Finding all Astrophysics Data System papers with ML/NLP
Full description may be found on the official Datanauts project page.
Classification with Python: 2MASS or not 2MASS?
Data collection
Data processing
Using the model
Training data provided by Luisa Rebull, listing articles, manual determination of whether the dataset used 2MASS, and whether the paper gave proper attribution to the dataset through citing the Skrutskie et al paper. The text for each article was extracted from PDFs found on the physics arXiv; not all articles were available from this source.
The raw datasets from Luisa Rebull were transformed into a tidy format (data/fulldata.csv) with
Fetch PDFs of papers listed in fulldata.csv with getthempdfs in Run these through pdf_to_text to get the parsed text, then through pdf_text_save to extract the bulk of the article (excluding references and abstract). then converts string-filled columns to dummy variables to train sklearn models.
nlprocess uses TF-IDF and Count Vectorizer to bring out words (tokens) that are most descriptive of the texts.
Stemming did not seem to affect the accuracy of the model, so for simplicity I recommend against stemming here. The model that best predicted the test set (81.1% accuracy) after using GridSearch to find parameters on different model types was a Naive Bayes. This model left out the variable containing whether the paper cited Skrutskie et al, alpha = 0.001, use_idf = True, ngram of 1.
This accuracy held as best, even after creating a custom tokenizer.
Run imports from, then lines 16-30 to create a clean dataset with a training and test set. Initialize tf-idf and Count Vectorizer, then fit/transform the data.
count_vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,1))
tfidf = TfidfTransformer(use_idf=True)
simplex_train_count = count_vect.fit_transform(simplex_train)
simplex_train_tfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(simplex_train_count)
simplex_test_count = count_vect.transform(simplex_test) #use transform for all test inputs
simplex_test_tfidf = tfidf.transform(simplex_test_count)
Train the model below. Use accuracy_score to find the ~80% accuracy.
y_pred_nb = nbmodel.predict(simplex_test_tfidf)
accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_nb)
Similarly, predict whether a new article uses 2MASS by running the article's body text through CountVectorizer and tfidf. A prediction of 0 from the model means the article likely does not use 2MASS data.
new_data_predictions = nbmodel.predict(new_data_text)
Many thanks to the Datanauts program and its participants for all your support and camaraderie. This project was conducted on Iroquois land in Western Pennsylvania.