diff --git a/.env b/.env
index 975b9435..c53ff8f4 100644
--- a/.env
+++ b/.env
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/config/Dockerfile b/config/Dockerfile
index 4475039f..4f93dd9b 100644
--- a/config/Dockerfile
+++ b/config/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM gliderlabs/alpine:3.4
+FROM alpine:3.11
COPY log/logback.xml /config/log/logback.xml
diff --git a/docker-compose.openlmis-stockmanagement-validator-extension.yml b/docker-compose.openlmis-stockmanagement-validator-extension.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..246ed8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.openlmis-stockmanagement-validator-extension.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+version: "3.3"
+ consul:
+ command: -server -bootstrap
+ image: gliderlabs/consul-server
+ ports:
+ - "8300"
+ - "8400"
+ - "8500:8500"
+ - "53"
+ nginx:
+ image: openlmis/nginx:${OL_NGINX_VERSION}
+ ports:
+ - "${OL_HTTP_PORT:-80}:80"
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ NGINX_LOG_DIR: '/var/log/nginx/log'
+ volumes:
+ - 'nginx-log:/var/log/nginx/log'
+ - 'consul-template-log:/var/log/consul-template'
+ depends_on: [consul]
+ reference-ui:
+ image: openlmis/reference-ui:${OL_REFERENCE_UI_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ depends_on: [consul]
+ requisition:
+ image: openlmis/requisition:${OL_REQUISITION_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx1024m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ referencedata:
+ image: openlmis/referencedata:${OL_REFERENCEDATA_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx1024m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ auth:
+ image: openlmis/auth:${OL_AUTH_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ notification:
+ image: openlmis/notification:${OL_NOTIFICATION_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ fulfillment:
+ image: openlmis/fulfillment:${OL_FULFILLMENT_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ cce:
+ image: openlmis/cce:${OL_CCE_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ example-extensions:
+ image: openlmis/openlmis-example-extensions:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
+ volumes:
+ - 'example-extensions:/extensions'
+ stockmanagement:
+ image: openlmis/stockmanagement:${OL_STOCKMANAGEMENT_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'example-extensions:/extensions'
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db, example-extensions]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ report:
+ image: openlmis/report:${OL_REPORT_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ hapifhir:
+ restart: always
+ image: openlmis/hapifhir:${OL_HAPIFHIR_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ spring_profiles_active: ${spring_profiles_active}
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log, db]
+ command: ["/wait-for-postgres.sh", "/run.sh"]
+ diagnostics:
+ image: openlmis/diagnostics:${OL_DIAGNOSTICS_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ environment:
+ JAVA_OPTS: '-server -Xmx512m -Dlogging.config=/config/log/logback.xml'
+ spring_profiles_active: ${spring_profiles_active}
+ volumes:
+ - 'service-config:/config'
+ depends_on: [log]
+ db:
+ image: openlmis/postgres:${OL_POSTGRES_VERSION}
+ env_file: settings.env
+ networks:
+ default:
+ aliases:
+ - olmis-db
+ depends_on: [consul]
+ log:
+ image: openlmis/rsyslog:${OL_RSYSLOG_VERSION}
+ volumes:
+ - 'syslog:/var/log'
+ depends_on:
+ - service-configuration
+ - consul
+ service-configuration:
+ build:
+ context: ./config
+ volumes:
+ - service-config:/config
+ ftp:
+ image: hauptmedia/proftpd
+ ports:
+ - "${OL_FTP_PORT_21:-21}:21"
+ - "${OL_FTP_PORT_20:-20}:20"
+ env_file: settings.env
+ depends_on: [consul]
+ redis:
+ image: redis:3.2.12
+ depends_on: [consul]
+ syslog:
+ external: false
+ nginx-log:
+ external: false
+ consul-template-log:
+ external: false
+ service-config:
+ external: false
+ example-extensions:
+ external: false
diff --git a/docs/source/components/index.rst b/docs/source/components/index.rst
index 364646ec..4bc6092c 100644
--- a/docs/source/components/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/components/index.rst
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Druid
-`Superset `_ is the visualization layer of the reporting stack and is used to create self-service dashboards on the data in Druid. It’s very closely integrated with Druid, and will detect the schema for each data source and the data therein. “Dimensions” are akin to columns within a relational database, and “metrics” are calculations performed on those dimensions - e.g. count distinct, sum, min, max. Typically “metrics” are written off of numeric dimensions, with the exception of count distinct. Superset is the UI in which we write JSON queries for Druid to calculate metrics that are more sophisticated than the basic types outlined above.
