The main process of hierarchical clustering list below can be found in ./
- Get data from tracking result with function
- Clean the data with functions
- Preprocess the data with function
- Get feature from the data with funcion
- Conduct hierarchical clustering with function
- Visualize and save the result
- Generate input files for clustering UI
Please visit our video tutorial for behavior clustering at YouTube.
Set the Behavioral Clustering folder as the current directory.
cd BehavioralClustering
Change the following settings in ./
. Changes for individual behavior and social behavior are explained separately here.
- Adjust the weights for Individual behavioral features
# cluster_arg: parameter of features and threshold for clustering
self.cluster_arg = [
'thred':30, # threshold for defining cluster in the dendrogram
'name':'all_twoMice', ## name: for display
'evaluation_metric':'Adjusted Rand index',
# {'feat_key':'newFeatureName','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'},
- Change the threshold for distance between two mice to a very large number
self.distance_threshold = 10000 #
- Specify the directory to save the generated videos
self.gen_video_folder = # where the generated videos will be saved
- Specify the directory to save the metadata which will be used for inspecting the clustering results
self.result_folder = # where the metadata will be saved
- Specify the suffix for generated videos
self.video_name_suffix = # suffix for generated videos
Adjust the weights for Social behavioral features
self.cluster_arg = [ { 'thred':30, # threshold for defining cluster in the dendrogram 'name':'all_twoMice',## name: for display 'evaluation_metric':'Adjusted Rand index', 'features_arg':[\ # {'feat_key':'newFeatureName','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'left_ear','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'right_ear','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'left_ear_phi','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'right_ear_phi','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'body_length','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'head_length','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'head_body_angles','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'displace_rho','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'displace_phi_c','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'displace_phi_s','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'nose_fft_amp','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'nose_fft_ang','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'contourPCA_fft_amp','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'contourPCA_fft_ang','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'body_change_ang','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'left_ear_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'right_ear_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'left_ear_phi_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'right_ear_phi_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'body_length_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'head_length_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'head_body_angles_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'displace_rho_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'displace_phi_c_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'displace_phi_s_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'nose_fft_amp_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'nose_fft_ang_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'contourPCA_fft_amp_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'contourPCA_fft_ang_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'body_change_ang_TO','weight':1,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'TM_nose_RM_tail_displace_phi','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'TM_nose_RM_tail_displace_rho','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'RM_nose_TM_tail_displace_phi','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'RM_nose_TM_tail_displace_rho','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'nose_nose_displace_rho','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'nose_nose_displace_phi','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'two_body_ang','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, {'feat_key':'two_head_ang','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, ], }, ]
Change the threshold for distance between two mice to include only mice that are within 1.8 body length
self.distance_threshold = 1.8
- Specify the directory to save the generated videos
self.gen_video_folder = # where the generated videos will be saved
- Specify the directory to save the metadata which will be used for inspecting the clustering results
self.result_folder = # where the metadata will be saved
- Specify the suffix for generated videos
self.video_name_suffix = # suffix for generated videos
Run the following command in the current folder
Run the following command in the current folder
There are two steps to add feature for clustering:
- Define the new feature ./ as the following template (you can find this template in ./ ;
## you can process data to get the feature
## the pose data are in five variables: pose_clips, pose_clips_align, poseTheOther_clips, poseTheOther_clips_alignSelf, poseTheOther_clips_alignToOther
## each of the variables is a numpy array whose shape is (number_of_clip, number_of_frames_in_one_clip, number_of_key_point, 3)
## pose_clips contains the raw key points data of the target mouse
## pose_clips_align contains key point data that is aligned to the target mouse in the middle frame
## poseTheOther_clips contains the raw key points data of the mouse that is closest to the target mouse
## poseTheOther_clips_alignSelf contains the key points data of the closest mousethat that is aligned to itself in the middle frame
## poseTheOther_clips_alignToOther contains the key points data of the closest mousethat that is aligned to the target mouse in the middle frame
newFeature = np.ones(pose_clips.shape[1]) # the feature of one clip should be a numpy array whose shape is the frame number of the clip
if 'newFeatureName' in feature_clips_dict:
feature_clips_dict['newFeatureName'] = [newFeature]
- define the weight and normalization of the new feature in ./utils_file/ :
self.cluster_arg = [
'evaluation_metric':'Adjusted Rand index',
{'feat_key':'newFeatureName','weight':4,'norm':'zscore_all'}, # add the setting of the new feature here
Run the following command in the current folder
Detailed instructions are included in the jupyter notebook
Mutual information plots
Similarity matrix between clusters
Detailed instructions are included in the jupyter notebook
Individual cluster skeletons
Social behaviror cluster skeletons