplacian5X5
- LaplacianOfGaussian
- Prewitt
- RobertsCross
- Robinson
- Scharr
- Sobel
- Blurring/Sharpening
- Gaussian blur
- Gaussian sharpening
- Box Blur
- Filters
- Alpha
- Contrast
- Invert
- BackgroundColor
- Brightness
- Pixelate
- Mask
- Oil Painting
- Vignette
- Glow
- Threshold
- Drawing
- Image brush
- Pattern brush
- Solid brush
- Hatch brush (Partial copy of System.Drawing brushes)
- Pen (Solid, Dash, Custom)
- Line drawing
- Complex Polygons (Fill, draw)
- DrawImage
- Gradient brush (Need help)
- DrawingText
- DrawString (In-progress. Single variant support just now, no italic,bold)
- Other stuff I haven't thought of.