Basic Express backend REST application, with Mongo DB backend.
- Initialize project
- Install express
- Create index.js
- Add routes: add a '/' hello world route, and set the app to listen on port 3000
- Add a "start" script to package.json
- Start your server:
npm start
- Use Postman or curl to test your API route.
- 5.1 - Initialize Express app
- 5.2 - Add bodyParser and cors
- 5.3 - Add GET ALL blogs route
- 5.4 - Add GET blog, POST blog route
- 5.5 - Add blog data methods, convert project to ES6 modules
- 5.6 - Add UPDATE blog route
- 5.7 - Break out blogs data functions
- 5.8 - Add Nodemon, dotenv
- 5.9 - Move /blogs to new router
- 5.10 - Add /users routes
- 5.11 - Add logging middleware with Morgan
- 5.12 - Add MongoDB connection
- 5.13 - Add User and Blog models
- 5.14 - Break out dbconn to file
- 5.15 - Implementing the Mongo connections to api endpoints
- 5.16 - Add seedDb script