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You are given a string word of size n, and an integer k such that k divides n.

In one operation, you can pick any two indices i and j, that are divisible by k, then replace the substring of length k starting at i with the substring of length k starting at j. That is, replace the substring word[i..i + k - 1] with the substring word[j..j + k - 1].

Return the minimum number of operations required to make word k-periodic.

We say that word is k-periodic if there is some string s of length k such that word can be obtained by concatenating s an arbitrary number of times. For example, if word == “ababab”, then word is 2-periodic for s = "ab".


Example 1:

Input: word = "leetcodeleet", k = 4

Output: 1


We can obtain a 4-periodic string by picking i = 4 and j = 0. After this operation, word becomes equal to "leetleetleet".

Example 2:

Input: word = "leetcoleet", k = 2

Output: 3


We can obtain a 2-periodic string by applying the operations in the table below.

i j word
0 2 etetcoleet
4 0 etetetleet
6 0 etetetetet



  • 1 <= n == word.length <= 105
  • 1 <= k <= word.length
  • k divides word.length.
  • word consists only of lowercase English letters.