v1.1.0 (2021-04-13)
- Update DOI UI and Service with new workflow for operational deployment #125
- site_url error when we submit on OSTI test server #168
- The url /dois/{lidvid} should still return XML in the record attribute #159
- draft OSTI label #154
- when doing draft with warnings (e.g. duplicated title) the -f option does not help #150
- when release command keywords are broken with encoded characters #143
- api does not ignore '/' at the end of url #141
- Raise a specific exception when the OSTI server is not reachable #119
Other closed issues:
- As an API user I want to filter on lidvids with wildcards #177
- Analyze/Test the dataCite API for dataCite #170
- As a user, I want to see the lidvid of my DOIs in the email report #167
- Add service to API for update of the status of records with OSTI (check sub command) #165
- Implement Application Server to wrap Flask service #162
- When a pds4 label or osti can not be parsed generate error 400 in API #157
- API POST /dois should accept DOI OSTI format in payload #148
- enable filter by status in sub-action 'pds-doi-cmd list' #144
- Update submission to OSTI to handle the removal of a field from the OSTI metadata #140
v1.1.0-dev (2021-02-03)
- Develop User Access / Management Strategy #91
- xlsx file extension for reserve not supported #138
- 'pds-doi-cmd draft' chokes on a legit Product_Document #129
Other closed issues:
- Update API to deactivate 'release' end point, create a 'submit' end-point #135
- Update draft action with new option --lidvid to change from review to draft the status of a DOI #134
- Update release action with --no-review option, make 'with review' default behavior #133
- Update status management in code with Enumeration #132
- Document the security requirements for operational installation of DOI Service #124
v1.0.2-dev (2020-12-10)
- API Implementation for DOI Service #52
- command pds-doi-cmd list returns update date in timestamp instead of iso8601 #128
- update_date management #127
- get /dois/{lidvid} #126
- the sqllite database should be created at the same location, whereever the command are launched from #122
Other closed issues:
- validate the submitted OSTI record against a schema #56
v9.8.7 (2020-11-24)
v1.0.1 (2020-11-24)
- GET /dois must support empty vid field #121
- configuration files are not well deployed #115
- Be more specific about the supported python version or extend tests #92
Other closed issues:
- Extraction of the OSTI XML in /dois?... GET requests #116
- Draft action: read the doi from the pds4 label #114
- Add force argument to the /dois POST function #113
- allow to post PDS4 labels in the payload (for draft) #107
- Add exception name in the error messages #106
- Complete get DOIS criterias with the arguments proposed in command line #105
- Add PUT DOI to the API (for updates) #101
- Add GET DOI to the API #100
- Be explicit in the install documentation about the test/prod osti server configuration #98
- Develop API specification in SwaggerHub #80
- Add Release DOI function to API #79
- Add POST Reserve xslx/csv DOI function to API #78
- Add POST PDS4 or OSTI DOI label to API #77
- Mock web UI for DOI management #67
- Add Status / Query component to API #38
1.0.0 (2020-10-13)
- Write procedure documentation #83
- initialize production deployment with pre-existing dois #71
- Revise DOI Service Requirements #65
- Develop operational documentation and test suite #40
- node is not provided as contributor in the reserve records #72
Other closed issues:
- Update to use pds round-up github action #94
- End to end behave test #82
- add check to ensure landing page is online prior to DOI release #70
- Revise requirements to ensure scope is being met #64
- Develop DOI Service Scope #63
- Add configuration documentation #60
- Perform benchmark tests between original prototype software and new system #44
- Develop simple regression test suite for deployment #41
0.0.8-dev (2020-09-10)
0.0.7-dev (2020-09-10)
0.0.6-dev (2020-09-10)
0.0.5-dev (2020-09-10)
0.0.4-dev (2020-09-10)
- Update default DOI metadata according to changes in requirements #55
Other closed issues:
- create full_name when first/last name cannot be parsed #58
0.0.3-dev (2020-08-18)
Other closed issues:
- Update documentation for operational installation and usage #42
- Develop DOI metadata automated validation component #18
0.0.2-dev (2020-08-06)
0.0.3 (2020-07-31)
0.0.2 (2020-07-31)
- Re-organize and clean-up code to meet coding standards #28
- Develop DOI Status / Query component #27
- Implement initial DOI database and management #26
- DOI Batch Processing capability #25
- Update Released DOI capability #24
- Release DOI capability #22
Other closed issues:
- Implement the command line and parser to release a doi #46
- Develop Pending DOI Handler component for iteratively querying OSTI for DOI status until status change #33
- Develop Status / Query capability for querying database and return JSON #32
- Develop maintain internal database of DOI requests #31
- Develop ability to maintain a transaction log database #29
- Develop Status / Query API and component for OSTI status of a DOI #4
- document requirements and tests #3
0.0.1-dev (2020-05-08)
- Reserve a DOI capability #21
- Develop draft PDS Policy for Assigning DOIs #20
- Design REST API and JSON response #19
- Create / Draft a DOI object capability #2
- Develop initial requirements and design for DOI Service #1
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator