To also install additional tools needed for actually developing and testing esptool, run this command to install a development copy of esptool plus packages useful for development:
pip install --user -e .[dev]
(This command uses the "extras" feature of setuptools.)
Please report bugs in if you find them.
However, before reporting a bug please check through the following:
Troubleshooting Section - common problems and known issues
Existing Open Issues - someone might have already encountered this.
If you don't find anything, please open a new issue.
Feel free to post feature requests. It's helpful if you can explain exactly why the feature would be useful.
There are usually some outstanding feature requests in the existing issues list, feel free to add comments to them.
Pull Requests with changes and fixes are also welcome! complies with Flake 8 and is valid Python 2 & Python 3 code (in the same source file.)
When you submit a Pull Request, the Travis automated build system will run automated checks for this, using the flake8 tool. To check your code locally before submitting, run python -m flake8
(the flake8 tool is installed as part of the development requirements shown at the beginning of this document.)
The test directory contains an integration suite with some integration tests for
tests the elf2image command and is run automatically by Travis for each Pull Request. You can run this command locally to check for regressions in the elf2image functionality. -
is a Python unittest file that contains integration tests to be run against real ESP8266 or ESP32 hardware. These tests need real hardware so are not run automatically by Travis, they need to be run locally:
takes a command line with the following format:
./ <serial port> <name of chip> <baud rate> [optional test name(s)]
For example, to run all tests on an ESP32 board connected to /dev/ttyUSB0, at 230400bps:
./ /dev/ttyUSB0 esp32 230400
Or to run the TestFlashing suite only on an ESP8266 board connected to /dev/ttyUSB2` at 460800bps:
./ /dev/ttyUSB2 esp8266 460800 TestFlashing
(Note that some tests will fail at higher baud rates on some hardware.)