NEO Blockchain C# Developers Center of Excellence
The neo-csharpcoe
project is an "umbrella" project for several initiatives related to providing tools and libraries (code), frameworks, how-to documentation, and best practices for enterprise application development using .NET/C#, C#.NEO and the NEO Blockchain software platform.
The neo-csharpcoe
is an independent, free, open source project that is 100% community-supported by people like yourself through your contributions of time, energy, passion, promotion, and donations.
To learn more about contributing to the neo-csharpcoe
, click here.
The purpose of this section is to document how to reset your NEO privatenet environment: container and clients; for example, when you run out of gas.
- Being able to reset your NEO privatenet environment as quickly as possible
- Provide reliable documentation: timely, accurate, visual, and complete
- Save as much of a person's time as possible
- Use open source software whenever possible
- Need in the NEO .NET developer community to have concise and easy-to-follow documentation to enable people to get up to speed developing NEO smart contracts in as short a time as possible
- Stop all of your NEO client apps that may be using the NEO Docker container (e.g. neo-cli, neo-gui, ...).
- Reset the the NEO Docker container by running the following script:
Script: NEO Docker Restart (./scripts/neodockerreset.bat.txt)
docker container list docker stop neo-privnet-with-gas docker container list docker rm neo-privnet-with-gas docker container list docker run -d --name neo-privnet-with-gas -p 20333-20336:20333-20336/tcp -p 30333-30336:30333-30336/tcp metachris/neo-privnet-with-gas docker container list pause
- Delete all of your wallets you used with the NEO privatenet. They will need to be recreated anyway.
NOTE: Be very careful to only delete wallets used with the NEO privatenet - not your mainnet wallets.
NOTE: Rather than delete your wallet files, consider moving them to a subfolder (e.g. folder wallets-old
- Delete all of your client app's blockchain database folders.
- Delete all of your client app's
files. - If it is a Visual Studio development project, delete the entire
- After the preceding tasks are complete, the reset is complete. You can rebuild/start your NEO privatenet client apps.
- NEO Docker Download/Install/Run (./scripts/neodockerinstall.bat.txt)
- NEO Docker Stop/Remove (./scripts/neodockeruninstall.bat.txt)
- NEO Docker Start (./scripts/neodockerstart.bat.txt)
- NEO Docker Stop (./scripts/neodockerstop.bat.txt)
- NEO Docker Restart (./scripts/neodockerrestart.bat.txt)
- NEO Docker Reset (./scripts/neodockerreset.bat.txt
- NEO Docker Python CLI/Shell (./scripts/neodockerpshell.bat.txt)
- N/A