Let's practice what we have learned using the Glass Identification dataset.
- Read the data into a DataFrame.
- Briefly explore the data to make sure the DataFrame matches your expectations.
- Let's convert this into a binary classification problem. Create a new DataFrame column called "binary":
- If type of glass = 1/2/3/4, binary = 0.
- If type of glass = 5/6/7, binary = 1.
- Create a feature matrix "X". (Think carefully about which columns are actually features!)
- Create a response vector "y" from the "binary" column.
- Split X and y into training and testing sets.
- Fit a KNN model on the training set using K=5.
- Make predictions on the testing set and calculate accuracy.
- Calculate the "null accuracy", which is the classification accuracy that could be achieved by always predicting the majority class.
- Write a for loop that computes the test set accuracy for a range of K values.
- Plot K versus test set accuracy to help you choose an optimal value for K.