+`Superset `_ is the visualization layer of the reporting stack and is used to create self-service dashboards on the data in Druid. It’s very closely integrated with Druid, and will detect the schema for each data source and the data therein. “Dimensions” are akin to columns within a relational database, and “metrics” are calculations performed on those dimensions - e.g. count distinct, sum, min, max. Typically “metrics” are written off of numeric dimensions, with the exception of count distinct. Superset is the UI in which we write JSON queries for Druid to calculate metrics that are more sophisticated than the basic types outlined above.
Slices are individual visualizations and can be listed by clicking on the Charts tab along the top. Each slice has a visualization type, a data source, and one or more metrics and dimensions that you want to display. Superset supports the development of custom visualization types if it’s not included in the default list provided by Apache.
diff --git a/docs/source/contribute/contributionGuide.md b/docs/source/contribute/contributionGuide.md
index 4f6fb96b..51957d74 100644
--- a/docs/source/contribute/contributionGuide.md
+++ b/docs/source/contribute/contributionGuide.md
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ A prime focus of version 3 is enabling extensions and customizations to happen w
There are multiple ways OpenLMIS can be extended, and lots of documentation and starter code is available:
* The Reference UI supports extension by adding CSS, overriding HTML layouts, adding new screens, or replacing
-existing screens in the UI application. See the [UI Extension Guide](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-ui-components/blob/master/docs/extension_guide.md).
+existing screens in the UI application. See the [UI Extension Guide](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-ui-components/blob/master/docs/extension_guide.md#ui-extension-guide).
* The Reference Distribution is a collection of collaborative **Services**, Services may be added in
or swapped out to create custom distributions.
* The Services can be extended using **extension points** in the Java code. The core team is eager to add more
extension points as they are requested by implementors. For documentation about this extension mechanism, see
-these 3 READMEs: [openlmis-example-extensions README](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-example-extensions/blob/master/README.md), [openlmis-example-extension module README](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-example-extension/blob/master/README.md), and [openlmis-example service README](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-example/blob/master/README.md#extension-points-and-extension-modules).
+these 3 READMEs: [openlmis-example-extensions README](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-example-extensions/blob/master/README.md#openlmis-example-extensions), [openlmis-stockmanagement-validator-extension module README](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-stockmanagement-validator-extension/blob/master/README.md#openlmis-stock-management-validator-extension-module), and [openlmis-example service README](https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-example/blob/master/README.md#openlmis-example-service).
* Extra Data allows for clients to add additional data to RESTful resources so that the internal
storage mechanism inside a Service doesn't need to be changed.
* Some features may require both API and UI extensions/customizations. The Technical Committee worked on a [Requisition Splitting Extension Scenario](https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OP/Requisition+Splitting+-+Extension+Scenario+Analysis)
diff --git a/docs/source/conventions/versioningReleasing.md b/docs/source/conventions/versioningReleasing.md
index e4029b18..b866a5de 100644
--- a/docs/source/conventions/versioningReleasing.md
+++ b/docs/source/conventions/versioningReleasing.md
@@ -301,6 +301,10 @@ codebase is working towards):
- (If your component, such as the openlmis-service-util library, publishes to Maven, then other
steps will be needed here.)
+**Note:** usually during a release many docker images are built in a short time. It may happen that
+the CI build process fails because of a docker pull rate limit which is 250 per 6 hours. It is a
+limitation of a free version of a dockerhub account.
### Patch Releasing a Component
1. Create a hotfix branch that includes 'rel-' prefix and the patch version, e.g. 'rel-10.0.1'
diff --git a/docs/source/releases/UI-Performance-3.10.png b/docs/source/releases/UI-Performance-3.10.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99839466
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/releases/UI-Performance-3.10.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/releases/index.rst b/docs/source/releases/index.rst
index 3066127c..5955ec04 100644
--- a/docs/source/releases/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/releases/index.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ To download a release, please visit `GitHub `_ are
+encouraged to adopt it.
