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cargo tree [options]



myproject v0.1.0 (/myproject)
└── rand v0.7.3
    ├── getrandom v0.1.14
    │   ├── cfg-if v0.1.10
    │   └── libc v0.2.68
    ├── libc v0.2.68 (*)
    ├── rand_chacha v0.2.2
    │   ├── ppv-lite86 v0.2.6
    │   └── rand_core v0.5.1
    │       └── getrandom v0.1.14 (*)
    └── rand_core v0.5.1 (*)
└── cc v1.0.50


这个-e标志可用于选择要显示的依赖项类型。“features”类更改输出,以显示每个依赖项启用的特性。例如cargo tree -e features:

myproject v0.1.0 (/myproject)
└── log feature "serde"
    └── log v0.4.8
        ├── serde v1.0.106
        └── cfg-if feature "default"
            └── cfg-if v0.1.10

在这棵树上,myproject取决于logserde特色log反过来取决于cfg-if具有“默认”功能。使用时-e features使用它可能会有所帮助-i标志以显示功能如何流入包中。有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的示例。


Tree Options

-i spec
--invert spec
Show the reverse dependencies for the given package. This flag will invert the tree and display the packages that depend on the given package.

Note that in a workspace, by default it will only display the package's reverse dependencies inside the tree of the workspace member in the current directory. The --workspace flag can be used to extend it so that it will show the package's reverse dependencies across the entire workspace. The -p flag can be used to display the package's reverse dependencies only with the subtree of the package given to -p.

--prune spec
Prune the given package from the display of the dependency tree.
--depth depth
Maximum display depth of the dependency tree. A depth of 1 displays the direct dependencies, for example.
Do not de-duplicate repeated dependencies. Usually, when a package has already displayed its dependencies, further occurrences will not re-display its dependencies, and will include a (*) to indicate it has already been shown. This flag will cause those duplicates to be repeated.
Show only dependencies which come in multiple versions (implies --invert). When used with the -p flag, only shows duplicates within the subtree of the given package.

It can be beneficial for build times and executable sizes to avoid building that same package multiple times. This flag can help identify the offending packages. You can then investigate if the package that depends on the duplicate with the older version can be updated to the newer version so that only one instance is built.

-e kinds
--edges kinds
The dependency kinds to display. Takes a comma separated list of values:

  • all — Show all edge kinds.
  • normal — Show normal dependencies.
  • build — Show build dependencies.
  • dev — Show development dependencies.
  • features — Show features enabled by each dependency. If this is the only kind given, then it will automatically include the other dependency kinds.
  • no-normal — Do not include normal dependencies.
  • no-build — Do not include build dependencies.
  • no-dev — Do not include development dependencies.
  • no-proc-macro — Do not include procedural macro dependencies.

The normal, build, dev, and all dependency kinds cannot be mixed with no-normal, no-build, or no-dev dependency kinds.

The default is normal,build,dev.

--target triple
Filter dependencies matching the given target-triple. The default is the host platform. Use the value all to include all targets.

Tree Formatting Options

--charset charset
Chooses the character set to use for the tree. Valid values are "utf8" or "ascii". Default is "utf8".
-f format
--format format
Set the format string for each package. The default is "{p}".

This is an arbitrary string which will be used to display each package. The following strings will be replaced with the corresponding value:

  • {p} — The package name.
  • {l} — The package license.
  • {r} — The package repository URL.
  • {f} — Comma-separated list of package features that are enabled.
  • {lib} — The name, as used in a use statement, of the package's library.
--prefix prefix
Sets how each line is displayed. The prefix value can be one of:

  • indent (default) — Shows each line indented as a tree.
  • depth — Show as a list, with the numeric depth printed before each entry.
  • none — Show as a flat list.

Package Selection



-p spec...
--package spec...
Display only the specified packages. See cargo-pkgid(1) for the SPEC format. This flag may be specified multiple times and supports common Unix glob patterns like *, ? and []. However, to avoid your shell accidentally expanding glob patterns before Cargo handles them, you must use single quotes or double quotes around each pattern.
Display all members in the workspace.
--exclude SPEC...
Exclude the specified packages. Must be used in conjunction with the --workspace flag. This flag may be specified multiple times and supports common Unix glob patterns like *, ? and []. However, to avoid your shell accidentally expanding glob patterns before Cargo handles them, you must use single quotes or double quotes around each pattern.

Manifest Options

--manifest-path path
Path to the Cargo.toml file. By default, Cargo searches for the Cargo.toml file in the current directory or any parent directory.
Either of these flags requires that the Cargo.lock file is up-to-date. If the lock file is missing, or it needs to be updated, Cargo will exit with an error. The --frozen flag also prevents Cargo from attempting to access the network to determine if it is out-of-date.

These may be used in environments where you want to assert that the Cargo.lock file is up-to-date (such as a CI build) or want to avoid network access.

Prevents Cargo from accessing the network for any reason. Without this flag, Cargo will stop with an error if it needs to access the network and the network is not available. With this flag, Cargo will attempt to proceed without the network if possible.

Beware that this may result in different dependency resolution than online mode. Cargo will restrict itself to crates that are downloaded locally, even if there might be a newer version as indicated in the local copy of the index. See the cargo-fetch(1) command to download dependencies before going offline.

May also be specified with the net.offline config value.

Feature Selection


查看the features documentation更多细节。

--features features
Space or comma separated list of features to activate. Features of workspace members may be enabled with package-name/feature-name syntax. This flag may be specified multiple times, which enables all specified features.
Activate all available features of all selected packages.
Do not activate the default feature of the selected packages.

Display Options

Use verbose output. May be specified twice for "very verbose" output which includes extra output such as dependency warnings and build script output. May also be specified with the term.verbose config value.
Do not print cargo log messages. May also be specified with the term.quiet config value.
--color when
Control when colored output is used. Valid values:

  • auto (default): Automatically detect if color support is available on the terminal.
  • always: Always display colors.
  • never: Never display colors.

May also be specified with the term.color config value.

Common Options

If Cargo has been installed with rustup, and the first argument to cargo begins with +, it will be interpreted as a rustup toolchain name (such as +stable or +nightly). See the rustup documentation for more information about how toolchain overrides work.
Prints help information.
-Z flag
Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo. Run cargo -Z help for details.


查看the reference有关Cargo读取的环境变量的详细信息。


  • 0:Cargo成功。
  • 101:Cargo未能完成。


  1. 在当前目录中显示包的目录树:


  2. 显示所有依赖于syn包:

    货运树-i syn

  3. 显示每个软件包上启用的功能:


  4. 显示多次生成的所有包。如果树中出现多个semver不兼容的版本(如1.0.0和2.0.0),可能会发生这种情况。

    cargo tree -d
  5. 解释为什么为syn包:

    cargo tree -e features -i syn

    这个-e features标志用于显示特征。这个-i标志用于反转图形,以便显示依赖于syn.这将显示什么的示例:

    syn v1.0.17
    ├── syn feature "clone-impls"
    │   └── syn feature "default"
    │       └── rustversion v1.0.2
    │           └── rustversion feature "default"
    │               └── myproject v0.1.0 (/myproject)
    │                   └── myproject feature "default" (command-line)
    ├── syn feature "default" (*)
    ├── syn feature "derive"
    │   └── syn feature "default" (*)
    ├── syn feature "full"
    │   └── rustversion v1.0.2 (*)
    ├── syn feature "parsing"
    │   └── syn feature "default" (*)
    ├── syn feature "printing"
    │   └── syn feature "default" (*)
    ├── syn feature "proc-macro"
    │   └── syn feature "default" (*)
    └── syn feature "quote"
        ├── syn feature "printing" (*)
        └── syn feature "proc-macro" (*)




cargo(1), cargo-metadata(1)