The reference implementation of the local proxy provides features that may require OS facilities not available on all device runtime environments in the industry. This guide provides details about the communication that occurs between the service and client to enable integration without or beyond the local proxy reference implementation choices. This protocol guide is only applicable for v2 local proxy.
In order to properly connect with and interpret messages from the AWS IoT Secure Tunneling service, the bare minimum is required:
Communications Protocols:
- Websocket protocol (RFC6455) over TCP/IP
- TLS 1.1+
Data processing
- ProtocolBuffers library
- Message size requirements are dependent on tunnel peer message sizes
The AWS IoT Secure Tunneling's usage of WebSocket is in part a subprotocol as defined by RFC6455, and there are additional restrictions when communicating with the service called out in this document. The data messages on top of WebSocket use ProtocolBuffers with a 2-byte length prefix. The messages themselves carry data and communicate tunnel connectivity information to enable tunnel clients to leverage full duplex communication. The protocol is designed to adapt TCP socket operations over a tunnel, but it is not limited to being used only for TCP based client or server applications. It is possible to implement the protocol directly and provide a network library or API to use directly in a napplication rather than a standalone process. This guide is intended to assist in those interested in directly interfacing with the WebSocket layer of AWS IoT Secure Tunneling. This document is not a programming guide so it is expected that you are familiar with the following:
- AWS IoT Secure Tunneling service and its major concepts. Particularly the local proxy
- HTTP and WebSocket and how to use it in your preferred language and API (connect, send, and receive data)
- ProtocolBuffers and how to use it in your preferred language (generate code, parse messages, create messages)
- Conceptual familiarity with TCP sockets, and ideally API familiarity in your preferred language
The handshake performed to connect to a AWS IoT Secure Tunneling server is a standard WebSocket protocol handshake with additional requirements on the HTTP request. These requirements ensure proper access to a tunnel given a client access token:
- The tunneling service only accepts connections secured with TLS 1.1 or higher
- The HTTP path of the upgrade request must be
. Requests made to any other path will result in a 400 HTTP response - There must be a URL parameter
specifying the tunnel connection (local proxy) mode. The value of this parameter must besource
- There must be an access token specified in the request either via cookie, or an HTTP request header
- Set the access token via HTTP request header named 'access-token' or via cookie named 'awsiot-tunnel-token'
- Only one token value may be present in the request. Supplying multiple values for either the access-token header or the cookie, or both combined will cause the handshake to fail.
- Local proxy mode must match the mode of the access token or the handshake will fail.
- The HTTP request size must not exceed 4k bytes in length. Requests larger than this will be rejected
- The 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' header must contain at least one valid protocol string based on what is supported by the service
- Valid value: 'aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0'
An example URI of where to connect is as follows:
The regional endpoint selected must match the region where the OpenTunnel call was made to acquire the client access tokens.
An example WebSocket handshake request coming from a local proxy:
GET /tunnel?local-proxy-mode=source HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: 9/h0zvwMEXrg06G+RjnmcA==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0
User-Agent: localproxy Mac OS 64-bit/boost-1.68.0/openssl-3.0.0/protobuf-3.6.1
An example of a handshake request coming from a browser's WebSocket client may specify the following:
GET /tunnel?local-proxy-mode=source HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: 9/h0zvwMEXrg06G+RjnmcA==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0
On success, an example of a successful handshake response is:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 20:56:03 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: upgrade
channel-id: 0ea2b3fffe6adc0e-0000125a-00005adb-c2f218c35b921565-17c807e1
upgrade: websocket
sec-websocket-accept: akN+XFrGEeDLcMVNKV9HkQCOLaE=
sec-websocket-protocol: aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0
The aspects of the response to consider above a standard successful WebSocket handshake response are:
- The
response header is a unique identifier for the WebSocket session with the service. It may be useful when troubleshooting any suspected issues through AWS Support - The 'sec-websocket-protocol' response header will contain one of the values specified in the request. That the proxy Clients must understand and properly implement the subprotocol returned in this response header to ensure valid communication over the tunnel.
After a successful WebSocket handshake with the tunneling service, full duplex communication is possible over WebSocket. Tunnel communication messages are delivered reliably and in order.