+Release Notes
+The OpenLMIS Community is excited to announce the **3.10.0 release** of OpenLMIS! It is another major milestone in the version 3 `re-architecture `_ that allows more functionality to be shared among the community of OpenLMIS implementers.
+For a full list of features and bug-fixes since 3.10.0, see `OpenLMIS 3.10.0 Jira tickets
+For information about future planned releases, see the `Living Product Roadmap
+`_. Pull requests and
+`contributions `_ are welcome.
+Unless noted here, all other changes to OpenLMIS 3.x are backwards-compatible. All changes to data
+or schemas include automated migrations from previous versions back to version 3.0.1. All new or
+altered functionality is listed in the sections below for New Features and Changes to Existing
+Upgrading from Older Versions
+If you are upgrading to OpenLMIS 3.10.0 from OpenLMIS 3.0.x or 3.1.x (without first upgrading to
+3.2.x), please review the `3.2.0
+Release Notes `_ for
+important compatibility information about a required PostgreSQL extension and data migrations.
+For information about upgrade paths from OpenLMIS 1 and 2 to version 3, see the `3.0.0 Release
+Notes `_.
+Download or View on GitHub
+`OpenLMIS Reference Distribution 3.10.0
+Known Bugs
+Bug reports are collected in Jira for troubleshooting, analysis and resolution on an ongoing basis. See `OpenLMIS 3.10.0
+Bugs `_ for the current list of known bugs.
+To report a bug, see `Reporting Bugs
+New Features
+The OpenLMIS community focused on the following work in version 3.10.0:
+- **Stock Management - Offline Functionality** The Stock Management service has been updated to support limited offline functionality. This offline functionality is currently limited to the Physical Inventory page and adds the ability to make edits and save the changes locally while offline. Future releases will extend this offline functionality to the other areas of Stock Management.
+- **Reporting Stack - Deployment and Configuration Improvements** As part of an ongoing effort to improve and streamline the OpenLMIS Reporting system, we have made significant changes to bring the deployment and configuration tasks in line with the other OpenLMIS services. This work is ongoing and we welcome any feedback about future areas to improve.
+Reference the `3.10 epics `_ for more details.
+Changes to Existing Functionality
+See `all 3.10 issues tagged 'UIChange' in Jira `_.
+API Changes
+API changes can be found in each service CHANGELOG.md file, found in the root directory of the service repository.
+As expected, the performance of version 3.10.0 is similar to version 3.9.0. Performance remains a high priority for the OpenLMIS community and we will be revisiting the overall performance picture in our next release, version 3.11.
+OpenLMIS conducted manual performance tests of the same user workflows with the same test data we used in testing v3.2.1 to establish that last-mile performance characteristics have been retained at a minimum. For details on the test results and process, please see `this wiki page `_.
+The following chart displays the UI loading times in seconds for 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 using the same test data.
+.. image:: UI-Performance-3.10.png
+ :alt: UI Load Times for 3.7 through 3.10
+Test Coverage
+OpenLMIS 3.10.0 was tested using the established OpenLMIS Release Candidate process. As part of this process, full manual test cycles were executed for each release candidate published. Any critical or blocker bugs found during the release candidate were resolved in a bug fix cycle with a full manual test cycle executed before releasing the final version 3.10.0. Manual tests were conducted using a set of 99 Zephyr tests tracked in Jira and 7 manual tests for reporting. For more details about test executions and bugs found for this release please see `the 3.10 QA Release and Bug Triage wiki page `_.
+All Changes by Component
+Version 3.10.0 of the Reference Distribution contains updated versions of the components listed
+below. The Reference Distribution bundles these component together using Docker to create a complete
+OpenLMIS instance. Each component has its own own public GitHub repository (source code) and
+DockerHub repository (release image). The Reference Distribution and components are versioned
+independently; for details see `Versioning and Releasing
+Auth Service 4.3.1
+CCE Service 1.3.0
+Fulfillment Service 8.2.0
+`Fulfillment CHANGELOG `_
+Notification Service 4.3.1
+`Notification CHANGELOG `_
+Reference Data Service 15.2.0
+`ReferenceData CHANGELOG `_
+Report Service 1.2.1
+This service is intended to provide reporting functionality for other components to use. Built-in
+reports in OpenLMIS 3.4.0 are still powered by their own services. In future releases, they may be
+migrated to a new version of this centralized report service.
