Thank you for your interest in contributing to MMA! We welcome all contributions that improve our project. Before getting started, please ensure you've read our project's Gitbook documentation. Should you have any questions, feel free to submit an issue in the repository or reach out to one of the maintainers directly.
To report a minor bug or issue, please [open an issue] in the repository, providing as much detail as possible to help reproduce the issue. Feel free to create and submit a pull request to rectify minor issues you come across such as documentation errors, typos, or minor bugs.
For feature requests or significant changes or enhancements to the protocol, please first submit an issue to the repository for discussion. This will allow us to discuss your proposed changes and ensure they align with the project's goals before you begin working on a pull request.
If you want to contribute code or documentation to the project, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the project repository and clone it to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and test them thoroughly.
- Ensure that your changes are well-documented.
- Create a pull request and explain your changes in detail.
- Code review
- All code changes will be reviewed by the project maintainers. The maintainers may ask for additional changes, and once the changes have been approved, they will be merged into the main branch.
Testing: All code changes must be thoroughly tested. Please ensure that your tests cover all new functionality and edge cases. Use the forge coverage tool to ensure that changes have adequate code coverage.
License: By contributing to the project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's LICENSE.