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A pointfree Yoneda lemma for endofunctors of functional categories

Also have a look at

  • latex/yoneda.pdf


  • latex/yonedaWithCode.pdf

(latex/yonedaWithCode.pdf is not fully in sync with this document and src (yet))

All comments are welcome at luc.duponcheel [at]

Part 01: Prologue: concepts involved

The Yoneda lemma

The Yoneda lemma is a fundamantal result of category theory.

The Yoneda lemma is simple.

It involves only three concepts

  • category,
  • functory,
  • natural transformation,

and one category instance

  • the category of sets and functions.

Moreover, all functors involved are funtors to the category of sets and functions.

The simplicity of the Yoneda lemma does not imply in any way that the Yoneda lemma is easy.

The Yoneda lemma is pointful: it involves elements of sets.

In fact, being pointful is the essence of the Yoneda lemma.

Our Yoneda lemma

The Yoneda lemma is also simple.

Our Yoneda lemma involves four concepts

  • functional category,
  • endofunctor,
  • endo natural transformation,
  • triple,

and one triple instance

  • the triple of global elements.

Functional categories model, perhaps not surprisingly, functional programming.

Their morphisms are also referred to as programs.

The class of objects of functional categories is the class of sets of the category of sets and functions. The functions of the category of sets and functions can, somehow, be used as programs of functional categories. Functional categories may have programs that are not functions. Most notably effectful programs, like stateful programs or programs that interact with the outside world.

The Yoneda lemma is pointfree.

The category of sets and functions does not play an explicit role any more.

Programmatic notation

In this document, the formulation and proof of both the pointful Yoneda lemma and our pointfree Yoneda lemma use programmatic notation. More precisely we use Scala code. Concepts are typically encoded as trait's and instances are typically encoded as given's.

There is one important implication of using programmatic notation. The class of objects is encoded as the set of Scala types. Fortunately, it turns out that, both for the proof of the pointful Yoneda lemma and the proof of our pointfree Yoneda lemma this is not an issue at all. The proofs can easily be translated proofs that use mathematical notation.

Let's start with the concepts involved.

Later on laws that come with concepts will be defined.

Part 02: Category, Functor, NaturalTransformation and Triple


package specification

trait Category[C[-_, +_]]:

  def identity[Z]: C[Z, Z]

  def composition[Z, Y, X]: (C[Y, X], C[Z, Y]) => C[Z, X]

  extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: C[Y, X]) def o(`z-->y`: C[Z, Y]): C[Z, X] = composition(`y-->x`, `z-->y`)

The Category specification for a binary type constructor parameter C[-_, +_] declares def members, identity and composition, and defines an extension member, o, that is a convenient an infix version of composition.

Category specifies a (higher kinded) type class for C[-_, +_].

The - and + in C[-_, +_] declare variance. Like functions of type Function[Z, Y], values of type C[Z, Y] are allowed to require less and provide more (cfr. Liskov substitution principle). Variance is not used in either the pointful Yoneda lemma or our pointfree Yoneda lemma.

Category parameters are named C, D, E, ... .

Maybe it would be more convenient to name them something like Cat_C, Cat_D, Cat_E, ... .


package specification

trait Functor[C[-_, +_]: Category, D[-_, +_]: Category, F[+_]]:
  def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]]

type EndoFunctor[C[-_, +_], F[+_]] = Functor[C, C, F]

The Functor specification for a unary type constructor parameter F[+_] declares a def member f.

Functor specifies a (higher kinded) type class for F[+_].

The + in F[+_] declares variance. Like lists of type List[Z], values of type F[Z] are allowed to provide more (cfr. Liskov substitution principle). Variance is not used in either the pointful Yoneda lemma or our pointfree Yoneda lemma.

Note that f is a function

type EndoFunctor is defined using Functor using only one category.

Functor parameters are named F, G, H, K, ... .

Maybe it would be more convenient to name them something like Fun_F, Fun_G, Fun_H, Fun_K, ... .

Natural Transformation

package specification

trait NaturalTransformation[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, G]

  def τ[Z]: D[F[Z], G[Z]]

type EndoNaturalTransformation[C[-_, +_], F[+_], G[+_]] = NaturalTransformation[C, C, F, G]

The NaturalTransformation specification declares a def member τ.

The trait does not have a (higher kinded) type parameter like the C[-_, +_] of Category resp. the F[+_] of Functor.

NaturalTransformation specifies an object class for natural transformations.

Note that, in the sentence above, the word 'object' has to be understood in the context of object oriented programming instead of in the context of category theory

Note that τ is a morphism.

The def members of various natural transformations will be renamed as σ, τ, υ, ν, μ ... .

type EndoNaturalTransformation is defined using NaturalTransformation using endofunctors.

PreTriple and Triple



package notation

type I[+Z] = Z


package specification

import notation.{I}

trait PreTriple[C[-_, +_]: Category, PT[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, PT]]:

  val nu: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, I, PT]

  def pt[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[PT[Z], PT[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, PT]].f

  def ν[Z]: C[I[Z], PT[Z]] = nu.τ

The PreTriple specification for an endofunctor PT[+_] declares a val member nu that is an endo natural transformation from I[+_] to PT[+_] and defines pt corresponding to function f and ν (Greek letter nu (for neutral)) corresponding to morphism τ of nu.

Later on the identity endofunctor for the unary type constructor I[+_] will be defined.



package notation

type O = [G[+_], F[+_]] =>> [Z] =>> G[F[Z]]


package specification

import notation.{O}

trait Triple[C[-_, +_]: Category, T[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, T]] extends PreTriple[C, T]:

  val mu: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, T O T, T]

  val tef: EndoFunctor[C, T] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, T]]

  def t[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[T[Z], T[Y]] = tef.f

  def μ[Z]: C[(T O T)[Z], T[Z]] = mu.τ

The Triple specification for an endofunctor T[+_] declares a val member mu that is an endo natural transformation from (T O T)[+_] to T[+_] and defines t corresponding to function f and μ (Greek letter 'mu' (for multiplication)) corresponding to the morphism τ of mu.

Note that also tef has been defined in order to be able to access the endofunctor T[+_] outside of Triple. There may be other ways to accomplish this.

Later on the composed functor (G O F)[+_] for the binary unary type constructor O will be defined.

We are done with our basic specifications.

Let's start with some basic implementations.

Part 03: functionCategory, identityEndoFunctor and composedFunctor


package implementation.specific

import specification.{Category}

given functionCategory: Category[Function] with

  def identity[Z]: Function[Z, Z] = z => z

  def composition[Z, Y, X]: (Function[Y, X], Function[Z, Y]) => Function[Z, X] =
    (`y=>x`, `z=>y`) => z => `y=>x`(`z=>y`(z))

The specific functionCategory implementation for the binary type constructor Function[-_, +_] defines def members, identity and composition in a, hopefully, not very surprising way.


package implementation.generic

import notation.{I}

import specification.{Category, EndoFunctor}

given identityEndoFunctor[C[-_, +_]: Category]: EndoFunctor[C, I] with
  def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[I[Z], I[Y]] = `z-->y` => `z-->y`

The generic identityEndoFunctor implementation for the unary type constructor I[+_] defines def member f in a, hopefully, not very surprising way.


package implementation.generic

import notation.{O}

import specification.{Category, Functor}

given composedFunctor[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    E[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, G]
]: Functor[C, E, G O F] with

  def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[Y]] =
    def f: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
    def g: D[F[Z], F[Y]] => E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[Y]] = summon[Functor[D, E, G]].f
    `z-->y` => g(f(`z-->y`))

The generic composedFunctor implementation (G O F)[+_] for unary type constructor G[+_] and unary type constructor F[+-] defines def member f in a, hopefully, not very surprising way.

Part 04: identityEndoNaturalTransformation and composedNaturalTransformation


package implementation.generic

import notation.{I}

import specification.{Category, EndoNaturalTransformation}

def identityEndoNaturalTransformation[C[-_, +_]: Category]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, I, I]  =
    def τ[Z]: C[I[Z], I[Z]] =

The generic identityEndoNaturalTransformation implementation defines def member τ in a, hopefully, not very surprising way.

Note that identityEndoNaturalTransformation is a def.


package implementation.generic

import specification.{Category, EndoFunctor, EndoNaturalTransformation}

def composedNaturalTransformation[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, G],
    H[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, H],
    S[_[-_, +_], _[-_, +_], _[+_], _[+_]]: [_[
        _[-_, +_],
        _[-_, +_],
    ]] =>> EndoNaturalTransformation[
    T[_[-_, +_], _[-_, +_], _[+_], _[+_]]: [_[
        _[-_, +_],
        _[-_, +_],
    ]] =>> EndoNaturalTransformation[
]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, F, H] =

  def σ[Z]: C[F[Z], G[Z]] = summon[EndoNaturalTransformation[C, F, G]].τ

  def τ[Z]: C[G[Z], H[Z]] = summon[EndoNaturalTransformation[C, G, H]].τ

  def υ[Z]: C[F[Z], H[Z]] = τ o σ

    def τ[Z]: C[F[Z], H[Z]] = υ

The generic composedNaturalTransformation implementation defines def member τ in a, hopefully, not very surprising way.