+**Warning**: Developers should take note that the design of this service will be changing with
+future releases. Developers and implementers are discouraged from using this 1.2.x version to build
+additional reports.
+`Report CHANGELOG `_
+Requisition Service 8.3.1
+`Requisition CHANGELOG `_
+Stock Management 5.1.2
+`Stock Management CHANGELOG `_
+Reference UI 5.1.9
+`The Reference UI `_
+is the web-based user interface for the OpenLMIS Reference Distribution. This user interface is
+a single page web application that is optimized for offline and low-bandwidth environments.
+The Reference UI is compiled together from module UI modules using Docker compose along with the
+OpenLMIS dev-ui. UI modules included in the Reference UI are:
+Reference Data-UI 5.6.4
+`ReferenceData-UI CHANGELOG `_
+Auth-UI 6.2.5
+CCE-UI 1.0.8
+Fulfillment-UI 6.0.8
+`Fulfillment-UI CHANGELOG `_
+Report-UI 5.2.5
+`Report-UI CHANGELOG `_
+Requisition-UI 7.0.4
+`Requisition-UI CHANGELOG `_
+Stock Management-UI 2.0.7
+`Stock Management-UI CHANGELOG `_
+UI-Components 7.2.4
+`UI-Components CHANGELOG `_
+UI-Layout 5.1.8
+`UI-Layout CHANGELOG `_
+Dev UI 9.0.1
+The `Dev-UI CHANGLOG `_
+Components with No Changes
+The components that have not changed are:
+- `Service Util `_
+- `Logging Service `_
+- Consul-friendly distribution of `nginx `_
+- Docker `Postgres 9.6-postgis image `_
+- Docker `scalyr image `_
+Many organizations and individuals around the world have contributed to OpenLMIS version 3 by
+serving on our committees (Governance, Product and Technical), requesting improvements, suggesting
+features and writing code and documentation. Please visit our GitHub repos to see the list of
+individual contributors on the OpenLMIS codebase. If anyone who contributed in GitHub is missing,
+please contact the Community Manager.
+Thanks to the Malawi implementation team who has continued to contribute a number of changes
+that have global shared benefit.
+Further Resources
+Please see the Implementer Toolkit on the `OpenLMIS website `_ to learn more about best practicies in implementing OpenLMIS. Also, learn more about the `OpenLMIS Community `_ and how to get involved!
diff --git a/reporting/config/Dockerfile b/reporting/config/Dockerfile
index 91aa5a48..da230b85 100644
--- a/reporting/config/Dockerfile
+++ b/reporting/config/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM gliderlabs/alpine:3.4
+FROM alpine:3.11
COPY ./services /config
COPY ./init.sh /init.sh
diff --git a/reporting/config/services/superset/dashboards/openlmis_uat_dashboards.json b/reporting/config/services/superset/dashboards/openlmis_uat_dashboards.json
index 8077fac7..ddb55a49 100644
--- a/reporting/config/services/superset/dashboards/openlmis_uat_dashboards.json
+++ b/reporting/config/services/superset/dashboards/openlmis_uat_dashboards.json
@@ -2,108 +2,42 @@
"dashboards": [
"__Dashboard__": {
- "json_metadata": "{\"filter_immune_slices\": [], \"timed_refresh_immune_slices\": [], \"filter_immune_slice_fields\": {}, \"expanded_slices\": {}, \"default_filters\": \"{}\", \"remote_id\": 12}",
+ "slug": "administrative",
+ "css": "",
+ "position_json": "{\"CHART-EVVSjHFIHN\": {\"children\": [], \"id\": \"CHART-EVVSjHFIHN\", \"meta\": {\"chartId\": 1, \"height\": 89, \"sliceName\": \"Facility List\", \"width\": 12}, \"type\": \"CHART\"}, \"DASHBOARD_VERSION_KEY\": \"v2\", \"GRID_ID\": {\"children\": [\"ROW-cQ0JwmC8b\"], \"id\": \"GRID_ID\", \"type\": \"GRID\"}, \"HEADER_ID\": {\"id\": \"HEADER_ID\", \"meta\": {\"text\": \"Administrative\"}, \"type\": \"HEADER\"}, \"ROOT_ID\": {\"children\": [\"GRID_ID\"], \"id\": \"ROOT_ID\", \"type\": \"ROOT\"}, \"ROW-cQ0JwmC8b\": {\"children\": [\"CHART-EVVSjHFIHN\"], \"id\": \"ROW-cQ0JwmC8b\", \"meta\": {\"background\": \"BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT\"}, \"type\": \"ROW\"}}",
