Releases: Marxon13/M13Checkbox
Releases · Marxon13/M13Checkbox
Updated to Swift 3
Merge pull request #56 from Marxon13/swift3 Updated to Swift 3.
Fixed issue where checkbox would not update correctly.
- Issue where the checkbox would not update when the state as changed without animation.
2.1.0: Converted enums to string type.
It is more typing, but provides better information on what is set in interface builder.
Swift Rewrite
M13Checkbox has been re-written in Swift.
- Added:
- Animations
- Removed:
- Gloss overlay
- Title label: This is very easy to achieve with auto-layout. It is no longer necessary to be provided by the library. This may be re-implemented in a later release.
- Custom checkboxes
Major Updates
1.1.0 Removed default images
Added Cocoapods
Merge pull request #8 from jaltin/master Corrected the tag defined in the pod spec