diff --git a/src/pages/edging_chart.c b/src/pages/edging_chart.c
index 98b850b1..2af20d7e 100644
--- a/src/pages/edging_chart.c
+++ b/src/pages/edging_chart.c
@@ -3,30 +3,111 @@
 #include "assets.h"
 #include "eom-hal.h"
 #include "esp_log.h"
+#include "orgasm_control.h"
 #include "ui/graphics.h"
 #include "ui/page.h"
+#include "ui/toast.h"
 #include "util/i18n.h"
 #include "version.h"
+#define AXIS_WIDTH 3
 static const char* TAG = "page:splash";
+struct chart_data {
+    uint8_t speed;
+    uint16_t arousal;
+static struct chart_data* data = NULL;
+static size_t idx = 0;
 static void on_open(void* arg) {
-    u8g2_t* d = eom_hal_get_display_ptr();
-    u8g2_ClearBuffer(d);
+    data = calloc(CHART_WIDTH, sizeof(struct chart_data));
+    if (data == NULL) ui_toast("E_NO_MEM");
+static ui_render_flag_t on_loop(void* arg) {
+    static unsigned long last_update_ms = 0;
+    unsigned long millis = esp_timer_get_time() / 1000UL;
+    if (data == NULL) return NORENDER;
+    if (millis - last_update_ms > 1000UL / 15) {
+        last_update_ms = millis;
+        data[idx].arousal = orgasm_control_getArousal();
+        data[idx].speed = eom_hal_get_motor_speed();
+        idx = (idx + 1) % CHART_WIDTH;
+        return RENDER;
+    }
+    return NORENDER;
+static void on_render(u8g2_t* d, void* arg) {
+    ui_draw_status(d, _("Arousal Chart"));
+    ui_draw_button_labels(d, _("BACK"), NULL, NULL);
+    ui_draw_button_disable(d, 0b011);
+    if (data == NULL) return;
     u8g2_SetDrawColor(d, 1);
-    u8g2_DrawBitmap(d, 0, 0, 128 / 8, 64, SPLASH_IMG);
-    u8g2_SetFontPosBottom(d);
-    u8g2_SetFont(d, UI_FONT_SMALL);
-    u8g2_DrawStr(d, 0, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT, EOM_VERSION);
-    u8g2_SendBuffer(d);
+    // Render Final Chart
+    const uint8_t sx = AXIS_WIDTH;
+    const uint8_t sy = UI_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 2;
+    u8g2_DrawVLine(d, sx - 1, sy, CHART_HEIGHT);
+    u8g2_DrawHLine(d, sx - 1, sy + CHART_HEIGHT, CHART_WIDTH);
+    for (int i = CHART_HEIGHT; i > 0; i--) {
+        if (i % 5 == 0) u8g2_DrawHLine(d, 0, sy + i, AXIS_WIDTH);
+    }
+    uint8_t last_y = 255;
+    for (int i = 0; i < CHART_WIDTH; i++) {
+        struct chart_data* datum = &data[(i + idx) % CHART_WIDTH];
+        if (i % 5 == 0) u8g2_DrawVLine(d, sx + i, sy + CHART_HEIGHT, AXIS_WIDTH);
+        uint16_t arousal_max = orgasm_control_get_arousal_threshold();
+        arousal_max = arousal_max + (arousal_max / 2); // down with floats, * 1.5
+        uint8_t arousal_y = (datum->arousal * CHART_HEIGHT) / arousal_max;
+        if (arousal_y > CHART_HEIGHT) arousal_y = CHART_HEIGHT;
+        if (last_y < arousal_y) {
+            u8g2_DrawVLine(d, sx + i, sy + (CHART_HEIGHT - arousal_y), arousal_y - last_y);
+        } else if (last_y == 255 || last_y == arousal_y) {
+            u8g2_DrawVLine(d, sx + i, sy + (CHART_HEIGHT - arousal_y), 1);
+        } else {
+            u8g2_DrawVLine(d, sx + i, sy + (CHART_HEIGHT - last_y), last_y - arousal_y);
+        }
+        last_y = arousal_y;
+    }
+static void on_close(void* arg) {
+    free(data);
+    data = NULL;
+static ui_render_flag_t
+on_button(eom_hal_button_t button, eom_hal_button_event_t event, void* arg) {
+    if (event != EOM_HAL_BUTTON_PRESS && button != EOM_HAL_BUTTON_BACK) return PASS;
+    ui_open_page(&PAGE_EDGING_STATS, NULL);
+    return NORENDER;
 const struct ui_page EDGING_CHART_PAGE = {
-    .title = "BOOT",
+    .title = "Arousal Chart",
     .on_open = on_open,
-    .on_render = NULL,
-    .on_close = NULL,
-    .on_loop = NULL,
+    .on_close = on_close,
+    .on_render = on_render,
+    .on_loop = on_loop,
     .on_encoder = NULL,
-    .on_button = NULL,
+    .on_button = on_button,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/graphics.c b/src/ui/graphics.c
index 86bf3f69..e4ed4349 100644
--- a/src/ui/graphics.c
+++ b/src/ui/graphics.c
@@ -101,9 +101,12 @@ void ui_draw_button_labels(
     u8g2_SetFont(d, UI_FONT_SMALL);
-    ui_draw_str_center(d, ((EOM_DISPLAY_WIDTH / 6) * 1) + 0, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1, left_str);
-    ui_draw_str_center(d, ((EOM_DISPLAY_WIDTH / 6) * 3) + 1, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1, mid_str);
-    ui_draw_str_center(d, ((EOM_DISPLAY_WIDTH / 6) * 5) + 2, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1, right_str);
+    if (left_str != NULL)
+        ui_draw_str_center(d, ((EOM_DISPLAY_WIDTH / 6) * 1) + 0, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1, left_str);
+    if (mid_str != NULL)
+        ui_draw_str_center(d, ((EOM_DISPLAY_WIDTH / 6) * 3) + 1, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1, mid_str);
+    if (right_str != NULL)
+        ui_draw_str_center(d, ((EOM_DISPLAY_WIDTH / 6) * 5) + 2, EOM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1, right_str);