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": {
+ "__datetime__": "2021-04-28T08:38:59"
+ },
+ "created_by_fk": null,
+ "json_metadata": "{\"filter_immune_slices\": [], \"timed_refresh_immune_slices\": [], \"filter_immune_slice_fields\": {}, \"expanded_slices\": {}, \"default_filters\": \"{}\", \"remote_id\": 1, \"import_time\": 1619599137}",
"description": null,
- "dashboard_title": "Reporting Rate and Timeliness",
+ "dashboard_title": "Administrative",
"changed_on": {
- "__datetime__": "2019-03-22T11:52:27"
+ "__datetime__": "2021-04-28T09:33:10"
"changed_by_fk": 1,
- "slug": null,
- "css": "",
- "position_json": "{\"CHART-3XaEn_AjRI\":{\"children\":[],\"id\":\"CHART-3XaEn_AjRI\",\"meta\":{\"chartId\":24,\"height\":46,\"sliceName\":\"Reporting Rate and Timeliness\",\"width\":12},\"type\":\"CHART\"},\"CHART-PdVqnXV-Q4\":{\"children\":[],\"id\":\"CHART-PdVqnXV-Q4\",\"meta\":{\"chartId\":37,\"height\":56,\"sliceName\":\"Expected Facilities per Period\",\"width\":4},\"type\":\"CHART\"},\"CHART-bDIq2bI0KP\":{\"children\":[],\"id\":\"CHART-bDIq2bI0KP\",\"meta\":{\"chartId\":36,\"height\":56,\"sliceName\":\"Reporting Rate Filter\",\"width\":4},\"type\":\"CHART\"},\"CHART-vQsFBEa-Sm\":{\"children\":[],\"id\":\"CHART-vQsFBEa-Sm\",\"meta\":{\"chartId\":23,\"height\":56,\"sliceName\":\"All-Time Reporting Timeliness\",\"width\":4},\"type\":\"CHART\"},\"DASHBOARD_VERSION_KEY\":\"v2\",\"GRID_ID\":{\"children\":[\"ROW-SvSDtqQSP\",\"ROW-2ZW3FYstKJ\"],\"id\":\"GRID_ID\",\"type\":\"GRID\"},\"HEADER_ID\":{\"id\":\"HEADER_ID\",\"meta\":{\"text\":\"Reporting Rate and Timeliness\"},\"type\":\"HEADER\"},\"ROOT_ID\":{\"children\":[\"GRID_ID\"],\"id\":\"ROOT_ID\",\"type\":\"ROOT\"},\"ROW-2ZW3FYstKJ\":{\"children\":[\"CHART-3XaEn_AjRI\"],\"id\":\"ROW-2ZW3FYstKJ\",\"meta\":{\"background\":\"BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT\"},\"type\":\"ROW\"},\"ROW-SvSDtqQSP\":{\"children\":[\"CHART-bDIq2bI0KP\",\"CHART-vQsFBEa-Sm\",\"CHART-PdVqnXV-Q4\"],\"id\":\"ROW-SvSDtqQSP\",\"meta\":{\"background\":\"BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT\"},\"type\":\"ROW\"}}",
- "id": 12,
- "created_on": {
- "__datetime__": "2019-03-22T09:32:32"
- },
- "created_by_fk": 1,
"slices": [
"__Slice__": {
- "datasource_type": "table",
- "slice_name": "Reporting Rate Filter",
- "changed_on": {
- "__datetime__": "2019-03-22T11:53:07"
- },
- "changed_by_fk": 1,
- "created_by_fk": 1,
- "cache_timeout": null,
- "params": "{\"datasource\": \"3__table\", \"viz_type\": \"filter_box\", \"slice_id\": 36, \"url_params\": {}, \"granularity_sqla\": \"processing_period_enddate\", \"time_grain_sqla\": \"P1D\", \"time_range\": \"Last 100 years\", \"groupby\": [\"region\", \"district\", \"name\", \"program_name\", \"processing_period_name\", \"processing_schedule_name\", \"reporting_timeliness\"], \"metric\": {\"expressionType\": \"SIMPLE\", \"column\": {\"id\": 115, \"column_name\": \"processing_period_enddate\", \"verbose_name\": null, \"description\": null, \"expression\": \"\", \"filterable\": false, \"groupby\": false, \"is_dttm\": true, \"type\": \"DATE\", \"database_expression\": null, \"python_date_format\": null, \"optionName\": \"_col_processing_period_enddate\"}, \"aggregate\": \"MAX\", \"sqlExpression\": null, \"hasCustomLabel\": false, \"fromFormData\": true, \"label\": \"MAX(processing_period_enddate)\", \"optionName\": \"metric_p2r4x1ybys_v8e6c02t7c\"}, \"adhoc_filters\": [{\"expressionType\": \"SQL\", \"sqlExpression\": \"username = '{{ current_username() }}'\", \"clause\": \"WHERE\", \"subject\": null, \"operator\": null, \"comparator\": null, \"fromFormData\": true, \"filterOptionName\": \"filter_hyqlv8r3mr_0x5h2zmah809\"}], \"date_filter\": false, \"instant_filtering\": true, \"show_sqla_time_granularity\": false, \"show_sqla_time_column\": false, \"show_druid_time_granularity\": false, \"show_druid_time_origin\": false, \"remote_id\": 36, \"datasource_name\": \"reporting_rate_and_timeliness\", \"schema\": \"reporting_rate_and_timeliness\", \"database_name\": \"main\"}",
