This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. By contributing, you confirm that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. More information below.
Please feel free to contribute code, ideas, improvements, and patches - we've added some general guidelines and information below, and you can propose changes to this document in a pull request.
This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
By contributing to this project, you:
- Agree that you have either:
- Authored 100% of the content, or;
- the appropriate licenses and copyrights are contributed along with any other necessary attribution, following the Developer Certificate of Origin.
- Agree that you have the necessary rights to the content
- Agree that you have received the necessary permissions from your employer to make the contributions (if applicable)
- Agree that the content you contribute may be provided under the respective project licences, including CDLA for dataset changes, Apache 2.0 for code changes, and CC-By-SA 2.0 for narrative changes.
This project, and people participating in it, are governed by our code of respect. By taking part, we expect you to try your best to uphold this code of conduct. If you have concerns about unacceptable behaviour, please contact the community leaders responsible for enforcement at [email protected].
We use the standard GitHub workflow - please propose a pull request with your changes, or raise an issue.
To update a blueprint, modify the blueprint.yml
file in a blueprint subdirectory underneath the blueprints
Please ensure your pull request increments the patch number of the blueprint.
Please modify the minor version number of the blueprint.
For other changes including new components, or significant changes to the goals and narrative, please modify the major version number of the blueprint.
Please ensure that if you are not a member of the OpenUK organisation on GitHub, that your commit is signed with the Developer Certificate of Origin, to ensure that every developer is confirming that they have the right to upload the code they submit.
Sign-offs are added to the commit. Git has a -s
command line option to append this automatically to your commit message, and sign offs can be added through the web interface.