NeXt UI toolkit is an HTML5/JavaScript based toolkit for network web application. It provides a network centric topology UI component featuring high performance and rich functionality. NeXt can display large complex network topologies, aggregated network nodes, traffic/path/tunnel/group visualizations and it includes different layout algorithms, map overlays, and preset user friendly interactions. NeXt can work together with DLUX to build ODL apps.
Homepage :
UI Toolkit Quicklook :
Current version : 0.9
- Large complex network topologies
- Aggregated network nodes
- Traffic/path/tunnel/group visualizations
- Different layout algorithms
- Map overlays
- Preset user-friendly interactions
|- css/
| |- next.css // next stylesheet file
| |- next.min.css // minimized stylesheet file
| |- next-componentized.css
| |- next-componentized.min.css
|- js
| |- next.js // next js library
| |- next.min.js // minimized js library
|- fonts/ // font resources foler
| doc/ //APi manual
- Create a HTML file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/next.css">
<script src="js/next.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//next code
- Edit next code
// Initialize a topology component
var topo = new nx.graphic.Topology({
// Create new app
var app = new nx.ui.Application();
// Attach topo to app
- Open html file with Chrome
Tutorials :
Opendaylight sample code intergrate DLUX with NeXt:
Git :
In order to build NeXt from sources, you must have Node.js installed.
After that, make sure to have Grunt installed. To do so, run:
npm install grunt
npm install
to install npm modulesgrunt
to build from sources
Here we feature a few customers who choose NeXt framework as their topology visualization tool and use it in their products.
Are you next?
- Aikepaer Abuduweili ([email protected])
- Kang Li ([email protected])
- Alexei Zverev ([email protected])
- Xu Yangyang([email protected])