Note that composedNaturalTransformation is a def.

Part 05: leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation and rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation


package implementation.generic

import notation.{O}

import specification.{Category, Functor, NaturalTransformation}

def leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    E[-_, +_]: Category,
    H[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, H],
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, G]
](sigma: NaturalTransformation[C, D, F, G]): NaturalTransformation[C, E, H O F, H O G] =

  given `hof`: Functor[C, E, H O F] = composedFunctor[C, D, E, F, H]

  given `hog`: Functor[C, E, H O G] = composedFunctor[C, D, E, G, H]

  def σ[Z]: D[F[Z], G[Z]] = sigma.τ

  def h[Z, Y]: D[Z, Y] => E[H[Z], H[Y]] = summon[Functor[D, E, H]].f

  def [Z]: E[(H O F)[Z], (H O G)[Z]] = h(σ[Z])

    def τ[Z]: E[(H O F)[Z], (H O G)[Z]] =

The generic leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation implementation defines def member τ.

Note that leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation is a def with a natural transformation value parameter sigma.


package implementation.generic

import notation.{O}

import specification.{Category, Functor, NaturalTransformation}

def rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    E[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    H[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, H],
    K[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, K]
](sigma: NaturalTransformation[D, E, H, K]): NaturalTransformation[C, E, H O F, K O F] =

  given `hof`: Functor[C, E, H O F] = composedFunctor[C, D, E, F, H]

  given `kof`: Functor[C, E, K O F] = composedFunctor[C, D, E, F, K]

  def σ[Z]: E[H[Z], K[Z]] = sigma.τ

  def σf[Z]: E[(H O F)[Z], (K O F)[Z]] = σ[F[Z]]

    def τ[Z]: E[(H O F)[Z], (K O F)[Z]] = σf

The generic rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation implementation defines def member τ.

Note that rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation is a def with a natural transformation value parameter.

Let's continue with some Yoneda related implementations and extending specifications

Part 06: yonedaFunctor, PreFunctionalCategory,yonedaEndoFunctor and FunctionalCategory



package notation

type Yoneda = [C[-_, +_]] =>> [Z] =>> [Y] =>> C[Z, Y]


package implementation.generic

import notation.{Yoneda}

import specification.{Category, Functor}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

given yonedaFunctor[C[-_, +_]: Category, Z]: Functor[C, Function, Yoneda[C][Z]] with

  type YF = [Z] =>> [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def f[Y, X]: C[Y, X] => Function[YF[Z][Y], YF[Z][X]] =
    `y-->x` => `z-->y` => `y-->x` o `z-->y`

The generic yonedaFunctor implementation for type Z, defines def member f using morphism composition.


package specification

import notation.{I, Yoneda}

trait PreFunctional[C[-_, +_]] extends Functor[Function, C, I]

trait PreFunctionalCategory[C[-_, +_]] extends Category[C] with PreFunctional[C]:

  def f2m[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => C[Z, Y] = f

Using f2m of the PreFunctionalCategory specification functions of type Function[Z, Y] can be used as morphisms of type C[Z, Y].

The PreFunctionalCategory code above is not completed yet.

Later on it will be completed.


package implementation.generic

import notation.{I, Yoneda}

import specification.{EndoFunctor, PreFunctionalCategory}

import implementation.generic.{composedFunctor}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

given yonedaEndoFunctor[C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory, Z]: EndoFunctor[C, Yoneda[C][Z]] =

  type YEF = [Z] =>> [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  composedFunctor[C, Function, C, YEF[Z], I]

yonedaEndoFunctor is the composition of two functors.

Later on it will be proved that the composition of two functors satisfies the functor laws.

As a consequence, yonedaEndoFunctor satisfies the functor laws.

PreFunctionalCategory revisited


package notation

type U = Unit


package specification

import notation.{I, O, U, Yoneda}

import implementation.generic.{identityEndoFunctor, yonedaFunctor, yonedaEndoFunctor}

trait PreFunctional[C[-_, +_]] extends Functor[Function, C, I] with PreTriple[C, Yoneda[C][U]]

trait PreFunctionalCategory[C[-_, +_]] extends Category[C] with PreFunctional[C]:

  def f2m[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => C[Z, Y] = f

  given PreFunctionalCategory[C] = this

  type GF = [Z] =>> C[U, Z]

  def gf[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[GF[Z], GF[Y]] =
    yonedaEndoFunctor[C, U].f

  def v2gv[Z]: Function[Z, GF[Z]] = z => f2m(u => z)

  val nu: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, I, GF] =
      def τ[Z]: C[I[Z], GF[Z]] = f2m(v2gv)

  type YF = [Z] =>> [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def yfz[Z, Y, X]: C[Y, X] => Function[YF[Z][Y], YF[Z][X]] =
    yonedaFunctor[C, Z].f

  type YEF = [Z] =>> [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def yefz[Z, Y, X]: C[Y, X] => C[YEF[Z][Y], YEF[Z][X]] =
    yonedaEndoFunctor[C, Z].f

The PreFunctionalCategory is a convenient place to define other members.

type member GF (global functor) is defined as [Z] =>> C[U, Z] where type U is defined as the one element type Unit.

Morphisms of type GF[Z], in this document referred to as global values (of type Z), are the pointfree versionof values (of type Z).

def member gf is defined as function yonedaEndoFunctor[C, U].f.

def member v2gv (value to global value) is defined as function z => f2m(u => z).

Using defined val member nu of PreTriple[C, Yoneda[C][U]], def member τ: C[Z, GF[Z]], a morphism from values to global values, is defined as f2m(v2gv).

Furthermore type members YF (Yoneda functor) and YEF (Yoneda endofunctor) are defined, and corresponding def members yfz and yefz are defined as well.

Note that names yfz and yefz are used since Z is not a type parameter of PreFunctionalCategory.

Note that gf is a special case of yef, using type argument U for type parameter Z.


package specification

import notation.{I, U, Yoneda}

trait Functional[C[-_, +_]] extends Functor[Function, C, I] with Triple[C, Yoneda[C][U]]

trait FunctionalCategory[C[-_, +_]] extends PreFunctionalCategory[C] with Functional[C]

Using declared val member mu of Triple[C, Yoneda[C][U]], def member τ: C[(GF O GF)[Z], Z], GF[Z]], a morphism from global global values to global values, is declared.

Part 07: Law, Proof and Proposition

Until now we have not associated any laws with specifications and proofs of laws with implementations.

This document only involves equational laws and corresponding equational proofs.

The pointful Yoneda lemma and the pointfree Yoneda lemma are both propositions.

This document only involves equational propositions and corresponding equational proofs.


package notation

type Law[Z] = Tuple2[Z, Z]

def Law[Z]: Tuple2[Z, Z] => Law[Z] = identity

type Law is defined as Tuple[Z, Z], requiring both sides of an equational law to have the same type.

def Law is also defined so that laws can be encoded as Law(lz, rz).


package notation

type Proof = [Z] =>> List[Z]

def Proof[Z](zs: Z*): List[Z] = List(zs: _*)

type Proof is defined as List[Z], requiring all steps of an equational proof to have the same type. For the proofs of this document, especially the ones of generic laws, this provides some confidence that the proofs are correct.

def Proof is also defined so that proofs can be encoded as Proof(z1, z2, z3, ...).


package notation

type Proposition[Z] = Tuple2[Z, Z]

def Proposition[Z]: Tuple2[Z, Z] => Proposition[Z] = identity

type Proposition is defined as Tuple[Z, Z], requiring both sides of an equational proposition to have the same type.

def Proposition is also defined so that propositions can be encoded as Proposition(lz, rz).

Part 08: Category, Functor, NaturalTransformation and Triple laws

The names of the laws, hopefully, explain what the laws are all about.

Category laws

package specification

// ...

import notation.{Law}

class CategoryLaws[C[-_, +_]: Category]:

  val category = summon[Category[C]]

  def leftIdentityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[Z, Y]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      def `y-->y`[Y]: C[Y, Y] = category.identity
      Law(`y-->y` o `z-->y`, `z-->y`)

  def rightIdentityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[Z, Y]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      def `z-->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = category.identity
      Law(`z-->y` o `z-->z`, `z-->y`)

  def associativityLaw[Z, Y, X, W]: (C[Z, Y], C[Y, X], C[X, W]) => Law[C[Z, W]] =
    (`z-->y`, `y-->x`, `x-->w`) => Law((`x-->w` o `y-->x`) o `z-->y`, `x-->w` o (`y-->x` o `z-->y`))

The def local definition `y-->y` resp. `z-->z` are introduced to, hopefully, make the leftIdentityLaw resp. rightIdentityLaw law look natural.