- "datasource_name": "reporting_rate_and_timeliness",
- "datasource_id": 3,
- "id": 36,
- "created_on": {
- "__datetime__": "2019-03-22T09:20:01"
- },
- "perm": "[main].[reporting_rate_and_timeliness](id:3)",
- "description": null,
- "viz_type": "filter_box"
- }
- },
- {
- "__Slice__": {
- "datasource_type": "table",
- "slice_name": "All-Time Reporting Timeliness",
- "changed_on": {
- "__datetime__": "2019-03-22T11:53:07"
- },
- "changed_by_fk": 1,
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"changed_by_fk": null,
"allow_dml": false,
- "password": "p@ssw0rd",
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"force_ctas_schema": null,
"cache_timeout": null,
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"created_on": {
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"select_as_create_table_as": false,
+ "extra": "{\r\n \"metadata_params\": {},\r\n \"engine_params\": {}\r\n}\r\n",
"changed_on": {
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- "extra": "{\r\n \"metadata_params\": {},\r\n \"engine_params\": {}\r\n}\r\n",
"expose_in_sqllab": true,
- "perm": "[main].(id:1)",
"id": 1,
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"allow_run_sync": true,
"verbose_name": null,
"impersonate_user": false,
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+ "created_by_fk": null,
+ "allow_csv_upload": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reporting/cron/Dockerfile b/reporting/cron/Dockerfile
index 0ef55a71..86dfe5fa 100644
--- a/reporting/cron/Dockerfile
+++ b/reporting/cron/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM gliderlabs/alpine:3.4
+FROM alpine:3.11
COPY ./periodic /cron/periodic
diff --git a/reporting/cron/periodic/15min/refresh-mv b/reporting/cron/periodic/15min/refresh-mv
index e2042afc..66605972 100755
--- a/reporting/cron/periodic/15min/refresh-mv
+++ b/reporting/cron/periodic/15min/refresh-mv
@@ -37,4 +37,5 @@ psql <<-EOSQL
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW reporting_rate_and_timeliness;
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW stock_status_and_consumption;
diff --git a/reporting/db/Dockerfile b/reporting/db/Dockerfile
index 8c36da54..edee0aa5 100644
--- a/reporting/db/Dockerfile
+++ b/reporting/db/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM gliderlabs/alpine:3.4
+FROM alpine:3.11
COPY ./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
diff --git a/reporting/db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/templates/OlmisCreateTableStatements.sql b/reporting/db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/templates/OlmisCreateTableStatements.sql
index ed839dfc..520340c2 100644
--- a/reporting/db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/templates/OlmisCreateTableStatements.sql
+++ b/reporting/db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/templates/OlmisCreateTableStatements.sql
@@ -2296,3 +2296,13 @@ FROM kafka_requisitions r
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW stock_status_and_consumption OWNER TO postgres;
+SELECT f.code as code, f.name as name, gz.name as district, ft.name as type, fo.name as operator_name
+FROM public.kafka_facilities f
+left join public.kafka_geographic_zones gz on gz.id = f.geographiczoneid
+left join public.kafka_facility_types ft on ft.id = f.typeid
+left join public.kafka_facility_operators fo on fo.id = f.operatedbyid
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reporting/docker-compose.yml b/reporting/docker-compose.yml
index 8dd9de0e..d7ca3e2e 100644
--- a/reporting/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/reporting/docker-compose.yml
