A ftpmapping for helping files or foler index with ftp server
Inspired by a code snippet on oschina
It below is generated by python ftpmapping.py -h
Usage: ftpmapping.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path=PATH the path used to generate the tree [default: /]
-o FILE, --out=FILE specify a filename or file to store the generated tree
[default: pathname.trees]
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
the username used to connect to the ftp server
[default: anonymous]
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
the password used to connect to the ftp server
[default: anonymous]
-s SERVER, --server=SERVER
the ftp server address
tree type, leave it default for folder-only.It map and
generate the tree contained files when passing 'file'.
[default: folder]
list folders only
python ftpmapping.py -u chris -p damnpass -s -t folder --path /
list folders and files
python ftpmapping.py -u chris -p damnpass -s -t file --path /
I plan to use stack to push and pop every node while it interactive with tree