The infix extension member o, hopefully, makes the `` law look natural

Functor laws

package specification

// ...

import notation.{Law}

class FunctorLaws[C[-_, +_]: Category, D[-_, +_]: Category, F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F]]:

  def identityLaw[Z]: Law[D[F[Z], F[Z]]] =
    def `z-c->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = summon[Category[C]].identity
    def `f[z]-d->f[z]`[F[Z]]: D[F[Z], F[Z]] = summon[Category[D]].identity
    def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
    Law(f[Z, Z](`z-c->z`), `f[z]-d->f[z]`)

  def compositionLaw[Z, Y, X]: (C[Z, Y], C[Y, X]) => Law[D[F[Z], F[X]]] =
    (`z-->y`, `y-->x`) =>
      extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: C[Y, X])
        def o_c(`z-->y`: C[Z, Y]): C[Z, X] = summon[Category[C]].o[Z, Y, X](`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
      extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: D[Y, X])
        def o_d(`z-->y`: D[Z, Y]): D[Z, X] = summon[Category[D]].o[Z, Y, X](`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
      def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
      Law(f[Z, X](`y-->x` o_c `z-->y`), f[Y, X](`y-->x`) o_d f[Z, Y](`z-->y`))

Local definition are introduced to, hopefully, make laws more readable.

Type parameters are introduced to, hopefully, make laws more understandable.

The Scala type system does not warry about names, and, more important, can understand laws without most type parameters.

  def identityLaw[Z]: Law[D[F[Z], F[Z]]] =
    def identity_C[Z]: C[Z, Z] = summon[Category[C]].identity
    def identity_D[Z]: D[Z, Z] = summon[Category[D]].identity
    def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
    Law(f(identity_C), identity_D)

  def compositionLaw[Z, Y, X]: (C[Z, Y], C[Y, X]) => Law[D[F[Z], F[X]]] =
    (`z-->y`, `y-->x`) =>
      def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
      Law(f(`y-->x` o `z-->y`), f(`y-->x`) o f(`z-->y`))

Later on, when proving laws and propositions, the Scala type system will turn out to be very helpful.

NaturalTransformation law

package specification

// ...

import notation.{Law}

class NaturalTransformationLaw[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, G],
    T[_[-_, +_], _[-_, +_], _[+_], _[+_]]: [_[_[-_, +_], _[-_, +_], _[+_], _[+_]]] =>> NaturalTransformation[

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[D[F[Z], G[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
      def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, G]].f
      extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: D[Y, X])
        def o_d(`z-->y`: D[Z, Y]): D[Z, X] = summon[Category[D]].o(`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
      def τ[Z]: D[F[Z], G[Z]] = summon[NaturalTransformation[C, D, F, G]].τ
      (τ[Y] o_d f[Z, Y](`z-->y`), g[Z, Y](`z-->y`) o_d τ[Z])

Agreed, commutativityLaw is, maybe, not the best name since two functors, f and g, are involved.

Local definition are introduced to, hopefully, make laws more readable.

Type parameters are introduced to, hopefully, make laws more understandable.

The Scala type system does not warry about names, and, more important, can understand laws without most type parameters.

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[D[F[Z], G[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
      def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, G]].f
      def τ[Z]: D[F[Z], G[Z]] = summon[NaturalTransformation[C, D, F, G]].τ
      Law(τ o f(`z-->y`), g(`z-->y`) o τ)

Triple laws

PreTriple laws

package specification

// ...

import notation.{Law}

class PreTripleLaw[C[-_, +_]: Category, PT[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> PreTriple[C, PT]]:

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[I[Z], PT[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      val preTriple: PreTriple[C, PT] = summon[PreTriple[C, PT]]
      import preTriple.{pt, ν}
      import implementation.generic.{identityEndoFunctor}
      def i[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[I[Z], I[Y]] = identityEndoFunctor.f
      Law(ν[Y] o i[Z, Y](`z-->y`), pt[Z, Y](`z-->y`) o ν[Z])

This law is just a special version of an already mentioned one.

Again the Scala type system can understand the law without most type parameters.

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[I[Z], PT[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      val preTriple: PreTriple[C, PT] = summon[PreTriple[C, PT]]
      import preTriple.{pt, ν}
      import implementation.generic.{identityEndoFunctor}
      def i[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[I[Z], I[Y]] = identityEndoFunctor.f
      Law(ν o i(`z-->y`), pt(`z-->y`) o ν)

Triple laws

package specification

// ...

import notation.{Law}

class TripleLaws[C[-_, +_]: Category, T[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Triple[C, T]]:

  val category: Category[C] = summon[Category[C]]

  val triple: Triple[C, T] = summon[Triple[C, T]]

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[(T O T)[Z], T[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      import triple.{t, μ}
      import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}
      Law(μ[Y] o (t[T[Z], T[Y]] o t[Z, Y])(`z-->y`), t[Z, Y](`z-->y`) o μ[Z])

  def leftIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[T[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
    def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
    import triple.{ν, μ}
    Law(μ[Z] o ν[T[Z]], ι[T[Z]])

  def rightIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[T[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
    def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
    import triple.{t, ν, μ}
    Law(μ[Z] o t[Z, T[Z]](ν[Z]), ι[T[Z]])

  def associativityLaw[Z]: Law[C[(T O T O T)[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import triple.{t, μ}
    Law(μ[Z] o μ[T[Z]], μ[Z] o t[(T O T)[Z], T[Z]](μ[Z]))

The first law is just a special version of an already mentioned one.

Again the Scala type system can understand the law without most type parameters.

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[(T O T)[Z], T[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
    import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
    def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
      import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}
      Law(μ o (t o t)(`z-->y`), t(`z-->y`) o (μ))

  def leftIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[T[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
    def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
    import triple.{ν, μ}
    Law(μ o ν, ι)

  def rightIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[T[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import category.{ι}
    import triple.{t, ν, μ}
    Law(μ o t(ν), ι)

  def associativityLaw[Z]: Law[C[(T O T O T)[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import triple.{t, μ}
    Law(μ o μ, μ o t(μ))

It is challenging to translate the laws above back to the ones that use type parameters.

Another way to encode the laws is by using leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation and righFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation

  def leftIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[T[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
    def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
    import triple.{ν, μ}
    import notation.{I}
    import triple.{nu}
    given EndoFunctor[C, T] = triple.tef
    import implementation.generic.{
    def νt[Z]: C[T[Z], (T O T)[Z]] = rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation(nu).τ
    Law(μ o νt, ι)

  def rightIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[T[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
    def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
    import triple.{t, ν, μ}
    import notation.{I}
    import triple.{nu}
    given EndoFunctor[C, T] = triple.tef
    import implementation.generic.{
    def [Z]: C[T[Z], (T O T)[Z]] = leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation(nu).τ
    Law(μ o tν, ι)

  def associativityLaw[Z]: Law[C[(T O T O T)[Z], T[Z]]] =
    import triple.{t, μ}
    import notation.{I}
    import triple.{mu}
    given EndoFunctor[C, T] = triple.tef
    import implementation.generic.{
    def μt[Z]: C[(T O T O T)[Z], (T O T)[Z]] = rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation(mu).τ
    def [Z]: C[(T O T O T)[Z], (T O T)[Z]] = leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation(mu).τ
    Law(μ o μt, μ o tμ)

This way to encode the laws is in sync with writinh the laws using mathematical notation.


So what is the preferred notation for writing leftIdentityLaw?

  • Law(μ[Z] o ν[T[Z]], ι[T[Z]])
  • Law(μ o ν, ι)
  • Law(μ o νt, ι)

Well ... it depends.

For documentation for human beings, perhaps the first notation.

For correspondence with mathematical documents, perhaps the last notation.

Anyway, in contrast with, often used, matematicical "abuse of notation" to simplify notation, the middle notation, which is the simplest one, is not an example of programmatic "abuse of notation". The Scala type system is happy with it (and so should human beings be).

On the one hand, human beings can not fool the Scala system by using "abuse of notation". On the other hand, human beings should start worrying when writing laws the Scala type system is not happy with.

In my opinion this is a situation were software (the Scala system) can better deal with complexity than human beings. Being better with dealing with (not necessarily complexity related) difficulty is another matter.

For sure, there exists software that can assist human beings to deal with difficulty, like proof assistant software, but, at least as far as I know (I may be wrong) there does not exist software that, out of the blue, comes up with a proof of, say, the pointful Yoneda lemma resp. our pointful Yoneda lemma, or comes up with the formulation of the lemmas themselves.