@@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ services:
syslog-address: "udp://${SYSLOG_UDP_PORT}"
depends_on: [kafka]
- # connect-reg:
- # image: openlmis/toolbelt
- # env_file: settings.env
- # volumes:
- # - config-volume:/config
- # entrypoint: >
- # bash -c "/config/connect/register.sh"
- # logging:
- # driver: syslog
- # options:
- # syslog-address: "udp://${SYSLOG_UDP_PORT}"
- # depends_on: [connect]
+ connect-reg:
+ image: openlmis/toolbelt
+ env_file: settings.env
+ volumes:
+ - config-volume:/config
+ entrypoint: >
+ bash -c "/config/connect/register.sh"
+ logging:
+ driver: syslog
+ options:
+ syslog-address: "udp://${SYSLOG_UDP_PORT}"
+ depends_on: [connect]
image: confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:${OL_CONFLUENT_VERSION}
diff --git a/reporting/superset/Dockerfile b/reporting/superset/Dockerfile
index 3162fac5..509f9192 100644
--- a/reporting/superset/Dockerfile
+++ b/reporting/superset/Dockerfile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ENV GUNICORN_BIND= \
PYTHONPATH=/etc/superset:/home/superset:$PYTHONPATH \
- SUPERSET_REPO=apache/incubator-superset \
+ SUPERSET_REPO=apache/superset \
SUPERSET_PATCHUP_REPO=https://github.com/OpenLMIS/superset-patchup.git@${SUPERSET_PATCHUP_VERSION} \
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ RUN npm install -g yarn
RUN npm install -g po2json
# Fetching dependecies and first build
-RUN wget -P /tmp https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/archive/${SUPERSET_VERSION}.zip \
+RUN wget -P /tmp https://github.com/apache/superset/archive/${SUPERSET_VERSION}.zip \
&& unzip /tmp/${SUPERSET_VERSION}.zip -d /tmp \
&& rsync -a \
--remove-source-files \
--chown=superset:superset \
- /tmp/incubator-superset-${SUPERSET_VERSION}/superset/assets $APP_DIR \
+ /tmp/superset-${SUPERSET_VERSION}/superset/assets $APP_DIR \
&& rm -r /tmp/${SUPERSET_VERSION}.zip
RUN cd $APP_DIR/assets && yarn install
diff --git a/reporting/superset/README.md b/reporting/superset/README.md
index 4e2eb7d5..d4d3377c 100644
--- a/reporting/superset/README.md
+++ b/reporting/superset/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ This project is unofficial and not related to Superset or Apache.
Please **only** file issues in this project that are related to Docker and **do** include the Docker commands or compose configuration of your setup when filing issues (be sure to hide any secrets/passwords before submitting).
-File issues/bugs with Superset at the [source](https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/issues).
+File issues/bugs with Superset at the [source](https://github.com/apache/superset/issues).
Please **do not** files issues like "Please include `` in the Dockerfile," open a [pull request](https://github.com/amancevice/superset/pulls) for updates/enhancements.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ This repo is tagged in parallel with superset. Pulling `amancevice/superset:0.18
## Configuration
-Follow the [instructions](https://superset.incubator.apache.org/installation.html#configuration) provided by Apache Superset for writing your own `superset_config.py`. Place this file in a local directory and mount this directory to `/etc/superset` inside the container. This location is included in the image's `PYTHONPATH`. Mounting this file to a different location is possible, but it will need to be in the `PYTHONPATH`.
+Follow the [instructions](https://superset.apache.org/installation.html#configuration) provided by Apache Superset for writing your own `superset_config.py`. Place this file in a local directory and mount this directory to `/etc/superset` inside the container. This location is included in the image's `PYTHONPATH`. Mounting this file to a different location is possible, but it will need to be in the `PYTHONPATH`.
