The UI is built around a canvas that allows you to drag, drop, and connect EIP nodes to create integration flows. In addition to being a design and documentation tool, the UI allows you to configure the behavior of the individual EIP nodes, thus providing the ability to generate deployable integration flow artifacts (e.g. XML).
For local development, the following must be installed:
- Node.js v20
- npm v10 (other package managers should work as well)
Volta is recommended for setting up your JS environment.
Clone the repository:
git clone && cd keip-canvas/ui
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development web server:
npm run dev
The UI is mostly written in Typescript and relies heavily on the following libraries:
- React: main UI library
- React Flow: powers the interactive flow canvas
- Zustand: state-management
- Carbon Design System: React component library
- Vite: build tooling
The source code is spread across multiple modules, some important ones are highlighted below:
Defines the types and interfaces used across the UI components. Notably, the api/generated
subdirectory contains
code generated from the EIP Json schemas. To use updated source schemas,
the code-generation script must be updated to point to the desired schema versions.
The API files can then be generated by running npm run codegen
In this specific case, the generated files should be checked into version control to avoid the need to constantly
rebuild them.
Holds static assets such as the EIP icon SVGs.
Contains all the UI's React components. Developers will likely spend the majority of their time working in here.
Stores the EIP Component Definition JSON, which populates the catalog of EIP nodes that a user is able to drag and drop onto the canvas.
Initializes singleton instances that are required across the application, most notable is the store
The store
module manages the React application's global state, through the use of a Zustand store.
The module does not provide direct access to the app store, rather several use-case/event specific custom hooks are
exported for use by components. This helps us keep stateful business logic encapsulated inside the store.
Formatting and linting is handled by Prettier and ESLint respectively.
Formatting commands:
# check only
npm run check-format
# apply formatting
npm run format
Run linter:
npm run lint
Rules are configured in:
- Prettier: .prettierrc.json
- ESLint: .eslintrc.cjs
Consult your IDE's documentation on how to integrate these rules.