copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-10-16 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:curl: #curl .ph data-hd-programlang='curl'} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'} {:download: .download}
In this short tutorial, we introduce the {{}} API and go through the process of creating a private data collection and searching it. {: shortdesc}
{: #before-you-begin}
- Create an instance of the service:
- {: download} If you're seeing this, you created your service instance. Now get your credentials.
- Create a project from a service:
- Go to the {{}} Developer Console Services {: new_window} page.
- Select {{}}, click Add Services, and either sign up for a free {{}} account or log in.
- Type
as the project name and click Create Project.
- Copy the credentials to authenticate to your service instance:
- {: download} From the service dashboard (what you're looking at):
- Click the Service credentials tab.
- Click View credentials under Actions.
- Copy the
, andurl
values. {: download}
- From your discovery-tutorial project in the Developer Console, copy the
, andurl
values for"discovery"
from the Credentials section.
- {: download} From the service dashboard (what you're looking at):
If you use {{}}, create your service instance from the {{}} {: new_window} page in the Catalog. For details about how to find your service credentials, see Service credentials for Watson services {: new_window}.
{: #create-an-environment}
In a bash shell or equivalent environment such as Cygwin, use the POST /v1/environments
method to create an environment. Think of an environment as the warehouse where you are storing all your boxes of documents.
Issue the following command to create an environment that is called
. Replace{username}
with the service credentials you copied earlier:curl -X POST -u "{username}":"{password}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name":"my-first-environment", "description":"exploring environments"}' "api/v1/environments?version=2017-10-16"
{: pre}
The API returns information such as your environment ID, environment status, and how much storage your environment is using.
Check the environnment status periodically until you see a status of
.- Issue a call to the
GET /v1/environments/{environment_id}
method to retrieve the status of your environment. Replace{username}
, and{environment_id}
with your information:
curl -u "{username}":"{password}"{environment_id}?version=2017-10-16
{: pre}
The status must be
before you can create a collection. - Issue a call to the
{: #create-a-collection}
Now that the environment is ready, you can create a collection. Think of a collection as a box where you will store your documents in your environment.
You need the ID of your default configuration first. To find your default
, use theGET /v1/environments/{environment_id}/configurations
method. Replace{username}
, and{environment_id}
with your information:curl -u "{username}":"{password}"{environment_id}/configurations?version=2017-10-16
{: pre}
Use the
POST /v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections
method to create a collection called my-first-collection. Replace{username}
with your information:curl -X POST -u "{username}":"{password}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "my-first-collection", "description": "exploring collections", "configuration_id":"{configuration_id}" , "language": "en_us"}'{environment_id}/collections?version=2017-10-16
{: pre}
The API returns information such as your collection ID, collection status, and how much storage your collection is using.
Check the collection status periodically until you see a status of
.- Issue a call to the
GET /v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}
method to retrieve the status of your collection. Again, replace{username}
with your information:
curl -u "{username}":"{password}"{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}?version=2017-10-16
{: pre}
- Issue a call to the
{: #download-sample-documents}
Download these sample documents: test-doc1.html , test-doc2.html , test-doc3.html , and test-doc4.html .
{: #upload-the-documents}
Now, add the example documents to your collection. This example uploads the document test-doc1.html to your collection. Replace
with your information. Modify the location of the sample document to point to where you saved thetest-doc1.html
Use the
POST /v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/documents
method:curl -X POST -u "{username}":"{password}" -F "[email protected]"{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/documents?version=2017-10-16
{: pre}
Alternatively, use one of the SDKs listed in the API reference {: new_window}:
Discovery discovery = new Discovery("2017-10-16"); discovery.setEndPoint(""); discovery.setUsernameAndPassword("{username}", "{password}"); String environmentId = "{environment_id}"; String collectionId = "{collection_id}"; String documentJson = "{\"field\":\"value\"}"; InputStream documentStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(documentJson.getBytes()); CreateDocumentRequest.Builder builder = new CreateDocumentRequest.Builder(environmentId, collectionId); builder.inputStream(documentStream, HttpMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); CreateDocumentResponse createResponse = discovery.createDocument(;
{: codeblock}
import sys import os import json from watson_developer_cloud import DiscoveryV1 discovery = DiscoveryV1( username="{username}", password="{password}", version="2017-10-16" ) with open((os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '{path_element}', '{filename}' as fileinfo: add_doc = discovery.add_document('{environment_id}', '{collection_id}', file_info=fileinfo) print(json.dumps(add_doc, indent=2))
{: codeblock}
var watson = require('watson-developer-cloud'); var fs = require('fs'); var discovery = new DiscoveryV1({ username: '{username}', password: '{password}', version_date: '2017-10-16' }); var file = fs.readFileSync('{/path/to/file}'); discovery.addDocument(('{environment_id}', '{collection_id}', file), function(error, data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); } );
{: codeblock}
Repeat this process for each of the other 3 sample files.
{: #query-your-collection}
Finally, use the GET /v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/query
method to search your collection of documents.
The following example returns all entities that are called IBM. Replace {username}
, {password}
, {environment_id}
and {configuration_id}
with your information:
curl -u "{username}":"{password}" '{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}*/query?version=2017-10-16&query=enriched_text.entities.text:IBM'
{: pre}
{: #next-steps}
You have successfully queried documents in the environment and collection you created. You can now begin customizing your collection by adding more documents and enrichments, and customizing conversion settings. For more information about the API, see the API Reference {: new_window}.