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Play 2 Scala Tutorial
Play 2 Scala
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Play 2 Scala Tutorial

<%= include('../_includes/package', { pkgRepo: 'auth0-scala', pkgBranch: 'master', pkgPath: 'examples/regular-webapp', pkgFilePath: 'examples/regular-webapp/conf/application.conf', pkgType: 'replace' + account.clientParam }) %>

Otherwise, Please follow the steps below to configure your existing Play2 Scala WebApp to use it with Auth0.

1. Add configuration keys from Auth0


2. Add Auth0 callback handler

We need to add the handler for the Auth0 callback so that we can authenticate the user and get his information.


// controllers/Callback.scala
object Callback extends Controller {

  // callback route
  def callback(codeOpt: Option[String] = None, stateOpt: Option[String] = None) = Action.async {
    (for {
      code <- codeOpt
      state <- stateOpt
    } yield {
      // Get the token
      getToken(code).flatMap { case (idToken, accessToken) =>
       // Get the user
       getUser(accessToken).map { user =>
          // Cache the user and tokens into cache and session respectively
          Cache.set(idToken+ "profile", user)
              "idToken" -> idToken,
              "accessToken" -> accessToken

      }.recover {
        case ex: IllegalStateException => Unauthorized(ex.getMessage)
    }).getOrElse(Future.successful(BadRequest("No parameters supplied")))

  def getToken(code: String): Future[(String, String)] = {
    val tokenResponse = WS.url(String.format("https://%s/oauth/token", "${account.namespace}"))(Play.current).
      withHeaders(HeaderNames.ACCEPT -> MimeTypes.JSON).
          "client_id" -> "${account.clientId}",
          "client_secret" -> "${account.clientSecret}",
          "redirect_uri" -> "http://localhost:9000/callback",
          "code" -> code,
          "grant_type"-> "authorization_code"

    tokenResponse.flatMap { response =>
      (for {
        idToken <- (response.json \ "id_token").asOpt[String]
        accessToken <- (response.json \ "access_token").asOpt[String]
      } yield {
        Future.successful((idToken, accessToken))
      }).getOrElse(Future.failed[(String, String)](/new IllegalStateException("Tokens not sent")))


  def getUser(accessToken: String): Future[JsValue] = {
    val config = Auth0Config.get()
    val userResponse = WS.url(String.format("https://%s/userinfo", config.domain))(Play.current)
      .withQueryString("access_token" -> accessToken)

    userResponse.flatMap(response => Future.successful(response.json))


In this case, the callbackURL should look something like:


3. Triggering login manually or integrating the Auth0Lock


Note: Please note that the callbackURL specified in the Auth0Lock constructor must match the one specified in the previous step

4. Accessing user information

You can access the user information from the cache

// controllers/User.scala
def index = AuthenticatedAction { request =>
  val idToken = request.session.get("idToken").get
  val profile = Cache.getAs[JsValue](idToken + "profile").get
// views/user.html.scala
@(profile: JsValue)

@main("Auth0 Play2 Scala Sample","home") {
  <img class="avatar" src='@((profile \ "picture").as[String])'/>
  <h2>Welcome @((profile \ "name").as[String])</h2>

5. You're done!

You have configured your Play2 Scala Webapp to use Auth0. Congrats, you're awesome!

Optional steps

Checking if the user is authenticated

You can add the following Action to check if the user is authenticated and redirect him to the login page if he's not:

def AuthenticatedAction(f: Request[AnyContent] => Result): Action[AnyContent] = {
  Action { request =>
    (request.session.get("idToken").flatMap { idToken =>
      Cache.getAs[JsValue](idToken + "profile")
    } map { profile =>
    }).orElse {

def index = AuthenticatedAction { request =>
  val profile = Cache.getAs[JsValue](idToken + "profile").get