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The Manager MUST support HTTP/1.1[[RFC9112]].

The Manager MAY support HTTP/2[[RFC9113]].

The protocol used between the Inway and Outway can be either HTTP/1.1[[RFC9112]] or HTTP/2[[RFC9113]]. The protocol is determined by the protocol field of a Service as specified in the object .components/schemas/serviceListingService of the OpenAPI Specification.

Port configuration

In order to provide a predictable network configuration FSC limits the selection of network ports to be used by components. The ports used by FSC components MUST be 443 or 8443.

Port 443 is RECOMMENDED for data traffic i.e. HTTP requests to a Service.
Port 8443 is RECOMMENDED for management traffic i.e. submitting/signing Contracts.

Data traffic: Inway, Outway
Management Traffic: Directory, Manager

Group ID {#group_id}

The Group ID is the identifier of the Group. This identifier is chosen by the Group upon creation of the Group.
The Group ID MUST match the following regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9./_-]{1,100}$

Peer ID {#peer_id}

Each Peer MUST have a unique identifier within the Group, this identifier is called the PeerID. The PeerID is determined by at least one element from the subject field section of [[RFC5280]] of an X.509 certificate. Each Group MUST define which element(s) of the subject field of the X.509 certificate act as PeerID. The TA(s) issuing the certificates must ensure that PeerID is always the same for a Peer in each issued certificate for said Peer.

Peer name {#peer_name}

Each Peer MUST have a human-readable name which can be used to identify a Peer. Unlike the PeerID the name does not have to be unique. The name of Peer is determined by an element in the subject field section of [[RFC5280]] of an X.509 certificate. The Group MUST define which element of the subject field is used.

Trust Anchor {#trust_anchor}

The Trust Anchor (TA) is an authoritative entity for which trust is assumed and not derived. In the case of FSC, which uses an X.509 architecture, it is the root certificate from which the whole chain of trust is derived.

Each Group can have multiple TAs.

Every Peer in a Group MUST accept the same TA(s).

The TA SHOULD validate a Peers identity, i.e. the TA MUST preform Organization Validation.

TLS configuration {#tls_configuration}

Connections between Inways, Outways, Managers of a Group are mTLS connections based on X.509 certificates as defined in [[RFC5280]].

The certificate guarantees the identity of a Peer.

FSC places specific requirements on the subject fields of a certificate. section of[[RFC5280]] which are listed below

  • Subject Alternative Name section of[[RFC5280]]: This should contain the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) of a Manager, Inway or Outway. For an Outway this FQDN does not have to resolve externally.
  • Subject Organization: This should contain to the name of the Organization.

The representation and verification of domains specified in the X.509 certificate MUST adhere to [[RFC6125]]

TLS Version

The TLS versions used between Peers in an Group MUST be defined in the Profile of the Group.

Certificate & Public key thumbprints {#certificate_thumbprints}

FSC differentiates between two different types of thumbprints, often also called fingerprints. Certificate thumbprints and Public Key thumbprints.

Public Key thumbprints are used in FSC contracts, this enables the renewal of the certificate without invalidating the contract, since the Public Key thumbprint remains the same between Certificate renewals. Certificate thumbprints are used in the certificate-bound access tokens section 3 of [[RFC8705]]. FSC uses certificate-bound access tokens to authorize a connection to a Service. Certificate thumbprints are always part of a X.509 certificate and MUST be created as described in section 4.1.8 of [[RFC7515]].

Within FSC both Certificate thumbprints and Public Key thumbprints uses the sha256 thumbprint.

Error Handling {#error_handling}

The Inway and Outway both have a single endpoint which proxies HTTP requests. In case of an error within the scope of FSC these components MUST return the HTTP header Fsc-Error-Code which MUST contain the code specifying the error.

The response body must contain an object as described in .components/schemas/error of the OpenAPI Specification.

