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Restore errors and warnings

Justin Emgarten edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 19 revisions

This document contains a list of all warnings and errors that may occur during restore.

Updated Errors in 4.3.0

Missing packages and projects



The package id cannot be found on any sources.

Common causes

The correct package source is missing or the package id has a typo.


Unable to find package 'a'. No packages exist with this id in source(s):,



The package id is found but a version within the specified dependency range cannot be found on any of the sources.

Common causes

The correct package source is missing or the dependency range is incorrect. The range might be specified by a package and not the user.

The user may need to switch to an available version if this package is referenced by the project directly.


Unable to find package 'a' with version >= 1.0.0
  - Found 2839 version(s) in  [ Nearest version: 1.0.0-beta ]
  - Found 0 version(s) in



No stable versions were found in the dependency range. Pre-release versions were found but are not allowed.

Common causes

The project specified a stable version for the dependency range. Users need to change this to include pre-release versions.


Unable to find a stable package 'a' with version >= 1.0.0
  - Found 2839 version(s) in  [ Nearest version: 1.0.0-beta ]
  - Found 0 version(s) in



A ProjectReference points to a file that does not exist.

Common causes

The project file is missing from disk or the reference is incorrect.


Project reference does not exist 'c:\a.csproj'. Check that the project reference is valid and that the project file exists.



The project file exists but no restore information was provided for it.

Common causes

In Visual Studio this could mean that the project is unloaded. From the command line this could mean that the file is corrupt or that it does not contain the custom after imports target needed for restore to read the project.


Unable to read project information for 'c:\a.csproj'. The project file may be invalid or missing targets required for restore.

Errors in 4.2.0

Code Project Group Message Fields Comments
DependencyResolver Http The feed {0} lists package {1} but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again uri, package Feed is likely corrupt, recently added this message
NuGet.Commands resolver Failed to resolve conflicts for {0} graph
NuGet.Commands resolver Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for {0}: {1} packages combines all conflicts into a single message
NuGet.Commands compat {0} {1} provides a compile-time reference assembly for {2} on {3}, but there is no compatible run-time assembly package, framework Log_MissingImplementationFx
NuGet.Commands compat {0} {1} provides a compile-time reference assembly for {2} on {3}, but there is no run-time assembly compatible with {4} package, framework Log_MissingImplementationFxRuntime
NuGet.Commands compat Package {0} {1} is not compatible with {2} package, framework Log_PackageNotCompatibleWithFx (complete message)
NuGet.Commands compat Project {0} is not compatible with {1} project, framework Log_ProjectNotCompatibleWithFx
NuGet.Commands notfound Unable to resolve {0} for {1} project, graph A package cannot be found on the feeds. (Highest priority to improve )
NuGet.Commands resolver Cycle detected: a -> b -> a packages circular dependency
NuGet.Commands resolver Version conflict detected for {0}
NuGet.Commands summary One or more projects are incompatible with {0} project remove this?
NuGet.Commands summary One or more packages are incompatible with {0} project remove this?
NuGet.Commands input The project {0} does not specify any target frameworks in {1} project, path
NuGet.Protocol http <http exception> PromptForProxyCredentialsAsync
NuGet.Procotol http Failed to download package {0} from {1} <exception> package, source download error
NuGet.Commands package Unknown build action nuspec contains invalid contentFiles data
NuGet.Commands disk Failed to find a project to restore in the folder {0} UnauthorizedAccessException
NuGet.Commands input Ambiguous project name {0} project root project has a duplicate
NuGet.Commands internal Missing external reference metadata for {0} project project data was not provided, internal issue
NuGet.Commands input Invalid input {0}. Valid file names are project.json or *.project.json no longer needed?
NuGet.Commands input File not found {0} path input file was not found
NuGet.Protocol feed InvalidDataException {0} Url invalid registration file InvalidDataException(registrationUri.AbsoluteUri)
NuGet.Protocol feed The JSON document is not an object.
NuGet.Protocol feed The JSON document is not complete.
NuGet.Protocol feed An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for {0} from source {1} package, source exception from source
NuGet.Protocol feed Error downloading {0} from {1}
NuGet.Protocol feed The V2 feed at {0} returned an unexpected status code {1} {2}
NuGet.Protocol feed The path {0} for the selected source could not be resolved.

Warnings in 4.2.0

Code Project Group Message Fields Comments
NuGet.Build.Tasks Input Unable to find a project to restore!
NuGet.Protocol Http An invalid cache entry was found for URL {0} and will be replaced Uri thrown for any invalid data
NuGet.Protocol Http <Message from server> This contains whatever the server wants to display to the user from X-NuGet-Warning
NuGet.Protocol Http Unable to find package Package Id
NuGet.Protocol Nupkg The file {0} is corrupt path Nupkg is corrupt or unreadable
NuGet.Protocol Local The folder {0} contains an invalid version path v3 folder with invalid sub folder
NuGet.Protocol Local <File system exception message>
NuGet.Commands Input The folder {0} does not contain a project to restore path
NuGet.Commands Package Dependency specified was {0} {1} but ended up with {2} {3} packages Version bumped
NuGet.Commands Project Package {0} was restored using {1} instead the project target framework {2}. This may cause compatibility problems package, framework imports
NuGet.Commands Package Detected package downgrade: {0} from {1} to {2} package, versions Downgrade warning
NuGet.Commands Input Unknown Compatibility Profile: {0} compat profile bad input from project


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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