But, then again, never say never, ... .

Part 09: PreFunctionalCategory and FunctionalCategory laws

PreFunctionalCategory laws

package specification

// ...

import notation.{Law}

class PreFunctionalCategoryLaws[C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory]:

  val preFunctionalCategory = summon[PreFunctionalCategory[C]]
  import preFunctionalCategory.{GF}

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[I[Z], GF[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      import preFunctionalCategory.{gf, ν}
      def i[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[Z, Y] = identityEndoFunctor[C].f
      (ν o i(`z-->y`), gf(`z-->y`) o ν)

  import preFunctionalCategory.{f2m}
  import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

  def compositionLaw[Z, Y, X]
      : Function[Z, Y] => (Function[Y, X] => Law[C[Z, X]]) =
    `z=>y` =>
      `y=>x` =>
        (f2m(`y=>x` o `z=>y`), f2m(`y=>x`) o f2m(`z=>y`))

  def identityLaw[Z]: Law[C[Z, Z]] =
    def `z-->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = preFunctionalCategory.identity
    def `z=>z`[Z]: Function[Z, Z] = functionCategory.identity
    (f2m(`z=>z`), `z-->z`)

  def nuLaw[Z]: GF[Z] => Law[(GF O GF)[Z]] =
    `u-->z` =>
      import preFunctionalCategory.{v2gv, ν}
      (ν[Z] o `u-->z`, v2gv[C[U, Z]](`u-->z`))

The first three laws are special versions of already mentioned ones.

Again the Scala type system can understand the fourth law with less type parameters.

  def nuLaw[Z]: GF[Z] => Law[(GF O GF)[Z]] =
    `u-->z` =>
      import preFunctionalCategory.{v2gv, ν}
      (ν o `u-->z`, v2gv(`u-->z`))

Again, it is challenging to translate the laws above back to the ones that use type parameters.

FunctionalCategory laws

package specification

// ...

import notation.{O, Law}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

class FunctionalCategoryLaws[C[-_, +_]: FunctionalCategory]:

  val functionalCategory = summon[FunctionalCategory[C]]

  import functionalCategory.{GF}

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[(GF O GF)[Z], GF[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      import functionalCategory.{gf, μ}
      (μ[Y] o (gf[GF[Z], GF[Y]] o gf[Z, Y])(`z-->y`), gf[Z, Y](`z-->y`) o μ[Z])

  import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
  def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ

  def leftIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[GF[Z], GF[Z]]] =
    import functionalCategory.{gf, ν, μ}
    (μ[Z] o gf(ν[Z]), ι[GF[Z]])

  def rightIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[GF[Z], GF[Z]]] =
    import functionalCategory.{ν, μ}
    (μ[Z] o ν[GF[Z]], ι[GF[Z]])

  def associativityLaw[Z]: Law[C[(GF O GF O GF)[Z], GF[Z]]] =
    import functionalCategory.{gf, μ}
    (μ[Z] o μ[GF[Z]], μ[Z] o gf[(GF O GF)[Z], GF[Z]](μ[Z]))

The laws are special versions of already mentioned ones.

Again the Scala type system can understand the laws with less type parameters.

  def commutativityLaw[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Law[C[(GF O GF)[Z], GF[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      import functionalCategory.{gf, μ}
      (μ o (gf o gf)(`z-->y`), gf(`z-->y`) o μ)

  import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
  def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ

  def leftIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[GF[Z], GF[Z]]] =
    import functionalCategory.{gf, ν, μ}
    (μ o gf(ν), ι)

  def rightIdentityLaw[Z]: Law[C[GF[Z], GF[Z]]] =
    import functionalCategory.{ν, μ}
    (μ o ν, ι)

  def associativityLaw[Z]: Law[C[(GF O GF O GF)[Z], GF[Z]]] =
    import functionalCategory.{gf, μ}
    (μ o μ, μ o gf(μ))

Again, it is challenging to translate the laws above back to the ones that use type parameters.

We are done with declaring specifications and defining their laws.

Part 10: functionFunctionalCategory


package notation

val u: U = ()


package implementation.specific

import notation.{I, O, U, u}

import specification.{FunctionalCategory, EndoNaturalTransformation}

import implementation.generic.{identityEndoFunctor, composedFunctor, yonedaEndoFunctor}

given functionFunctionalCategory: FunctionalCategory[Function] with
  def composition[Z, Y, X]: (Function[Y, X], Function[Z, Y]) => Function[Z, X] = functionCategory.composition

  def identity[Z]: Function[Z, Z] = functionCategory.identity

  def f[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Function[I[Z], I[Y]] = identityEndoFunctor.f

  override val nu: EndoNaturalTransformation[Function, I, GF] =
      def τ[Z]: Function[I[Z], GF[Z]] = z => u => z

  val mu: EndoNaturalTransformation[Function, GF O GF, GF] =
      def τ[Z]: Function[(GF O GF)[Z], GF[Z]] = `u=>(u=>z)` => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)

Only def member τ of val member mu needs to be defined.

Also def member τ of val member nu is redefined (cfr. override).

Later on the correctness of this redefinition will be proved.

We are done with defining implementations

It is time to start with proofs.

Let's start with specific implementations.

The definitions and auxiliary propositions that are used are written in comments.

Part 11: functionCategory and functionFunctionalCategory proofs

functionCategory proofs

package implementation.specific

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class FunctionCategoryProofs:

  def associativityProof[Z, Y, X, W]: ((Function[Z, Y], Function[Y, X], Function[X, W]) => Z => Proof[W]) =
    (`z=>y`, `y=>x`, `x=>w`) =>
      z =>
          ((`x=>w` o `y=>x`) o `z=>y`)(z),
          // definition o for function(Functional)Category
          (`x=>w` o `y=>x`)(`z=>y`(z)),
          // definition o for function(Functional)Category
          // definition o for function(Functional)Category
          `x=>w`((`y=>x` o `z=>y`)(z)),
          // definition o for functionCategory
          (`x=>w` o (`y=>x` o `z=>y`))(z)
          // done

  def leftIdentityProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Z => List[Y] =
    `z=>y` =>
      z =>
        def `y-->y`[Y] = functionCategory.identity[Y]
          (`y-->y` o `z=>y`)(z),
          // definition o for functionCategory
          // definition `y-->y` for functionCategory
          // done

  def rightIdentityProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Z => List[Y] =
    `z=>y` =>
      z =>
        def `z-->z`[Z] = functionCategory.identity[Z]
          (`z=>y` o `z-->z`)(z),
          // definition o for functionCategory
          // definition `z-->z` for functionCategory
          // done

The proofs are simple and easy.

functionFunctionalCategory proofs

package implementation.specific

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

class FunctionFunctionalCategoryProofs:

  import functionFunctionalCategory.{GF, f, f2m, v2gv, ν}

  def f2mPropositionProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Proof[Function[Z, Y]] =
    `z=>y` =>
        // definition f2m
        // definition f for function(Functional)Category
        // definition f for identityEndoFunctor

  def nuPropositionProof[Z]: Proof[Function[I[Z], GF[Z]]] =
      // definition ν
      // definition v2gv
      f2m(z => f2m(u => z)),
      // f2mProposition (twice)
      z => u => z

  def gfPropositionProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Proof[Function[GF[Z], GF[Y]]] =
    import functionFunctionalCategory.{f, gf, yfz, yefz, f2m}
    `z=>y` =>
        // definition gf
        yonedaEndoFunctor[Function, U].f(`z=>y`),
        // definition yonedaEndoFunctor (via composedFunctor)
        f2m(yonedaFunctor[Function, U].f(`z=>y`)),
        // f2mProposition
        yonedaFunctor[Function, U].f(`z=>y`),
        // definition yfz

  def nuCommutativityProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Proof[Function[I[Z], GF[Y]]] =
    `z=>y` =>
      import functionFunctionalCategory.{yfz, gf, ν}
      def i[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Function[Z, Y] = identityEndoFunctor.f
        gf(`z=>y`) o ν,
        // gfProposition
        yfz(`z=>y`) o ν,
        // definition ν for function(Pre)FunctionalCategory
        yfz(`z=>y`) o (z => (u => z)),
        // definition o for function(Functional)Category
        z => yfz(`z=>y`)(u => z),
        // definition yfz
        z => `z=>y` o (u => z),
        // definition o for function(Functional)Category
        z => u => `z=>y`(z),
        // definition definition o for function(Functional)Category (substituting `z=>y`(z) for y)
        ((y: Y) => (u: U) => y) o (z => `z=>y`(z)),
        // lambda calculus eta conversion
        ((y: Y) => ((u: U) => y)) o `z=>y`,
        // definition ν
        ν o `z=>y`,
        // definition identityEndoFunctor.f
        ν o identityEndoFunctor.f(`z=>y`),
        // definition i
        ν o i(`z=>y`)
        // done

