In this lab, you will deploy a containerized application to an Azure Container Instances.
This lab assumes you have a project set up and configured to use Azure. If you don't yet, please complete lab 1 steps 1, 2 and 3 first.
If you haven't created a stack yet, run pulumi config set azure:location westus --stack dev
to create a stack called dev
and to set your Azure region (replace westus
with the closest one).
Start with a program which defines a single resource: a Resource Group.
✅ Your initial
should look like this.
First, we'll deploy an existing publicly available Docker image to Azure Container Instances. We use the public
image. This image packages a small web app written in Node.js that serves a static HTML page.
Import the Pulumi.Azure.ContainerService
using Pulumi.Azure.ContainerService;
using Pulumi.Azure.ContainerService.Inputs;
var group = new Group("aci", new GroupArgs
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
OsType = "Linux",
Containers =
new GroupContainersArgs
Cpu = 0.5,
Image = "",
Memory = 1.5,
Name = "hello-world",
Ports =
new GroupContainersPortsArgs
Port = 80,
Protocol = "TCP"
IpAddressType = "public",
DnsNameLabel = "your-unique-label"
You need to change the value of the DnsNameLabel
to some globally unique string.
Now, declare a stack output called Endpoint
and set it to the Fqdn
(fully-qualified domain name) property of the container group.
this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"http://{group.Fqdn}");
public Output<string> Endpoint { get; set; }
✅ After these changes, your
should look like this.
Deploy the program to stand up your Azure Container Instance:
pulumi up
This will output the status and resulting public URL:
Updating (dev):
Type Name Status
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack iac-workshop-dev created
+ ├─ azure:core:ResourceGroup my-group created
+ └─ azure:containerservice:Group aci created
Endpoint: ""
+ 3 created
Duration: 1m15s
You can now open the resulting endpoint in the browser or curl it:
curl $(pulumi stack output Endpoint)
And you'll see the Welcome page from Microsoft:
<title>Welcome to Azure Container Instances!</title>
Next, let's deploy a custom container image instead of using a stock one.
You will host the custom image in your private instance of Azure Container Registry. Add the following resource to your stack:
var registry = new Registry("registry", new RegistryArgs
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
AdminEnabled = true,
Sku = "Standard"
You can build and publish Docker images from within your Pulumi program. For that, install an additional NuGet package:
dotnet add package Pulumi.Docker --version 1.2.0-preview
Now, let's add a few new files. First, app/site/index.html
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello, Pulumi!</title>
<p>Hello, containers!</p>
<p>Made with ❤️ with <a href="">Pulumi</a></p>
And next, app/Dockerfile
FROM nginx
COPY site /usr/share/nginx/html
We can package these files as a Docker image and push it into the container registry with the following resource:
var dockerImage = new Pulumi.Docker.Image("node-app", new Pulumi.Docker.ImageArgs
ImageName = Output.Format($"{registry.LoginServer}/myapp"),
Build = "./app",
Registry = new Pulumi.Docker.ImageRegistry
Server = registry.LoginServer,
Username = registry.AdminUsername,
Password = registry.AdminPassword
Replace the image name aci-helloworld
with a reference to the resulting built image:
Image = dockerImage.ImageName,
and add credentials for the container group to be able to access the registry:
ImageRegistryCredentials =
new GroupImageRegistryCredentialsArgs
Server = registry.LoginServer,
Username = registry.AdminUsername,
Password = registry.AdminPassword
The final change is to add an option to the Group
var group = new Group("aci", new GroupArgs
}, new CustomResourceOptions { DeleteBeforeReplace = true });
Note DeleteBeforeReplace
on the last line. As we changed the image name, Pulumi will have to delete the old group and create a new one. By default, Pulumi would create a new resource before deleting the old one to ensure continuity. However, because they use the same DNS name, this is not possible. The DeleteBeforeReplace
instructs the Pulumi engine to delete an old instance first and, therefore, to free up the domain name.
Alternatively, you could adjust the DnsNameLabel
property value.
✅ After these changes, your
should look like this.
Now, update the stack:
pulumi up
The output should look something like this:
Updating (dev):
Type Name Status Info
pulumi:pulumi:Stack iac-workshop-dev
+- ├─ azure:containerservice:Group aci replaced [diff: ~containers,imageRegistryCredentials]
+ ├─ docker:image:Image node-app created
+ └─ azure:containerservice:Registry registry created
Endpoint: ""
+ 2 created
+-1 replaced
3 unchanged
Duration: 1m58s
Now curl the endpoint again to see the newly updated content:
curl $(pulumi stack output Endpoint)
The result will contain the updated HTML:
<head><meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello, Pulumi!</title>
<p>Hello, containers!</p>
<p>Made with ❤️ with <a href="">Pulumi</a></p>
Don't worry if the request fails the first time: Azure Container Intances needs some time to launch the updated container. Try again in a minute.
Finally, destroy the resources and the stack itself:
pulumi destroy
pulumi stack rm
Congratulations! 🎉 You've created an Azure Container Instance, built and deployed a custom Docker container image to your service.
Next, choose amongst these labs:
- Deploying Serverless Applications with Azure Functions
- Provisioning Virtual Machines
- Deploying Containers to a Kubernetes Cluster
Or view the suggested next steps after completing all labs.