builds the branch flow constraints using JuMP. The intent of this package is to allow users to build mathematical programs that include BranchFlowModel constraints. No objective is added to the JuMP model in this package and so solving any problem defined by the constraints built by BranchFlowModel.jl is a feasibility problem. Dictionaries of constraints are provided so that one can delete and/or modify the base constraints to fit their problem.
This package is under development. Contributions are welcome via fork and pull request.
Inputs are defined using CommonOPF.Network
Building a Model
— Functionbuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{SinglePhase})
Add variables and constraints to m
using the values in net
. Calls the following functions:
add_variables(m, net)
+User Documentation · BranchFlowModel BranchFlowModel.jl
builds the branch flow constraints using JuMP. The intent of this package is to allow users to build mathematical programs that include BranchFlowModel constraints. No objective is added to the JuMP model in this package and so solving any problem defined by the constraints built by BranchFlowModel.jl is a feasibility problem. Dictionaries of constraints are provided so that one can delete and/or modify the base constraints to fit their problem.
Warning This package is under development. Contributions are welcome via fork and pull request.
Inputs are defined using CommonOPF.Network
Building a Model
— Functionbuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{SinglePhase})
Add variables and constraints to m
using the values in net
. Calls the following functions:
add_variables(m, net)
constrain_power_balance(m, net)
constrain_substation_voltage(m, net)
constrain_KVL(m, net)
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
constrain_cone(m, net)
constrain_bilinear(m, net)
sourcebuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{MultiPhase}, mtype::ModelType=Semidefinite)
Top-level builder that dispatches the ModelType enum TODO make default mtype Unrelaxed (and define the methods)
sourcebuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{MultiPhase}, ::Val{Semidefinite})
Add variables and constraints to m
using the values in net
. Calls the following functions:
add_sdp_variables(m, net)
sourcebuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{MultiPhase}, mtype::ModelType=Semidefinite)
Top-level builder that dispatches the ModelType enum TODO make default mtype Unrelaxed (and define the methods)
sourcebuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{MultiPhase}, ::Val{Semidefinite})
Add variables and constraints to m
using the values in net
. Calls the following functions:
add_sdp_variables(m, net)
constrain_power_balance(m, net)
-constrain_KVL(m, net)
sourcebuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{MultiPhase}, ::Val{Unrelaxed})
Add variables and constraints to m
using the values in net
to make an unrelaxed branch flow model. Calls the following functions:
add_bfm_variables(m, net)
-constrain_bfm_nlp(m, net)
Single Phase Model
Let m
be the JuMP.Model provided by the user, then the variables can be accessed via:
voltage magnitude squared, indexed on bussesm[:p0], m[:q0]
net real, reactive power injection at the substation busm[:Pij], m[:Qij]
net real, reactive line flow, indexed on edgesm[:lij]
current magnitude squared, indexed on edges
After a model has been solved using JuMP.optimize!
variable values can be extracted with JuMP.value
. For more see Getting started with JuMP.
MultiPhase Model
The definition of the multiphase variables is done in model_multi_phase.jl
as follows:
# voltage squared is Hermitian
+constrain_KVL(m, net)
sourcebuild_bfm!(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, net::Network{MultiPhase}, ::Val{Unrelaxed})
Add variables and constraints to m
using the values in net
to make an unrelaxed branch flow model. Calls the following functions:
add_bfm_variables(m, net)
+constrain_bfm_nlp(m, net)
Single Phase Model
Let m
be the JuMP.Model provided by the user, then the variables can be accessed via:
voltage magnitude squared, indexed on bussesm[:p0], m[:q0]
net real, reactive power injection at the substation busm[:Pij], m[:Qij]
net real, reactive line flow, indexed on edgesm[:lij]
current magnitude squared, indexed on edges
After a model has been solved using JuMP.optimize!
variable values can be extracted with JuMP.value
. For more see Getting started with JuMP.
MultiPhase Model
The definition of the multiphase variables is done in model_multi_phase.jl
as follows:
# voltage squared is Hermitian
m[:w] = Dict{Int64, S}()
# current squared is Hermitian
m[:l] = Dict{Int64, S}()
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
# Hermitian PSD matrices
m[:H] = Dict{Int64, S}()
where the first key is for the time index and the inner Dict
S = Dict{String, AbstractVecOrMat}
has string keys for either bus names or edge names.
Accessing and Modifying Constraints
Let the JuMP.Model provided by the user be called m
. Some constraints are stored in the model dict as anonymous constraints with symbol keys.
Power Injections
BranchFlowModel.jl uses the convention that power injections are positive (and loads are negative). If no load is provided for a given bus (and phase) then the real and reactive power injections at that bus (and phase) are set to zero with an equality constraint.
All power injection constraints are stored in m[:injection_equalities]
. The constraints are indexed in the following order:
- by bus name (string), as provided in
; - by
or "q"
for real and reactive power respectively; - by phase number (integer); and
- by time (integer).
For example, m[:injection_equalities]["680"]["p"][2][1]
contains the constraint reference for the power injection equality constraint for bus "680", real power, in time step 2, on phase 1.
If one wished to replace any constraint one must first delete the constraint using the delete
function. For example:
delete(m, m[:cons][:injection_equalities]["680"]["p"][1])
Note that the time index was not provided in the delete
command in this example, which implies that the equality constraints for all time steps were deleted. One can also delete individual time step constraints by providing the time index.
The deleted constraints can then be replaced with a new set of constraints. For example:
m[:cons][:injection_equalities]["680"]["p"][1] = @constraint(m, [t in 1:net.Ntimesteps],
m[:Pj]["680",1,t] == -1e3 / net.Sbase
where net
is the CommonOPF.Network
struct for the problem of interest. Note that it is not necessary to store the new constraints in the m[:cons][:injection_equalities]
See the JuMP documentation for more on deleting constraints.
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.5.0 on Saturday 10 August 2024. Using Julia version 1.8.5.
where net
is the CommonOPF.Network
struct for the problem of interest. Note that it is not necessary to store the new constraints in the m[:cons][:injection_equalities]
See the JuMP documentation for more on deleting constraints.