  def muCommutativityProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Proof[(GF O GF)[Z] => GF[Y]] =
    `z=>y` =>
      import functionFunctionalCategory.{yfz, gf, μ}
        gf(`z=>y`) o μ,
        // gfProposition
        yfz(`z=>y`) o μ,
        // definition μ for functionFunctionalCategory
        yfz(`z=>y`) o (`u=>(u=>z)` => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)),
        // definition o for function(Functional)Category
        `u=>(u=>z)` => yfz(`z=>y`)(`u=>(u=>z)`(u)),
        // definition yfz
        `u=>(u=>z)` => (`z=>y` o `u=>(u=>z)`(u)),
        // eta conversion lambda calculus
        (`u=>(u=>z)` => ((u: U) => (`z=>y` o `u=>(u=>z)`(u)))(u)),
        // definition o for function(Functional)Category
        ((`u=>(u=>y)`: (GF O GF)[Y]) => `u=>(u=>y)`(u)) o (`u=>(u=>z)` => (u => `z=>y` o `u=>(u=>z)`(u))),
        // definition o for function(Functional)Category
        ((`u=>(u=>y)`: (GF O GF)[Y]) => `u=>(u=>y)`(u)) o (`u=>(u=>z)` =>
          ((`u=>z`: GF[Z]) => `z=>y` o `u=>z`) o (u => `u=>(u=>z)`(u))
        // eta conversion lambda calculus
        (((`u=>(u=>y)`: (GF O GF)[Y]) => `u=>(u=>y)`(u)) o (`u=>(u=>z)` =>
          ((`u=>z`: GF[Z]) => `z=>y` o `u=>z`) o `u=>(u=>z)`
        // definition yfz
        (((`u=>(u=>y)`: (GF O GF)[Y]) => `u=>(u=>y)`(u)) o yfz((`u=>z`: GF[Z]) => `z=>y` o `u=>z`)),
        // definition yfz
        (((`u=>(u=>y)`: (GF O GF)[Y]) => `u=>(u=>y)`(u)) o yfz(yfz(`z=>y`))),
        // definition μ for functionFunctionalCategory
        μ o yfz(yfz(`z=>y`)),
        // gfProposition twice
        μ o gf(gf(`z=>y`))
        // done

  def nuProof[Z]: GF[Z] => Proof[(GF O GF)[Z]] =
    `u=>z` =>
      import functionFunctionalCategory.{f2m, v2gv, ν}
        ν o `u=>z`,
        // definition ν for function(Pre)FunctionalCategory
        ((z: Z) => ((u: U) => z)) o `u=>z`,
        // eta conversion lambda calculus
        (((z: Z) => ((u: U) => z)) o (u => `u=>z`(u))),
        // definition o for function(Functional)Category
        u => (u => `u=>z`(u)),
        // eta conversion lambda calculus
        u => `u=>z`,
        // f2mProposition
        f2m(u => `u=>z`),
        // definition v2gv
        // done

  import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
  def ι[Z]: Function[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ

  def leftIdentityProof[Z]: Proof[GF[Z] => GF[Z]] =
    import functionFunctionalCategory.{f2m, yfz, yefz, gf, ν, μ}
      μ o gf(ν),
      // gfProposition
      μ o yfz(ν),
      // definition ν for function(Pre)FunctionalCategory
      μ o yfz(f2m(z => u => z)),
      // f2mProposition
      μ o yfz(z => u => z),
      // definition μ for functionFunctionalCategory
      ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o yfz(z => u => z),
      // definition yfz
      ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o (`u=>z` => ((z: Z) => ((u: U) => z)) o `u=>z`),
      // definition o for function(Functional)Category
      `u=>z` => (((z: Z) => ((u: U) => z)) o `u=>z`)(u),
      // lambda calculus ν conversion
      `u=>z` => (((z: Z) => ((u: U) => z)) o (u => `u=>z`(u)))(u),
      // definition o for function(Functional)Category
      `u=>z` => (u => `u=>z`(u)),
      // lambda calculus ν conversion
      (`u=>z` => `u=>z`),
      // definition ι for function(Functional)Category
      // done

  def rightIdentityProof[Z]: Proof[GF[Z] => GF[Z]] =
    import functionFunctionalCategory.{ν, μ}
      μ o ν,
      // definition ν for function(Pre)FunctionalCategory
      μ o (`u=>z` => (u => `u=>z`)),
      // definition μ for functionFunctionalCategory
      ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o (`u=>z` => (_ => `u=>z`)),
      // definition o for function(Functional)Category
      `u=>z` => ((u: U) => `u=>z`)(u),
      // eta conversion lambda calculus
      `u=>z` => `u=>z`,
      // definition ι for function(Functional)Category
      // done

  def associativityProof[Z]: Proof[(GF O GF O GF)[Z] => GF[Z]] =
    import functionFunctionalCategory.{f2m, yfz, yefz, gf, μ}
      μ o μ,
      // definition μ for functionFunctionalCategory (twice)
      (((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o ((`u=>(u=>(u=>z))`: (GF O GF O GF)[Z]) =>
      // definition o for function(Functional)Category
      (`u=>(u=>(u=>z))`: (GF O GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>(u=>z))`(u)(u),
      // definition o for function(Functional)Category
      (`u=>(u=>(u=>z))`: (GF O GF O GF)[Z]) =>
        (((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o `u=>(u=>(u=>z))`)(u),
      // definition o for function(Functional)Category
      ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o (`u=>(u=>(u=>z))` =>
        ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o `u=>(u=>(u=>z))`
      // definition yfz
      ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o yfz(`u=>(u=>z)` => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)),
      // definition gfProposition
      ((`u=>(u=>z)`: (GF O GF)[Z]) => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)) o gf(`u=>(u=>z)` => `u=>(u=>z)`(u)),
      // definition μ for functionFunctionalCategory
      μ o gf(μ)
      // done

The proofs are more complex but they are still easy.

We are done with proofs of specific implementations.

Let's continue with proofs of generic implementations.

The definitions, laws and propositions that are used are written in comments.

Part 12: IdentityEndoFunctor and ComposedFunctor proofs

IdentityEndoFunctor proofs

package implementation.generic

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class IdentityEndoFunctorProofs[C[-_, +_]: Category]:

  def i[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[Z, Y] = identityEndoFunctor.f

  def identityProof[Z]: Proof[C[I[Z], I[Z]]] =

    def `z-->z`: C[Z, Z] = summon[Category[C]].identity
    def `i[z]-->i[z]` : C[I[Z], I[Z]] = summon[Category[C]].identity

      // definition i
      // definition `i[z]-->i[z]`
      // done

  def compositionProof[Z, Y, X]: C[Z, Y] => C[Y, X] => Proof[C[I[Z], I[X]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      `y-->x` =>
          i(`y-->x` o `z-->y`),
          // definition i
          `y-->x` o `z-->y`,
          // definition i (twice)
          i(`y-->x`) o i(`z-->y`)
          // done

ComposedFunctorProofs proofs

package implementation.generic

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class ComposedFunctorProofs[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    E[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, G]

  def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f

  def g[Z, Y]: D[F[Z], F[Y]] => E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[Y]] = summon[Functor[D, E, G]].f

  def gof[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[Y]]= composedFunctor[C, D, E, F, G].f

  def identityProof[Z]: Proof[E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[Z]]] =
    val `z-c->z`: C[Z, Z] = summon[Category[C]].identity[Z]
    val `f[z]-d->f[z]` : D[F[Z], F[Z]] = summon[Category[D]].identity[F[Z]]
    val `(gof)[z]-e->(gof)[z]` : E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[Z]] = summon[Category[E]].identity[(G O F)[Z]]
      // definition f for gof
      // identityLaw for f
      // identityLaw for g
      // done

  def compositionProof[Z, Y, X]: C[Z, Y] => (C[Y, X] => Proof[E[(G O F)[Z], (G O F)[X]]]) =
    `z-->y` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: C[Y, X])
          def o_c(`z-->y`: C[Z, Y]): C[Z, X] =
            summon[Category[C]].o[Z, Y, X](`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
        extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: D[Y, X])
          def o_d(`z-->y`: D[Z, Y]): D[Z, X] =
            summon[Category[D]].o[Z, Y, X](`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
        extension [Z, Y, X](`y-->x`: E[Y, X])
          def o_e(`z-->y`: E[Z, Y]): E[Z, X] =
            summon[Category[E]].o[Z, Y, X](`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
          gof(`y-->x` o_c `z-->y`),
          // definition f for gof
          g(f(`y-->x` o_c `z-->y`)),
          // compositionLaw for f
          g(f(`y-->x`) o_d f(`z-->y`)),
          // compositionLaw for g
          g(f(`y-->x`)) o_e g(f(`z-->y`)),
          // definition f for gof
          gof(`y-->x`) o_e gof(`z-->y`)
          // done

