The ESI-enabled ajax-based waitlist used by the Incursions squad in Goonfleet of Eve Online.
- Clone repo
- Run
npm install
to grab dependencies - Install a MongoDB instance
- Create a
file using the template below.
exports.oauth = {
clientID: "YourDeveloperAppIDHere",
secretKey: "YourSecretKeyHere",
callbackURL: "http://<callbackURL>/auth/provider/callback",
scopes: ['publicData','esi-location.read_location.v1','esi-location.read_ship_type.v1','esi-skills.read_skills.v1','esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1','esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1','esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1','esi-assets.read_assets.v1','esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1','esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1','esi-ui.open_window.v1','esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1','esi-fittings.read_fittings.v1','esi-location.read_online.v1','esi-clones.read_implants.v1','esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1'],
userAgent: 'express 4.9.5, eve-sso, goons-incursionauth 2.0.0',
baseSSOUrl: ""
}; = {
directory: "data", //Where data will be stored
sessionSecret: "RandomStringHere",
mongoDbURL: "mongoDB://localhost:27017",
mongoDbName: "eve-goons-waitlist"
exports.fleet = {
comms: [{
name: "Incursions -> A",
url: "mumble://"
name: "Incursions -> B",
url: "mumble://"
name: "Incursions -> C",
url: "mumble://"
name: "Incursions -> D",
url: "mumble://"
exports.settings = {
port: 80
//roleNumeric titles, use null to disable. Leave index0 as member
exports.userPermissions = ["Member", "Trainee", null, "Fleet Commander", "Senior FC", "Leadership"];
exports.fleetCompFilters = {
logi: [11987,11989,22474,22442],//Guardian, Oneiros, Damnation, Eos
caps: [23757,37604,23915,37605,23911,37607,24483,37606,42242,45645],//Archon, Apostle, Chimera, Minokawa, Thanatos, Ninazu, Nidhoggur, Lif, Dagon, Loggerhead
supers: [23919,11567,23917,3764,23913,671,22852,23773,42241,3514,42125,42126,45649]//Aeon, Avatar, Wyvern, Leviathan, Nyx, Erebus, Hel, Ragnarok, Molok, Revenant, Vendetta, Vanquisher, Komodo
exports.browserNotification = {
"sound": '/includes/alarm.mp3',
"appName": 'Imperium Incursions Waitlist',
"imgUrl": '/includes/img/gsf-bee.png'
Many of the variables can be populated from here:
- Run with
node index.js
Setup your docker environment
Create a 'data' directory in the root of the repository
In your setup.js point mongoDbURL to mongoDB://mongo:27017
To run your image then execute: docker-compose up
To rebuild your image execute: docker-compose build