set -euo pipefail
source "args.sh"
args_set_description "example" "of" "description"
args_set_epilog "example of epilog"
args_add_argument \
--help "take the first argument" \
--dest "ARG1" \
--required \
-- "ARG1"
args_add_argument \
--help="print hello" \
--action="store_true" \
--dest="DO_HELLO" \
-- "-p" "--print-hello"
args_add_argument \
--help="help of option" \
--metavar="VALUE" \
--default="24" \
-- "--option"
args_parse_arguments "$@"
echo "'ARG1' argument from dest ${ARG1:-}"
echo "'ARG1' argument from map ${ARGS[ARG1]}"
echo "'--option' option from map ${ARGS[option]}"
if ${DO_HELLO:-false}; then
echo "Hello world"
$ ./example/quickstart.sh
./example/quickstart.sh: argument 'ARG1' is required
$ ./example/quickstart.sh -h
usage: quickstart.sh [-h] [-p] [--option VALUE] -- ARG1
example of description
positional arguments:
ARG1 take the first argument
optional arguments:
-h, --help print this help message
-p, --print-hello print hello
--option VALUE help of option
example of epilog
$ ./example/quickstart.sh 42
'ARG1' argument from dest 42
'ARG1' argument from map 42
'--option' option from map 24
$ ./example/quickstart.sh 42 -p
'ARG1' argument from dest 42
'ARG1' argument from map 42
'--option' option from map 24
Hello world
$ ./example/quickstart.sh 42 -p --option 42
'ARG1' argument from dest 42
'ARG1' argument from map 42
'--option' option from map 42
Hello world