ep_weave is a plugin to use Etherpad like a wiki.
In this environment, you can easily link pages to each other by defining references to different pages using #hashtag s. Also, the first line of text is handled as the title. These mechanisms are inspired by Squeak Swiki https://wiki.squeak.org/squeak and Scrapbox https://scrapbox.io/.
Use docker-compose to try ep_weave. Run the container as described below and access http://localhost:9001 . Then click the [New Pad] button to create a new page.
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
You can configure the following settings in settings.json.
"ep_weave": {
"basePath": "/ep_weave",
"initialPadsPath": "/pads.d"
- basePath: The base path of the etherpad. The default is "". If you deploy Etherpad to a subdirectory, set the subdirectory path.
- initialPadsPath: The path to the initial pads. The default is "". When a path is set, the plugin will create an initial pad from the files in the directory specified by this path when the server is initialized. The file must be a JSON file with the
extension that has been exported from Etherpad.