View the contents of the [`examples`](./examples) directory to see some simple `superset_config.py` samples.
diff --git a/reporting/superset/requirements.txt b/reporting/superset/requirements.txt
index cd48515e..080e5f70 100644
--- a/reporting/superset/requirements.txt
+++ b/reporting/superset/requirements.txt
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ babel==2.8.0 # via flask-babel
backoff==1.10.0 # via apache-superset
billiard== # via celery
bleach==3.1.5 # via apache-superset
brotli==1.0.7 # via flask-compress
celery==4.4.2 # via apache-superset
cffi==1.14.0 # via cryptography
-click==7.1.2 # via apache-superset, flask, flask-appbuilder
+click==6.7 # via apache-superset, flask, flask-appbuilder
colorama==0.4.3 # via apache-superset, flask-appbuilder
contextlib2==0.6.0.post1 # via apache-superset
croniter==0.3.31 # via apache-superset
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ importlib-metadata==1.6.0 # via jsonschema, kombu, markdown
isodate==0.6.0 # via apache-superset
itsdangerous==1.1.0 # via flask, flask-wtf
jinja2==2.11.2 # via flask, flask-babel
+jmespath==0.9.3 # via boto3, botocore
jsonschema==3.2.0 # via flask-appbuilder
kombu==4.6.8 # via celery
mako==1.1.2 # via alembic
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ markdown==3.2.2 # via apache-superset
markupsafe>=1.1.1 # via jinja2, mako, wtforms
marshmallow-enum==1.5.1 # via flask-appbuilder
marshmallow-sqlalchemy==0.23.0 # via flask-appbuilder
-marshmallow==2.21.0 # via flask-appbuilder, marshmallow-enum, marshmallow-sqlalchemy
+marshmallow==2.19.5 # via flask-appbuilder, marshmallow-enum, marshmallow-sqlalchemy
msgpack==0.6.2 # via apache-superset
numpy==1.18.4 # via pandas, pyarrow
packaging==20.3 # via bleach
@@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ prison==0.1.3 # via flask-appbuilder
py==1.8.1 # via retry
pyarrow==0.16.0 # via apache-superset
pycparser==2.20 # via cffi
pyjwt==1.7.1 # via flask-appbuilder, flask-jwt-extended
pyparsing==2.4.7 # via packaging
pyrsistent==0.16.0 # via jsonschema
@@ -76,18 +80,23 @@ python3-openid==3.1.0 # via flask-openid
pytz==2020.1 # via babel, celery, flask-babel, pandas
pyyaml==5.3.1 # via apache-superset, apispec
retry==0.9.2 # via apache-superset
+rfc3986==1.1.0 # via tableschema
+s3transfer==0.1.13 # via boto3
selenium==3.141.0 # via apache-superset
simplejson==3.17.0 # via apache-superset
six==1.14.0 # via bleach, cryptography, flask-jwt-extended, flask-talisman, isodate, jsonschema, packaging, pathlib2, polyline, prison, pyarrow, pyrsistent, python-dateutil, sqlalchemy-utils, wtforms-json
sqlalchemy-utils==0.36.5 # via apache-superset, flask-appbuilder
sqlalchemy==1.3.17 # via alembic, apache-superset, flask-sqlalchemy, marshmallow-sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy-utils
sqlparse==0.3.1 # via apache-superset
+tabulator==1.24.3 # via tableschema
urllib3==1.25.9 # via selenium
vine==1.3.0 # via amqp, celery
webencodings==0.5.1 # via bleach
werkzeug==1.0.1 # via flask, flask-jwt-extended
wtforms-json==0.3.3 # via apache-superset
wtforms==2.3.1 # via flask-wtf, wtforms-json
+xlrd==2.0.1 # via tabulator
zipp==3.1.0 # via importlib-metadata
# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
diff --git a/utils/bzt-yarn/Dockerfile b/utils/bzt-yarn/Dockerfile
index def8a9ce..b0d42375 100644
--- a/utils/bzt-yarn/Dockerfile
+++ b/utils/bzt-yarn/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM blazemeter/taurus:1.13.1
+FROM blazemeter/taurus:1.15.1
RUN curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - && \
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list && \