Part 13: IdentityEndoNaturalTransformation and ComposedEndoNaturalTransformationProof proofs

IdentityEndoNaturalTransformation proof

package implementation.generic

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class IdentityNaturalTransformationProof[C[-_, +_]: Category]:

  val category = summon[Category[C]]
  import category.{identity}

  def i[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[I[Z], I[Y]] = identityEndoFunctor.f
  def ι[Z]: C[I[Z], I[Z]] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ

  def commutativityProof[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Proof[C[I[Z], I[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
        ι o i(`z-->y`),
        // definition i
        ι o i(`z-->y`),
        // definition ι
        identity o `z-->y`,
        // left identity law 
        // right identity law 
        `z-->y` o identity,
        // definition ι
        `z-->y` o ι,
        // definition i
        i(`z-->y`) o ι

ComposedEndoNaturalTransformationProof proofs

package implementation.generic

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class ComposedEndoNaturalTransformationProof[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, G],
    H[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, H],
    S[_[-_, +_], _[-_, +_], _[+_], _[+_]]: [_[
        _[-_, +_],
        _[-_, +_],
    ]] =>> EndoNaturalTransformation[
    T[_[-_, +_], _[-_, +_], _[+_], _[+_]]: [_[
        _[-_, +_],
        _[-_, +_],
    ]] =>> EndoNaturalTransformation[

  def commutativityProof[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Proof[C[F[Z], H[Y]]] =
    def σ[Z]: C[F[Z], G[Z]] = summon[EndoNaturalTransformation[C, F, G]].τ
    def τ[Z]: C[G[Z], H[Z]] = summon[EndoNaturalTransformation[C, G, H]].τ
    def τoσ[Z]: C[F[Z], H[Z]] = composedNaturalTransformation[C, F, G, H, S, T].τ
    def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, F]].f
    def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, G]].f
    def h[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[H[Z], H[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, H]].f
    `z-->y` =>
        τoσ o f(`z-->y`),
        // definition τ for composedNaturalTransformation
        (τ o σ) o f(`z-->y`),
        // associativityLaw for C
        τ o (σ o f(`z-->y`)),
        // commutativityLaw for S
        τ o (g(`z-->y`) o σ),
        // categoryCompositionAssociativityLaw for C
        (τ o g(`z-->y`)) o σ,
        // commutativityLaw for T
        (h(`z-->y`) o τ) o σ,
        // associativityLaw for C
        h(`z-->y`) o (τ o σ),
        // definition τ for composedNaturalTransformation
        h(`z-->y`) o τoσ
        // done

Part 14: LeftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformationProof and RightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformationProof proof

LeftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformationProof proof

package implementation.generic

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

class LeftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformationProof[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    E[-_, +_]: Category,
    H[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, H],
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, G]

  def commutativityProof[Z, Y](
      sigma: NaturalTransformation[C, D, F, G]
  ): C[Z, Y] => Proof[E[(H O F)[Z], (H O G)[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      def σ[Z]: D[F[Z], G[Z]] = sigma.τ
      def h[Z, Y]: D[Z, Y] => E[H[Z], H[Y]] = summon[Functor[D, E, H]].f
      def [Z, Y]: E[(H O F)[Z], (H O G)[Z]] =
        leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation[C, D, E, H, F, G](sigma).τ
      def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
      def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, G]].f
      import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}
        hσ o (h o f)(`z-->y`),
        // definition τ for leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation
        h(σ) o (h o f)(`z-->y`),
        // definition o for functionCategory
        h(σ) o h(f(`z-->y`)),
        // compositionLaw for h
        h(σ o f(`z-->y`)),
        // commutativityLaw for S
        h(g(`z-->y`) o σ),
        // compositionLaw for h
        h(g(`z-->y`)) o h(σ),
        // definition o for functionCategory
        (h o g)(`z-->y`) o h(σ),
        // definition τ for leftFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation
        (h o g)(`z-->y`) o hσ
        // done

RightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformationProof proof

package implementation.generic

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class RightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformationProof[
    C[-_, +_]: Category,
    D[-_, +_]: Category,
    E[-_, +_]: Category,
    F[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, D, F],
    H[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, H],
    K[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[D, E, K]

  def commutativityProof[Z, Y](
      sigma: NaturalTransformation[D, E, H, K]
  ): C[Z, Y] => Proof[E[(H O F)[Z], (K O F)[Y]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      def σ[Z]: E[H[Z], K[Z]] = sigma.τ
      def σf[Z]: E[(H O F)[Z], (K O F)[Z]] =
        rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation[C, D, E, F, H, K](sigma).τ
      def f[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => D[F[Z], F[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, D, F]].f
      def h[Z, Y]: D[Z, Y] => E[H[Z], H[Y]] = summon[Functor[D, E, H]].f
      def k[Z, Y]: D[Z, Y] => E[K[Z], K[Y]] = summon[Functor[D, E, K]].f
      import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}
        σf o (h o f)(`z-->y`),
        // definition τ for rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation
        σ[F[Y]] o (h o f)(`z-->y`),
        // definition o for functionCategory
        σ[F[Y]] o h(f(`z-->y`)),
        // commutativityLaw for S (with f(`z-->y`))
        k(f(`z-->y`)) o σ[F[Z]],
        // definition o for functionCategory
        (k o f)(`z-->y`) o σ[F[Z]],
        // definition τ for rightFunctorComposedNaturalTransformation
        (k o f)(`z-->y`) o σf
        // done

Part 15: Category Yoneda lemma and proof

package proposition

import notation.{Yoneda, Law}

import specification.{Category, Functor, NaturalTransformation}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

import implementation.generic.{yonedaFunctor}

class YonedaLemma[C[-_, +_]: Category, Z, G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, Function, G]]:

  val category = summon[Category[C]]

  import category.{identity}

  def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Function[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, Function, G]].f

  type YFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def yonedaLemma1[Y]: (NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] => Law[Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]]]) =
    yfz2g =>
      def `z-->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identity[Z]
      def τ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yfz2g.τ
      def `g[z]` : G[Z] = τ(`z-->z`)
      val yfz_2_g: NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] =
          def τ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = `z-->y` => g(`z-->y`)(`g[z]`)
      def σ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yfz_2_g.τ
      Law(τ, σ)

  def yonedaLemma2[Y, X]: G[Z] => (C[Y, X] => (Law[Function[YFZ[Y], G[X]]])) =
    `g[z]` =>
      val yfz2g: NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] =
          def τ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = `z-->y` => g(`z-->y`)(`g[z]`)
      def σ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yfz2g.τ
      def yfz: C[Y, X] => Function[YFZ[Y], YFZ[X]] = yonedaFunctor.f
      `y-->x` => Law(g(`y-->x`) o σ, σ o yfz(`y-->x`))

Natural transformations of type NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] are in one-to-one correspondence with values of type G[Z].

With every natural transformation with morphism τ of type Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] corresponds a value `g[z]` = τ(`z-->z`) of type G[Z] and with every value `g[z]` of type G[Z] corresponds a natural transformation with morphism σ = `z-->y` => g(`z-->y`)(`g[z]`) of type Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] such that τ is equal to σ.


import notation.{I}

import specification.{EndoFunctor}

import implementation.generic.{identityEndoFunctor}

class YonedaLemmaForIdentity[Z]extends YonedaLemma[Function, Z, I]

If G is I, then, with every natural transformation with morphism τ of type Function[YFZ[Y], Y] corresponds a value z = τ(`z-->z`) of type Z and with every value z of type Z corresponds a natural transformation with morphism σ = `z-->y` => `z-->y`(z) of type Function[YFZ[Y], Y] such that τ is equal to σ.

package proposition

// ...