- If the handshake HTTP response code is within the 500-599 range, the client should retry using an exponential backoff retry strategy.
- If the handshake HTTP response code is within the 400-499 range, the service is rejecting the clients request, or access to the tunnel is not possible or denied. Do not retry unless the problem is understood and the request changes (i.e. use another region endpoint or different client access token)
- Many handshake error responses will contain the
header which may be helpful for AWS Support troubleshooting
While connected to the service with this protocol selected, the following restrictions apply or capabilities must be supported by clients. Violations may result in the server closing the connection abnormally, or your WebSocket client interface behaving improperly and crashing:
- WebSocket frames will not have a payload exceeding 131076 bytes from the service
- The server will not accept WebSocket frames with a payload over 131076 bytes
- WebSocket frames of up to 131076 bytes may be sent to clients
- The peer tunnel clients do not dictate WebSocket frame sizes. The service may aggregate data and construct frames of different sizes than sent from the tunnel peer
- The service will respond to WebSocket ping frames with a pong reply containing a copy of the ping frame payload
- The local proxy reference implementation uses this to measure server response latency
- Clients may need to send ping frames to keep the connection alive
- It is not an error for the proxy server to not respond to a ping frame
- Pong frames sent to the service will not illicit a response
- Ping/pong frames received by the service are included in bandwidth consumption for traffic rate limiting
- The server will not normally initiate ping requests to clients, but clients should send a pong reply
- The proxy server will not send text WebSocket frames. This protocol operates entirely with binary messages. If any text frames are received, clients SHOULD close the WebSocket connection
- All non-control WebSocket frames sent to the service must be binary
The core activity during tunneling is sending ProtocolBuffers messages back and forth carrying either data, or messages that manage the connection state (called control messages) over the WebSocket connection to the service. This WebSocket connection to the service is synonymous with being connected to the tunnel. The process to support an application data transfer successfully over the tunnel can be divided into three steps.
Local proxy will initiate a web socket handshake to connect to the tunnel, using Sec-WebSocket-Protocol aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0. The Secure Tunneling service will acknowledge this request after authentication and validation. At this point, we can say the tunnel connection is established. After this, the Secure Tunneling service will send back control message SERVICE_IDS, containing a list of service IDs used in OpenTunnel API call, specified by services in DestinationConfig. These service IDs will be used as the source of truth of what service IDs are allowed to start local proxy. Upon receving these service IDs, local proxy will validate the service IDs provided through either configuration files or command line arguements. A validation failure on service IDs will cause local proxy fails to start. Below are two possible cases:
- Service IDs received from the AWS IoT Secure Tunneling server does not match service IDs used to start local proxy. For example, in OpenTunnel API call, service IDs SSH1, SSH2 are provided. When local proxy starts, it specifies the service IDs as SSH3, through -s or -d parameter. In this case, since SSH3 does not match SSH1 and SSH2, local proxy will fail to start. Even though there is no enforcement on the naming convetion of service ID, the value of service IDs and number of service IDs have to match between OpenTunnel call and local proxy.
- Local proxy cannot find the port mapping for all the service IDs. This is more likely to happen in the destination local proxy with invalid configuration files. For example, in OpenTunnel API call, service ID SSH1, SSH2 are provided. However, no port mapping is configured for service ID SSH1, neither through configuration files nor -d parameter. Failing to find a port mapping for SSH1 will cause local proxy fails to start, as local proxy does not know where to route the traffic to. For source local proxy, this is unlikely to happen. When source local proxy fails to find port mapping for certain service ID, it will automatically pick up available port to use when it starts.
Once started successfully, source local proxy will listen for incoming connections on the configured ports. Destination local proxy, on the other hand, will wait for control message StreamStart. When client application connecting to a configured listening port, source local proxy will accept the TCP connection and sends a StreamStart message to destination local proxy, for this specific service ID. When preparing to send StreamStart message, source local proxy will also store service ID -> stream ID mapping for book keeping. If multiple ports are used to start local proxy, each stream will send its own StreamStart message when the TCP connection on the configured port is accepted. A StreamStart message contains streamID and serviceID. serviceID helps uniquely identify a service transferred over a tunnel . streamID helps to reset a stream and identify stale data.
On receiving a StreamStart, the destination local proxy will update the service ID -> Stream ID mapping and connect to the configured destination service for a service ID. The destination local proxy does not send a reply to the source local proxy on successful connection. Immediately after the source local proxy sends StreamStart and immediately after the destination establishes a valid TCP connection, each side respectively can begin to send and receive incoming messages on the active data stream. When the data stream is closed or disrupted (for the local proxy, this is a TCP close or I/O error on the TCP socket), a StreamReset control message with the currently stored stream ID and its service ID should be sent through the tunnel so the tunnel peer can react appropriately and end the data stream. Control messages associated with a stream should be processed with the same stream ID filter.
Here are some important things to know for a high-level understanding of tunneling data stream handling:
- The service may use the Service ID to decide how to route traffic between connected tunnel clients.
- For example, when local proxy received a data packet with Service ID SSH1, it will look up the configuration for SSH1 and see which port this service ID is mapped to. If SSH1 is mapped to port 22 on local host, then this data packet will be forward to port 22 on local host.
- The local proxy uses the service ID -> stream ID mapping to check the current active stream ID for a specific service ID.
- The stream ID validation for a certain stream(service ID) will only be performed on message type StreamReset and Data. If a received message failed the stream ID validation, this message is considered to be stale and will be discarded by local proxy.
- The local proxy, and library clients may use stream ID to determine how to respond to or filter incoming messages
- For example: if a source sends a StreamStart with a stream ID of 345 in response to a newly accepted TCP connection, and afterwards receives a Data message marked with stream ID of 565, that data should be ignored. It's origin is tied to a prior connection over the tunnel from the perspective of the tunnel peer that originated it
- Another example: if a source local proxy sends a StreamStart with a stream ID of 345 in response to a newly accepted TCP connection, and afterwards receives a StreamReset message marked with stream ID of 565, that message should be ignored. Only a StreamReset with a stream ID of 345 should cause the client to close its local connection
- Ending a data stream (normally or abnormally) is accomplished by either side sending a StreamReset with the stream ID that is meant to be closed
- Locally detected network failures are communicated by sending StreamReset over the tunnel using the active stream ID if one is active.
- If there is a network issue with the WebSocket connection, no control message is necessary to send. However, the active stream should be considered invalid and closed. Reconnect to the tunnel via the service and start a new stream.
WebSocket binary frames contain a sequence of tunnel frames or messages. Each data message has a 2-byte unsigned short, big endian data length prefix, followed by sequence of bytes whose length is specified by the data length. These bytes must be parsed into a ProtocolBuffers object that uses the schema shown in this document. Every message received must be processed, and should be processed in order for data stream integrity. If the order of messages is lost or cannot be understood during processing by the client, it should end the data stream with a StreamReset. Messages may control the state of the data stream, or it may contain actual stream data. Inspecting the message's type is the first step in processing a message. A single data length + bytes parsed into a ProtocolBuffers message represents an entire tunneling message frame, and the beginning of the next frame's length prefix follows immediately. This is a visual diagram of a single frame:
| 2-byte data length | N byte ProtocolBuffers message |
Tunneling message frames are very loosely coupled with WebSocket frames. It is not required that a WebSocket frame contain an entire tunneling message frame. The start and end of a WebSocket frame does not have to be aligned with a tunneling frame and vice versa. A WebSocket frame may contain multiple tunneling frames, or it may contain only a slice of a tunneling frame started in a previous WebSocket frame and will finish in a later WebSocket frame. This means that processing the WebSocket data must be done as pure a sequence of bytes that sequentially construct tunneling frames regardless of what the WebSocket fragmentation is.
Additionally, the WebSocket framing decided by one tunnel peer is not guaranteed to be the same as those received by the other side. For example, the maximum WebSocket frame size in the aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0
protocol is 131076 bytes, and the service may aggregate data to a point that aggregates multiple messages to this size into a single frame. The tunneling message frames generated by a tunnel peer are maintained by the service and cannot be aggregated or fragmented. This enables known tunnel peers to operate under more restrictive guidelines than what is valid in this protocol guide. One example of this is reducing the maximum payload of a tunneling message to 16kb down from 64kb to enable local proxy implementations to reduce the size of processing buffers.
