You have to build a crypto-based website that allows users to deposit funds and earn boosted liquidity for an upcoming project. The key functionalities include:
- Users can deposit between $1 and $10,000.
- Users select a lock period (in weeks) that determines how long their funds will be locked after the project launch.
- Users can deposit any cryptocurrency within the top 100 on the ETH mainnet.
- Deposited assets are swapped to USDC via Uniswap and transferred to a Gnosis Safe.
- The memo of the transaction includes the lock duration; defaults to 3 months if invalid.
- Backend processes transactions, validates memos, and stores data in a database.
- Frontend displays user-specific data (funds deposited, lock duration, etc.).
- Deployment of the website with domain linkage and database setup on Google Cloud.
- Integration of marketing efforts, including a Twitter presence.
1.1. Setup and Initial Configuration
- Task: Set up the project using the existing React sample.
- Tools: React.js, Node.js, npm/yarn.
- Action Items:
- Initialize the React project.
- Install necessary dependencies (
,Uniswap SDK
, wallet providers).
1.2. User Interface Design
- Task: Design the UI components for user interactions.
- Action Items:
- Create input fields for deposit amount ($1 - $10,000).
- Implement a dropdown menu for selecting cryptocurrencies (top 100 on ETH mainnet).
- Add input for selecting lock duration in weeks.
- Validate inputs (amount limits, valid weeks).
1.3. Wallet Integration
- Task: Integrate Bybit Wallet (or alternatives like MetaMask, WalletConnect).
- Tools: Bybit Wallet SDK, ethers.js.
- Action Items:
- Implement wallet connection functionality.
- Test wallet connections and ensure smooth user experience.
1.4. Building Swap Transactions
- Task: Integrate Uniswap to allow swapping deposited assets to USDC.
- Tools: Uniswap SDK, ethers.js.
- Action Items:
- Fetch the list of supported tokens and liquidity pools from Uniswap.
- Build functions to create swap transactions for selected tokens.
- Ensure the swap and transfer to Gnosis Safe occur in a single transaction.
- Display gas fee estimates and warnings about higher gas costs.
1.5. Transaction Memo Inclusion
- Task: Include lock duration in the transaction memo.
- Action Items:
- Append the number of lock weeks to the transaction data.
- Implement a default value of 3 months if the memo is invalid.
2.1. Setting Up the Backend Server
- Task: Create a backend server using Python Flask.
- Tools: Python 3.x, Flask, SQLite.
- Action Items:
- Initialize the Flask application.
- Set up necessary routes for API endpoints.
2.2. Database Configuration
- Task: Set up an SQLite database to store transaction data.
- Action Items:
- Define the database schema:
- User Address
- Original Asset and Amount
- USDC Amount Received
- Lock Duration (Weeks)
- Transaction Hash
- Timestamp
- Implement database connection and CRUD operations.
- Define the database schema:
2.3. Transaction Monitoring Script
- Task: Develop a Python script to monitor transactions to the Gnosis Safe.
- Tools: Etherscan API, or ethers.js (Python version).
- Action Items:
- Use Etherscan API to fetch transactions to the Gnosis Safe address.
- Parse transactions every new block or at set intervals.
- Validate the memo field (lock duration); apply default if invalid.
- Store transaction details in the SQLite database.
- Handle rate limiting by optimizing API calls.
2.4. Uniswap Pool Monitoring (Optional)
- Task: Monitor and update the list of whitelisted liquidity pools.
- Action Items:
- Set up a script to query Uniswap's subgraph for pool liquidity.
- Update the list of supported tokens based on liquidity thresholds.
3.1. Gnosis Safe Setup
- Task: Create the Gnosis Safe multi-signature wallet to receive funds.
- Tools: Gnosis Safe interface or SDK.
- Action Items:
- Collect wallet addresses of the signatories.
- Set up the Gnosis Safe with the required signing policies.
- Record the Gnosis Safe address for frontend and backend use.
3.2. ETH Mainnet/Testnet Connection
- Task: Connect the application to the ETH mainnet and a testnet for testing.
- Tools: Infura or Alchemy API keys.
- Action Items:
- Set up connections to both networks.
- Configure environment variables to switch between mainnet and testnet.
- Test transactions on testnet before deploying to mainnet.
4.1. Frontend and Backend Integration Testing
- Task: Ensure seamless communication between frontend and backend.
- Action Items:
- Test user flows: deposit, swap, memo inclusion.
- Verify that transaction data is correctly stored and retrieved.
- Check for edge cases and invalid inputs.
4.2. Swap Transaction Testing
- Task: Test swaps for multiple cryptocurrencies.
- Action Items:
- Perform test swaps with various tokens on the testnet.
- Ensure that swaps execute correctly and USDC is received.
- Handle any swap failures or exceptions.
4.3. Security Review
- Task: Conduct a basic security review.
- Action Items:
- Ensure that private keys and sensitive data are not exposed.
- Validate user inputs to prevent injection attacks.