import notation.{Proof}

class YonedaLemmaProof[Z, C[-_, +_]: Category, G[+_]: [_[+_]] =>> Functor[C, Function, G]]:

  val category = summon[Category[C]]

  import category.{identity}

  def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => Function[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[Functor[C, Function, G]].f

  type YFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def yfz[Y, X]: C[Y, X] => Function[YFZ[Y], YFZ[X]] = yonedaFunctor.f

  def yonedaLemma1Proof[Y]: NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] => (YFZ[Y] => Proof[G[Y]]) =
    yfz2g =>
      def `z-->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identity[Z]
      def τ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yfz2g.τ
      def `g[z]` : G[Z] = τ(`z-->z`)
      val yfz_2_g: NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] =
          def τ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = `z-->y` => g(`z-->y`)(`g[z]`)
      def σ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yfz_2_g.τ
      `z-->y` =>
          // rightIdentityLaw for C
          τ(`z-->y` o `z-->z`),
          // definition yfz
          // definition o for functionCategory
          (τ o yfz(`z-->y`))(`z-->z`),
          // commutativityLaw for τ
          (g(`z-->y`) o τ)(`z-->z`),
          // definition o for functionCategory
          // definition `g[z]`
          // definition σ
          // done

  def yonedaLemma2Proof[Y, X]: G[Z] => (C[Y, X] => (YFZ[Y] => Proof[G[X]])) =
    `g[z]` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        val yfz2g: NaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, G] =
            def τ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = `z-->y` => g(`z-->y`)(`g[z]`)
        def σ[Y]: Function[YFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yfz2g.τ
        `z-->y` =>
            (g(`y-->x`) o σ)(`z-->y`),
            // definition o for functionCategory
            // definition σ
            // definition o for functionCategory
            (g(`y-->x`) o g(`z-->y`))(`g[z]`),
            // compositionLaw for g
            (g(`y-->x` o `z-->y`))(`g[z]`),
            // definition yfz
            // definition σ with yfz(`y-->x`)(`z-->y`)
            // definition o for functionCategory
            (σ o yfz(`y-->x`))(`z-->y`)
            // done

Part 16: PreFunctionalCategory propositions and proofs

package proposition

import notation.{Proposition}

import specification.{PreFunctionalCategory}

class PreFunctionalCategoryPropositions[C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory]:

  val preFunctionalCategory = summon[PreFunctionalCategory[C]]

  import preFunctionalCategory.{GF}

  def pointfreeApplication[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Z => Proposition[GF[Y]] =
    `z=>y` =>
      z =>
        import preFunctionalCategory.{v2gv, f2m}
        (f2m(`z=>y`) o v2gv(z), v2gv(`z=>y`(z)))

  def pointfreeYoneda[Z, Y, X]: C[Z, Y] => C[Y, X] => Proposition[GF[C[Z, X]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        import preFunctionalCategory.{v2gv, yefz}
        (yefz(`y-->x`) o v2gv(`z-->y`), v2gv(`y-->x` o `z-->y`))

pointfreeApplication and pointfreeYoneda are pointfree versions of function application and the Yoneda endofunctor.

package proposition

// ...

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

import notation.{Proof}

class PreFunctionalCategoryProofs[Z, C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory]:

  val preFunctionalCategory = summon[PreFunctionalCategory[C]]

  import preFunctionalCategory.{GF}

  def pointfreeApplicationProof[Z, Y]: Function[Z, Y] => Z => Proof[GF[Y]] =
    `z=>y` =>
      z =>
        import preFunctionalCategory.{f2m, v2gv}
          f2m(`z=>y`) o v2gv(z),
          // definition v2gv
          f2m(`z=>y`) o f2m(u => z),
          // compositionLaw for f2m
          f2m(`z=>y` o (u => z)),
          // definition o for functionCategory
          f2m(u => `z=>y`(z)),
          // definition v2gv
          // done

  def pointfreeYonedaProof[Y, X]: C[Z, Y] => C[Y, X] => Proof[GF[C[Z, X]]] =
    `z-->y` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        import preFunctionalCategory.{f2m, yfz, yefz, v2gv}
          yefz(`y-->x`) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // definition yefz
          f2m(yfz(`y-->x`)) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // definition yfz
          f2m[C[Z, Y], C[Z, X]](`z-->y` => `y-->x` o `z-->y`) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // pointfreeApplication
          v2gv(`y-->x` o `z-->y`)
          // done

Part 17: FunctionalCategory proposition and proof

package proposition

import notation.{I, O, Proposition}

import specification.{EndoNaturalTransformation, FunctionalCategory}

class FunctionalCategoryProposition[Z, C[-_, +_]: FunctionalCategory]:

  val functionalCategory = summon[FunctionalCategory[C]]

  import functionalCategory.{GF}

  def muProposition[Z]: (GF O GF)[Z] => Proposition[(GF O GF)[Z]] =
    `u-->(u-->z)` =>
      import functionalCategory.{v2gv, μ}
      (μ o v2gv(`u-->(u-->z)`), `u-->(u-->z)`)
import notation.{Proof}

class FunctionalCategoryProof[Z, C[-_, +_]: FunctionalCategory]:

  val functionalCategory = summon[FunctionalCategory[C]]

  import functionalCategory.{GF}

  def muProof[Z]: (GF O GF)[Z] => Proof[(GF O GF)[Z]] =
    `u-->(u-->z)` =>
      import implementation.generic.{identityEndoNaturalTransformation}
      def ι[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identityEndoNaturalTransformation.τ
      import functionalCategory.{v2gv, ν, μ}
        μ o v2gv(`u-->(u-->z)`),
        // nuLaw for GF
        μ o (ν o `u-->(u-->z)`),
        // associativityLaw for C
        (μ o ν) o `u-->(u-->z)`,
        // leftIdentityLaw for GF
        `u-->(u-->z)` o ι,
        // rightIdentityLaw for C

Note that muProof uses nuLaw.

Part 18: PreFunctionalCategory Yoneda lemma and proof

package proposition

import notation.{O, U, Law, Yoneda}

import specification.{PreFunctionalCategory, EndoFunctor, EndoNaturalTransformation}

import implementation.generic.{composedFunctor, yonedaEndoFunctor}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

class PreEndoYonedaLemma[C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory, Z, G[+_]: [G[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, G]]:

  val preFunctionalCategory = summon[PreFunctionalCategory[C]]

  import preFunctionalCategory.{GF}

  type YEFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, G]].f

  def preEndoYonedaLemma1[Y]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, G] => Law[C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]]] =
    yefz2g =>

      import preFunctionalCategory.{identity, f2m, v2gv, ν}
      def `z-->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identity
      def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yefz2g.τ
      def `u-->g[z]` : (GF O G)[Z] = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`)
      val yefz_2_gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
          def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = f2m(`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`)
      def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz_2_gfog.τ
      Law(ν o τ, σ)

  def preEndoYonedaLemma2[Y, X]: (GF O G)[Z] => (C[Y, X] => Law[C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[X]]]) =
    `u-->g[z]` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        import preFunctionalCategory.{f2m, yefz, gf}
        val yefz2gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
            def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = f2m(`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`)
        def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ
        Law((gf o g)(`y-->x`) o σ, σ o yefz(`y-->x`))

With every endo natural transformation with morphism τ of type C[YEFZ[Y], G[Y]] corresponds a global value `u-->g[z]` = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`) of type (GF O G)[Z] and with every global value `u-->g[z]` of type (GF O G)[Z] corresponds an endo natural transformation with morphism σ = f2m(`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`) of type C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] such that ν o τ is equal to σ.


import notation.{I}

import implementation.generic.identityEndoFunctor

class PreEndoYonedaLemmaForIdentity[C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory, Z] extends PreEndoYonedaLemma[C, Z, I]

If G is I, then with every endo natural transformation with morphism τ of type C[YEFZ[Y], Y] corresponds a global value `u-->z` = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`) of type GF[Z] and with every global value `u-->z` of type GF[Z] corresponds an endo natural transformation with morphism σ = f2m(`z-->y` => `z-->y` o `u-->z`) of type C[YEFZ[Y], GF[Y]] such that ν o τ is equal to σ.

import notation.{Proof}

class PreEndoYonedaProof[C[-_, +_]: PreFunctionalCategory, Z, G[+_]: [G[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, G]]:

  val preFunctionalCategory = summon[PreFunctionalCategory[C]]

  import preFunctionalCategory.{GF, gf}

  type YEFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, G]].f

  def preEndoYonedaProof1[Y]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, G] => (C[Z, Y] => Proof[(GF O GF O G)[Y]]) =
    yefz2gfog =>
      import preFunctionalCategory.{identity, f2m, v2gv, yefz, ν}
      def `z-->z`[Z]: C[Z, Z] = identity
      def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ
      def `u-->g[z]` : (GF O G)[Z] = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`)
      val yefz_2_gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
          def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = f2m(`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`)
      def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz_2_gfog.τ
      `z-->y` =>
          ν[G[Y]] o σ o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // rightIdentityLaw for C
          ν o σ o v2gv(`z-->y` o `z-->z`),
          // pointfreeYoneda
          ν o σ o yefz(`z-->y`) o v2gv(`z-->z`),
          // commutativityLaw for ν o τ
          (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o ν o τ o v2gv(`z-->z`),
          // definition `u-->g[z]`
          (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o ν o `u-->g[z]`,
          // muLaw
          (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o v2gv(`u-->g[z]`),
          // definition o for function(Functional)Category
          gf(g(`z-->y`)) o v2gv(`u-->g[z]`),
          // definition gf
          yefz[U, G[Z], G[Y]](g(`z-->y`)) o v2gv(`u-->g[z]`),
          // pointfreeYoneda
          v2gv(g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`),
          // pointfreeApplication
          f2m[C[Z, Y], (GF O G)[Y]](`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // definition σ
          (σ o v2gv(`z-->y`))
          // done