The data that must be parsed into a ProtocolBuffers message conforms to the following schema:
syntax = "proto3";
package com.amazonaws.iot.securedtunneling;
option java_outer_classname = "Protobuf";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
message Message {
Type type = 1;
int32 streamId = 2;
bool ignorable = 3;
bytes payload = 4;
string serviceId = 5;
repeated string availableServiceIds = 6;
enum Type {
DATA = 1;
Tunneling frames (without the data length prefix) must parse into a Message object and satisfy the following rules:
- Type field must be set to a non-zero enum value. Due to ProtocolBuffers schema recommendation, the keyword 'required' is not used in the actual schema
- It is invalid for a client connected with mode=destination to send a message with Type = StreamStart over the tunnel.
- It is invalid for any client to send messages types associated with a stream (StreamStart, Data, StreamReset) with a stream ID of 0
- It is invalid for any client to send SessionReset
- They payload of any message may not contain more than 63kb (64512 bytes) of data.
- It is invalid to extend the schema with additional fields and send them through the tunnel. The service will close the WebSocket connection if this occurs
- Avoid negative stream ID numbers for message size efficiency. Stream ID of 0 is invalid
- It is invalid for any local proxy to send message types SERVICE_IDS. It can only be sent from the Secure Tunneling service.
- Change the tag numbers of exisiting field of ProtocolBuffers will cause backward compatibility issue between V1 and V2 local proxy. Fore more information, please read Extending a Protocol Buffer.
V1 local proxy protocol uses Sec-WebSocket-Protocol aws.iot.securetunneling-1.0 when communicates with AWS IoT Tunneling Service. V2 local proxy protocol uses Sec-WebSocket-Protocol aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0 when communicates with AWS IoT Tunneling Service. The communication between V1 and V2 local proxy is supported for a non-multiplexed tunnel.
- aws.iot.securetunneling-1.0 and aws.iot.securetunneling-2.0 subprotocol are interoperable.
- An empty service ID field in a message should be interpreted as service ID field is not present. This is because in protocol buffers proto3, it can not tell if a field is set with an empty string or a field is not present at all.
- Since V1 local proxy doesn't support multiplexing, data transferred using these two subprotocols can not be multiplexed. In that case, V2 local proxy needs to either use a single service ID or not send a service ID at all. Using V2 local proxy with multiple services to communicate with V1 local proxy is not supported.
- If V1 local proxy receives a message from V2 local proxy, it will ignore the service ID field.
- An empty service ID field in a received message should be interpreted as a message sent from V1 local proxy. In that case, V2 local proxy should ignore the service ID field.
- V2 local proxy is not allowed to alternate between messages with and without service ID field during the lifetime of a tunnel connection. For example, if V2 local proxy sends the first stream start without service ID, then all the subsequent messages should not contain a service ID. And vice versa, if V2 local proxy sends the first stream start with service ID, then all subsequent messages should contain the service ID field.
V2 local proxy is allowed to send messages without service ID field either using V1 protocol buffer definition, or simply setting the service ID field to an empty string using a V2 protocol buffer definition. These will be interpreted as messages from V1 local proxy.
- StreamStart is the first message sent to start and establish the new and active data stream. For local proxies, this message carries across similar meaning to a TCP SYN packet.
- When to send
- When the source tunnel client wants to initiate a new data stream with the destination, it does this by sending a StreamStart with a temporally unique stream ID and service ID. Stream ID should be chosen in a way that is unlikely to repeat through a tunnel's lifetime. Service ID is determined by which port accepts the TCP connection. For example, if you configure SSH1 to listen on port 5555, SSH2 to listen on port 6666, when the connection from port 5555 is accepted, service ID will be choosen to be SSH1.
- Behavior on receive:
- Destination local proxy should treat this as a request to initiate a new stream to a configured destination service and establish the given stream ID as the current.
- If the destination mode tunnel client already has an already open/active stream and receives a StreamStart, it should consider the current data stream to have closed and immediately start a new active stream with the new stream ID. A StreamReset MAY be sent for the replaced stream ID.
