customization page
security notes page - screenshot of warning when enabling Github Actions
instructions w/screenshots
instructions w/screencast (or video?)
switch template data from array to struct with array as a property, and add more properties (Title, Created, Header)
Golang template function
to escape markdown -
fork-is-current GHA
support multi-line env vars for
flags -
dogfood GHA: build a ghashboard of my stuff
demo GHA: find a couple orgs with a middling number of GHAs for a demo ghashboard
make releases
do have working flags - Github Bug
- pflag
- github.Repository
- github.Workflow
- Github REST API: Actions | Workflows
builds a list of repos
- repos: a list of repos (or @filename), bypasses all flags
builds a list of actions for each repo
- empty flag: include repos w/o workflows in the list (for non-workflow badges)
- include/exclude: support for regexes
adds external (non-Github Action) badges to the list
- Go Template that takes a Repository
- built-in badges (see below): map of string to template
- https://shields.io/badges/git-hub-last-commit-branch
- https://shields.io/badges/git-hub-issues
- https://shields.io/badges/git-hub-forks
- https://shields.io/badges/git-hub-pull-requests
- https://badgen.net/github/last-commit/
- https://badgen.net/github
- https://img.shields.io/github/license/VectorLogoZone/vectorlogozone.svg
- hyperlink the repo name
- better indenting in markdown.tmpl
- if only one owner, don't use FullName
- header/footer: markdown blobs to include in template
- output: html?
- template: custom template file
- template-string: load entire template from env (for customizing forks with a GHA variable)
Potential go libraries: https://github.com/knadh/koanf https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/google/go-github/v58/github
verify that the badges are on the README page.
handle rate limit library. Would be useful for anonymous runs, since that rate limit is 60 per hour docs
https://github.com/VectorLogoZone/svgzone/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment/badge.svg (website)
https://github.com/VectorLogoZone/svgzone/blob/main/dynamic/pages/pages-build-deployment (api)
gh cmd line "html_url": "https://github.com/VectorLogoZone/svgzone/blob/main/dynamic/pages/pages-build-deployment", "badge_url": "https://github.com/VectorLogoZone/svgzone/workflows/pages-build-deployment/badge.svg"