All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Using single point of truth for cost handling [Marcel]
- Important attributes are stored in a dict now for easier version changes in the future [Marcel]
- Updated donation addresses [Marcel]
- Fix problems with creating a trading set using a signal text [Marcel]
- Fixed problem with message container during update check [Marcel]
- Pasting raw text containing formatted buy signals when defining a new trade set is now supported in a limited range. [Marcel]
- The leftover coins (coins not sold) are now mentioned during trade set activation and deletion [Marcel]
- Changing donation addresses [Marcel]
- Fix problem with already deleted messages [Marcel]
- Fixed autosave problem that arised from new telegram version. [Marcel]
- User is now informed if there are problems with showing a trade set [Marcel]
- Fixed error with new python telegram bot version [Marcel]
- Fix dev tool dependency [Marcel]
- Provides the possibility to update eazebot via Telegram [Marcel]
- Instead of GitHub commit messages, the changes written in the change log are now shown in Telegram [Marcel]
- Fixed version comparison which was not working correctly for some versions. [Marcel]
- Fixed change log template to correctly list the branch comparisons at the bottom [Marcel]
- Fix dependency on dev package pystache when only loading ChangeLog class for accessing changes [Marcel]
- Trade set name now also appears in the 1 year buy warning [Marcel]
- Possibility to name the trade set [Marcel]
- Exchanges are added directly, if a new user starts the bot [Marcel]
- Bug with missing taxWarn setting for new user fixed [Marcel]
- Fixed double master push in dev tools [Marcel]
- Fixed iteration over trade set object during deletion of trade set [Marcel]
- Docker image does not restart automatically anymore [Marcel]
- Added scripts and hooks for automated multi-arch building on docker hub [Marcel]
- Bug during SL trigger [Marcel]
- Bug with trailing SLs [Marcel]
- Allow merge into master only [Marcel]
- Fix version text bug [Marcel]
- Added possibility to delete regular buying plan [Marcel]
- Fixed error when using base currency during defining buy/sell level [Marcel]
- Activated regular buy feature [Marcel]
- Activated "hide filled orders" feature [Marcel]
- Fixed empty change log [Marcel]
- Fix missing argument in delete trade set function [Marcel]
- Fixed typo that prevented trade set deletion [Marcel]
- Added necessary module dateparser to requirements [Marcel]
- Adding prerequisites for a new type of buy (regular buy) to buy with some interval [Marcel]
- Adding prerequisites for a new option to hide filled orders (option within each trade set) [Marcel]
- Fixed old attribute calls [Marcel]
- Fixed bug with precision calculation during balance fetching [Marcel]
- Fix version info, which now comes from [Marcel]
- Added change log functionality and improved git manager [Marcel]
- Added upper cap for backup files configurable via maxBackupFileCount in botConfig.json [Marcel]
- Transformed trade set dictionaries into class [Marcel]
- Transformed SL dictionaries into classes [Marcel]
- Prices are now kept and updated in a price class including time stamp to avoid rest api calls for prices that have already been queries recently [Marcel]
- Modules now communicate with telegram via the Telegram logging handler by handing over the chatId as extra argument [Marcel]
- More refactoring [Marcel]
- Updated ccxt and python-telegram-version [Marcel]
- Typos in dev_utils [Marcel]
- [v2.13.0]:
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