This repository contains Octopus.CommandLine, the command line parsing library used by many of Octopus apps.
Please see Contributing.
Add a reference to Octopus.CommandLine, Newtonsoft.Json and Autofac:
dotnet add package Octopus.CommandLine
dotnet add package Autofac
- Autofac can be swapped for your container of choice
private static IContainer BuildContainer()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
//configure logging - you're already likely doing this
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.ColoredConsole(outputTemplate: "{Message}{NewLine}{Exception}")
//Sometimes you'll want to provide your own implementation of these, but for most usages
//the default ones work fine
.WithParameter("applicationName", "My sample application")
.WithParameter("applicationVersion", typeof(Startup).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetCustomAttribute<AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion)
//Register all the built-in shell completion installers
.Where(t => t.IsAssignableTo<IShellCompletionInstaller>())
//register the command locator and other in-built commands (such as help, and the auto complete commands)
//Register any implementations in your app
var thisAssembly = typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
return builder.Build();
static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
var container = BuildContainer();
var commandLocator = container.Resolve<ICommandLocator>();
var command = commandLocator.GetCommand(args);
await command.Execute(args.Skip(1).ToArray());
return 0;
catch (CommandException ex)
//this is a "known error" - ie, one we dont want a stack trace for
return 1;
catch (Exception ex)
//this is an unknown error - log with stack trace
Log.Error(ex, ex.Message);
return 2;
[Command("mycommand", Description = "Does the thing")]
public class MyCommand : CommandBase
private readonly ICommandOutputProvider _commandOutputProvider;
private bool dryRun;
public MyCommand(ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) : base(commandOutputProvider)
_commandOutputProvider = commandOutputProvider;
var options = Options.For("My Command");
"Dry run will output the proposed changes to console, instead of writing to disk.",
v => dryRun = true);
public override Task Execute(string[] commandLineArguments)
var remainingArguments = Options.Parse(commandLineArguments);
if (remainingArguments.Count > 0)
throw new CommandException("Unrecognized command arguments: " + string.Join(", ", remainingArguments));
_commandOutputProvider.Information("This is my command");
? "This is a dry-run; skipping doing the thing"
: "Doing the thing");
return Task.CompletedTask;
PS> ./myapp.exe help