  def preEndoYonedaProof2[Y, X]: (GF O G)[Z] => (C[Y, X] => (C[Z, Y] => Proof[(GF O GF O G)[X]])) =
    `u-->g[z]` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        import preFunctionalCategory.{f2m, v2gv, yefz, gf}
        val yefz2gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
            def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = f2m(`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`)
        def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ
        `z-->y` =>
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o σ o v2gv(`z-->y`),
            // definition σ
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o f2m[C[Z, Y], (GF O G)[Y]](`z-->y` => g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
            // pointfreeApplication
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o v2gv(g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`),
            // definition o for function(Functional)Category
            gf(g(`y-->x`)) o v2gv(g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`),
            // defintion gf
            yefz[U, G[Y], G[X]](g(`y-->x`)) o v2gv(g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`),
            // pointfreeYoneda
            v2gv(g(`y-->x`) o g(`z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`),
            // compositionLaw for g
            v2gv(g(`y-->x` o `z-->y`) o `u-->g[z]`),
            // pointfreeApplication
            f2m[C[Z, X], (GF O G)[X]](`z-->x` => g(`z-->x`) o `u-->g[z]`) o v2gv(`y-->x` o `z-->y`),
            // definition σ
            σ o v2gv(`y-->x` o `z-->y`),
            // pointfreeYoneda
            σ o yefz(`y-->x`) o v2gv(`z-->y`)
            // done

Part 19: FunctionalCategory Yoneda lemma and proof

package proposition

import notation.{O, U, Law}

import specification.{FunctionalCategory, EndoFunctor, EndoNaturalTransformation}

import implementation.generic.{composedFunctor, yonedaEndoFunctor}

import implementation.specific.{functionCategory}

class EndoYonedaLemma[C[-_, +_]: FunctionalCategory, Z, G[+_]: [G[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, G]]:

  val functionalCategory = summon[FunctionalCategory[C]]

  import functionalCategory.{GF}

  import notation.{Yoneda}

  type YEFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, G]].f

  def endoYonedaLemma1[Y]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] => Law[C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]]] =
    yefz2gfog =>
      import functionalCategory.{identity, v2gv, yefz, gf, μ}
      def `z-->z`: C[Z, Z] = identity
      def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ
      val `u-->(u-->g[z])` : (GF O GF O G)[Z] = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`)
      val yefz_2_gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
          def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] =
            μ o functionalCategory.f2m(`z-->y` => (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`)
      def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz_2_gfog.τ
      Law(τ, σ)

  def endoYonedaLemma2[Y, X]: (GF O GF O G)[Z] => (C[Y, X] => Law[C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[X]]]) =
    `u-->(u-->g[z])` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        import functionalCategory.{yefz, f2m, gf, μ}
        type YEFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]
        val yefz2gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
            def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] =
              μ o f2m(`z-->y` => (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`)
        def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ

        Law((gf o g)(`y-->x`) o σ, σ o yefz(`y-->x`))

Endo natural transformations of type EndoNaturalTransformation[C, Function, YFZ, GF O G] are in one-to-one correspondence with global global values of type (GF O GF O G)[Z].

With every endo natural transformation with morphism τ of type C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] corresponds a global global value `u-->(u-->g[z])` = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`) of type (GF O GF O G)[Z] and with every global global value `u-->(u-->g[z])` of type (GF O GF OG)[Z] corresponds an endo natural transformation with morphism σ = μ o functionalCategory.f2m(`z-->y` => (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`) of type C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]]] such that τ is equal to σ.


import notation.{I}

import implementation.generic.identityEndoFunctor

class EndoYonedaLemmaForIdentity[C[-_, +_]: FunctionalCategory, Z] extends EndoYonedaLemma[C, Z, I]

If G is I, then, with every endo natural transformation with morphism τ of type C[YEFZ[Y], GF[Y]] corresponds a global global value `u-->(u-->z)` = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`) of type (GF O GF)[Z] and with every global global value `u-->(u-->z)` of type (GF O GF)[Z] corresponds an endo natural transformation with morphism σ = μ o f2m(`z-->y` => gf(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->z)`) of type C[YEFZ[Y], GF[Y]]] such that τ is equal to σ.

  def endoCorollary1[Y]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, G] => Law[C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]]] =
    yef2g =>
      import functionalCategory.{ν}
      type YEFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]
      def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], G[Y]] = yef2g.τ
          override def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] =
            ν o σ

preEndoYonedaLemma1 for PreFunctionalCategory can be seen as a special case of endoYonedaLemma1 for FunctionalCategory.

import notation.{Proof}

class EndoYonedaProof[Z, C[-_, +_]: FunctionalCategory, G[+_]: [G[+_]] =>> EndoFunctor[C, G]]:

  val functionalCategory = summon[FunctionalCategory[C]]

  import functionalCategory.{GF}

  import notation.{Yoneda}

  type YEFZ = [Y] =>> Yoneda[C][Z][Y]

  def g[Z, Y]: C[Z, Y] => C[G[Z], G[Y]] = summon[EndoFunctor[C, G]].f

  def endoYonedaProof1[Y]: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] => (C[Z, Y] => Proof[(GF O GF O G)[Y]]) =
    yefz2gfog =>
      import functionalCategory.{identity, f2m, v2gv, yefz, gf, ν, μ}
      val `z-->z` = identity[Z]
      def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ
      def `u-->(u-->g[z])` : (GF O GF O G)[Z] = τ o v2gv(`z-->z`)
      val yefz_2_gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
          def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] =
            μ o f2m(`z-->y` => (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`)
      def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz_2_gfog.τ
      `z-->y` =>
          τ o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // rightIdentityLaw for C
          τ o v2gv(`z-->y` o `z-->z`),
          // pointfreeYoneda
          τ o yefz(`z-->y`) o v2gv(`z-->z`),
          // commutativityLaw for τ
          (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o τ o v2gv(`z-->z`),
          // definition `u-->(u-->g[z])`
          (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`,
          // muProposition with `u-->(u-->y)` = (gf o g)((`z-->y`)) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`
          μ o v2gv((gf o g)((`z-->y`)) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`),
          // pointfreeApplication
          μ o f2m[C[Z, Y], (GF O GF O G)[Y]](`z-->y` => (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
          // definition σ
          σ o v2gv(`z-->y`)
          // done

  def endoYonedaProof2[Y, X]: (GF O GF O G)[Z] => (C[Y, X] => (C[Z, Y] => Proof[(GF O GF O G)[X]])) =
    `u-->(u-->g[z])` =>
      `y-->x` =>
        import functionalCategory.{f2m, v2gv, yefz, gf, μ}
        val yefz2gfog: EndoNaturalTransformation[C, YEFZ, GF O G] =
            def τ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = μ o f2m(`z-->Y` => (gf o g)(`z-->Y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`)
        def σ[Y]: C[YEFZ[Y], (GF O G)[Y]] = yefz2gfog.τ
        `z-->y` =>
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o σ o v2gv(`z-->y`),
            // definition σ
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o (μ o f2m[C[Z, Y], (GF O GF O G)[Y]](`z-->y` =>
              (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`
            )) o v2gv(`z-->y`),
            // pointfreeApplication
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o (μ o v2gv((gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`)),
            // μ proposition for (GF, μ, ν)
            (gf o g)(`y-->x`) o (gf o g)(`z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`,
            // functorCompositionProposition for gf o g
            (gf o g)(`y-->x` o `z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`,
            // functionalCategoryMuProposition
            μ o v2gv((gf o g)(`y-->x` o `z-->y`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`),
            // pointfreeApplication
            μ o f2m[C[Z, X], (GF O GF O G)[X]](`z-->x` => (gf o g)(`z-->x`) o `u-->(u-->g[z])`) o v2gv(
              `y-->x` o `z-->y`
            // definition σ
            σ o v2gv(`y-->x` o `z-->y`),
            // pointfreeYoneda
            σ o yefz(`y-->x`) o v2gv(`z-->y`)

Part20: Epilogue: Laws used

Did we use all FunctionalCategory laws?

Let's list them again

  1. μ commutativityLaw for tripleGF
  2. μ and ν leftIdentityLaw for tripleGF
  3. μ and ν rightIdentityLaw for tripleGF
  4. μ associativityLaw for triple GF
  5. f2m compositionLaw for functor Functor[Function, C, I]
  6. f2m identityLaw for functor Functor[Function, C, I]
  7. ν commutativityLaw for preTriple GF
  8. ν nuLaw for preTriple GF
  • pointfreeApplicationProof uses 5.
  • pointfreeYonedaProof uses 2.
  • muProof uses 8. and 2.`
  • preEndoYonedaProof1 of PreFunctionalCategory uses 7.