Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Name of the connection. Also used as the unique identifier | [optional] |
host | String | Host name/address of server | [optional] |
port | String | Port number on server | [optional] |
username | String | Username for server authentication | [optional] |
password | String | (Write-only) Password for server authentication | [optional] |
certificate | String | (Write-only) Base64 encoded Certificate body for server authentication (when appropriate for dialect). | [optional] |
database | String | Database name | [optional] |
dbTimezone | String | Time zone of database | [optional] |
queryTimezone | String | Timezone to use in queries | [optional] |
schema | String | Scheme name | [optional] |
maxConnections | Integer | Maximum number of concurrent connection to use | [optional] |
maxBillingGigabytes | String | Maximum size of query in GBs (BigQuery only, can be a user_attribute name) | [optional] |
ssl | Boolean | Use SSL/TLS when connecting to server | [optional] |
verifySsl | Boolean | Verify the SSL | [optional] |
tmpDbName | String | Name of temporary database (if used) | [optional] |
jdbcAdditionalParams | String | Additional params to add to JDBC connection string | [optional] |
poolTimeout | Integer | Pool Timeout | [optional] |
dialect | Dialect | (Read-only) SQL Dialect details | [optional] |
dialectName | String | (Read/Write) SQL Dialect name | [optional] |
snippets | [Snippet] | SQL Runner snippets for this connection | [optional] |
createdAt | String | Creation date for this connection | [optional] |
userId | String | Id of user who last modified this connection configuration | [optional] |
example | Boolean | Is this an example connection | [optional] |
userDbCredentials | Boolean | (Limited access feature) Are per user db credentials enabled | [optional] |
userAttributeFields | [String] | Fields whose values map to user attribute names | [optional] |
maintenanceCron | String | Cron string specifying when maintenance such as PDT trigger checks and drops should be performed | [optional] |
lastRegenAt | String | Unix timestamp at start of last completed PDT trigger check process | [optional] |
lastReapAt | String | Unix timestamp at start of last completed PDT reap process | [optional] |
can | {String: Boolean} | Operations the current user is able to perform on this object | [optional] |