- Review dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
5.1. Backend Deployment
- Task: Deploy the Flask backend on Google Cloud.
- Tools: Google Cloud Run or Google App Engine.
- Action Items:
- Containerize the Flask app using Docker.
- Deploy the Docker container to Google Cloud Run.
- Set up environment variables and secrets (API keys, database paths).
- Test the deployed backend API endpoints.
5.2. Database Deployment
- Task: Deploy the SQLite database.
- Action Items:
- For simplicity, package the SQLite database with the backend.
- Ensure that the database file is correctly referenced in the deployed environment.
- Consider using Google Cloud SQL if scalability is a concern.
5.3. Frontend Deployment
- Task: Deploy the React frontend.
- Tools: Vercel, Netlify, or Google Cloud Storage with Firebase Hosting.
- Action Items:
- Build the React application (
npm run build
). - Deploy the build folder to the chosen hosting service.
- Configure domain settings to point to the deployed frontend.
- Ensure HTTPS is enabled for secure connections.
- Build the React application (
5.4. Domain Linking
- Task: Link your existing domain to the deployed website.
- Action Items:
- Update DNS settings to point to the frontend hosting IP.
- Configure DNS records (A, CNAME) as required.
- Verify that the domain correctly resolves to the website.
6.1. Enabling USDT Support
- Task: Allow users to deposit USDT in addition to USDC.
- Action Items:
- Update the frontend to include USDT as a deposit option.
- Adjust backend validations to accept and process USDT transactions.
- Test USDT deposits and swaps to USDC.
6.2. User Data Display
- Task: Enhance the frontend to display user-specific data.
- Action Items:
- Create dashboard components to show:
- Total funds deposited.
- Lock duration and time remaining.
- Transaction history.
- Fetch data from the backend via API calls.
- Ensure data is updated in real-time or at regular intervals.
- Create dashboard components to show:
7.1. Social Media Presence
- Task: Establish a Twitter account for the project.
- Action Items:
- Create a new Twitter account with branding aligned to the project.
- Design profile images and banners.
- Write a compelling bio and pinned tweet explaining the project.
7.2. Twitter Integration
- Task: Automate marketing updates on Twitter.
- Tools: Twitter API v2, Tweepy (Python library).
- Action Items:
- Set up a Twitter developer account and obtain API keys.
- Write a script to post updates:
- New deposits received.
- Total funds locked milestones.
- Countdown to project launch.
- Schedule regular tweets or trigger them based on events.
7.3. Website Integration
- Task: Integrate Twitter feed into the website.
- Action Items:
- Use Twitter's embedded timelines to display recent tweets.
- Add social sharing buttons to encourage users to share.
8.1. Transaction Monitoring
- Task: Ensure continuous monitoring of transactions.
- Action Items:
- Set up alerts for any failures in transaction processing.
- Monitor logs for any errors or exceptions.
8.2. Database Backup
- Task: Implement a backup strategy for the SQLite database.
- Action Items:
- Schedule regular backups of the database file.
- Store backups securely, possibly on Google Cloud Storage.
8.3. Scalability Planning
- Task: Prepare for increased user activity.
- Action Items:
- Consider migrating from SQLite to a more robust database like PostgreSQL if needed.
- Optimize code for performance.
- Frontend:
- React.js
- ethers.js
- Uniswap SDK
- Bybit Wallet SDK or alternatives
- Backend:
- Python Flask
- SQLite
- or ethers.js (Python)
- Etherscan API
- Tweepy (for Twitter integration)
- Blockchain Interaction:
- ETH Mainnet/Testnet
- Gnosis Safe SDK
- Uniswap Protocol
- Deployment:
- Google Cloud Platform
- Docker
- Vercel or Netlify (optional for frontend)
- Marketing:
- Twitter API v2
- Social media management tools (optional)
Time Constraints:
- Prioritize core functionalities that must be completed within two days.
- Optional features like Uniswap pool monitoring can be scheduled for after initial deployment.
Technical Challenges:
- Uniswap Integration: If difficulties arise, limit supported tokens to a smaller list where swaps are tested.
- Wallet Integration: If Bybit Wallet integration is complex, consider using MetaMask or WalletConnect temporarily.
- Allocate sufficient time on Day 2 for thorough testing.
- Engage team members or friends to perform user acceptance testing.
first step:
- Set up React project and install dependencies.
- Design UI components and validate user inputs.
- Integrate wallet functionality.
- Implement Uniswap swap functionality in the frontend.
- Include memo in transactions.
- Set up Flask backend and SQLite database.
- Develop transaction monitoring script.
- Set up Gnosis Safe and collect signatory wallets.
- Configure ETH mainnet/testnet connections.
second step:
- Test frontend and backend integration.
- Perform swap transaction tests.
- Conduct security review.
- Deploy backend on Google Cloud.
- Deploy frontend and link domain.
- Enable USDT support.
- Enhance user data display on the frontend.
- Create Twitter account and set up branding.
- Implement Twitter automation scripts.
- Integrate Twitter feed into the website.
- Monitor and test the live application.