- Source mode tunnel clients SHOULD treat receiving StreamStart as an error and close the active data stream and WebSocket connection.
- Notes
- After the source client sends StreamStart, it may immediately send request data and assume the destination will connect. Failure will result in a StreamReset coming back, and success (with data response) results in receiving data on the stream ID
- Example: Message(type=STREAM_START, streamId=1, payload=, serviceId=ssh1, availableServiceIds=, ignorable=)
- StreamReset messages conveys that the data stream has ended, either in error, or closed intentionally for the tunnel peer. It is also sent to the source tunnel peer if an attempt to establish a new data stream fails on the destination side.
- When to send:
- During a stream's data transmission, if anything happens that makes it impossible to process a data stream's data correctly or in order (I/O error, logic error), a StreamReset should be sent with the active stream ID and valid service ID.
- While attempting to establish a new data stream, if the destination tunnel client fails to establish a local connection, it should send a StreamReset back over the tunnel with the requested stream ID and service ID.
- Behavior on receive:
- Both tunnel client modes should respond to a StreamReset message by closing the active data stream or connection when the stream ID matches the current stream
- After closing the current stream, the current stream ID should be unset internally
- The tunnel client SHOULD perform an orderly shutdown of the data stream or connection and flush any local connection buffers before closing
- If the receiver does not have an active stream, it is safe to ignore a StreamReset message
- Both tunnel client modes should respond to a StreamReset message by closing the active data stream or connection when the stream ID matches the current stream
- Notes
- The proxy server may generate StreamReset messages in the following scenarios:
- The tunnel peer is replaced (likely has reconnected) by a new peer bearing a valid access token
- An internal error has disrupted the internal routing for the tunnel
- The proxy server may generate StreamReset messages in the following scenarios:
- Example: Message(type=STREAM_RESET, streamId=1, payload=, serviceId=ssh1, availableServiceIds=, ignorable=)
- SessionReset messages can only originate from Secure Tunneling service if an internal data transmission error is detected
- When to send:
- N/A - tunnel client cannot send this message through the service
- Behavior on receive:
- This message should be handled the same as StreamReset except that it carries no stream ID association so any active stream should be closed
- Notes
- This message type should rarely be observed.
- If the receiver does not have an active stream, it is safe to ignore a SessionReset message
- Example: Message(type=SESSION_RESET, streamId=, payload=, serviceId=, availableServiceIds=, ignorable=)
- Data messages carry a payload with a sequence of bytes to write to the active data stream when received by local proxy. When local proxy reads data from its local connection, those bytes should be inserted into the payload of a Data message and sent over a tunnel
- When to send:
- When a tunnel client reads data on the (non-WebSocket) data stream (e.g. the TCP connection for the local proxy), it must construct Data messages with the sequence of bytes put into the payload - up to 63kb in size - and set the active stream ID and valid service ID on the message.
- Behavior on receive:
- When a local proxy receives Data messages, it must write the payload data directly to the (non-WebSocket) data stream
- Example: Message(type=DATA, streamId=1, payload=[byte sequence], serviceId=ssh1, availableServiceIds=, ignorable=)
ServiceIDs message carry a list of unique service IDs used when open a tunnel with services in DestinationConfig parameter. It's sent to local proxy for providing the source of truth of what service IDs can be used in local proxy.
When to send:
- N/A - tunnel client cannot send this message through the service
Behavior on receive:
- Validate user input. If there is a mismatch between service ID list in OpenTunnel API and local proxy, local proxy will fail to start.
- Build or update in-memory ports mapping for book keeping. It will build or update an unordered map, with service ID as the key, and the configured port as the value. In the future, when a data packet is received from the tunnel, local proxy will extract the service ID from a data packet and find which port should this packet be forwarded using this map.
Example: Message(type=SERVICE_IDS, streamId=, payload=, serviceId=, availableServiceIds=ssh1, ssh2, ignorable=)
If a message is received and its type is unrecognized, and this field is set to true, it is ok for the tunnel client to ignore the message safely. The tunnel client MAY still treat the unrecognized message as an error out of caution. If this field is unset, it must be considered as false.