The HTTP status codes that MUST be used in combination with the HTTP header Fsc-Error-Code are defined in the sections and


The content of a Contract is defined in the object .components/schemas/contractContent of the OpenAPI Specification

example Contract with a ServiceConnectionGrant

  "content": {
    "iv": "06338364-8305-7b74-8000-de4963503139",
    "group_id": "fsc-example-group",
      "validity": {
        "not_before": 1672527600,
        "not_after": 1704063600
    "grants": [
        "data": {
          "service": {
            "peer_id": "00000000000000000001",
            "name": "example-service"
          "outway": {
            "peer_id": "00000000000000000002",
            "public_key_thumbprint": "3a56f2e9269ac63f0d4394c46b96539da1625b6a985d38029ff89f34e490960c"
    "hash_algorithm": "HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512",
    "created_at": 1672527600

Contract Validation {#contract_validation}

  • A UUID MUST be provided in the field contract.iv. The value must be unique. Each Peer is responsible for ensuring that only one Contract can exist with a given iv.
  • A hash algorithm is provided in the field contract.content.hash_algorithm.
  • The date provided in contract.content.created_at can not be in the future.
  • The Group ID of the Manager matches the Group ID defined in the field contract.group_id.
  • A valid date is provided in contract.content.validity.not_before.
  • A valid date is provided in contract.content.validity.not_after.
  • The date provided in contract.content.validity.not_after must be greater than the date provided in the field contract.validity.not_before.
  • The date provided in contract.content.validity.not_after must be in the future.
  • At least one Grant is set in the field contract.content.grants.
  • A ServicePublicationGrant or DelegatedServicePublicationGrant cannot be mixed with other Grants. Mixing Grant types with different use-cases is prohibited to prevent the creation of Contracts that are hard to maintain and validate.

Per Grant type different validation rules apply.

ServicePublicationGrant {#service_publication_grant}

The content of a ServicePublicationGrant is defined in the object .components/schemas/grantServicePublication of the OpenAPI Specification

Validation rules:

  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager of the Directory Peer matches the value of the field
  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager offering the Contract to the Directory matches the value of the field
  • A Service name which matches the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9-._]{1,100}$ is provided in the field

Signature requirements:

  • A signature is present with the Peer ID of the Peer defined in the field
  • A signature is present with the Peer ID of the Peer defined in the field

DelegatedServicePublicationGrant {#grant_delegated_service_publication}

The Delegatee is the Peer specified in The Delegator is the Peer specified in

Validation rules:

  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager creating the delegation matches the value of the field
  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager of the Directory Peer matches the value of the field
  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager providing the Service matches the value of the field
  • The validation rules of the field Service of the ServicePublicationGrant described in Core must be applied to the field of the DelegatedServicePublicationGrant

Signature requirements:

  • A signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field
  • A signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field
  • A signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field

ServiceConnectionGrant {#service_connection_grant}

The content of a ServiceConnectionGrant is defined in the object .components/schemas/grantServiceConnection of the OpenAPI Specification

Validation rules:

  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager of the Peer providing the Service matches the value of the field
  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager offering the Contract to the Service providing Peer matches the value of the field
  • The Service provided in the field is offered by the Peer provided in the field
  • A Public key fingerprint also called thumbprint is provided in the field

Signature requirements:

  • A signature is present with the Peer ID of the Peer defined in the field
  • A signature is present with the Peer ID of the Peer defined in the field

DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant {#grant_delegated_service_connection}

The Delegatee is the Peer specified in The Delegator is the Peer specified in

Validation rules:

  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager of the Peer creating the delegation matches the value of the field grant.delegator.peer_id
  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager consuming the DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant matches with the value of the field grant.outway.peer_id
  • The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager of the Peer providing the Service matches with the value of the field
  • The validation rules of the fields Outway and Service of the ServiceConnectionGrant described in Core must be applied to corresponding fields and of the DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant
  • In case of a Service that is published on behalf of another Peer, The Peer ID provided by the X.509 certificate used by the Manager of the Peer delegating the publication of Service matches with the value of the field

Signature requirements:

  • A signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field
  • A signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field
  • A signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field
  • In case of a Service that is published on behalf of another Peer, a signature is present with the subject serial number of the Peer defined the field

Signatures {#signatures}

A signature MUST follow the JSON Web Signature (JWS) format specified in [[RFC7515]]

A signature on a Contract SHOULD only be accepted if the Peer is present in one of the Grants as:









The JWS MUST specify the certificate thumbprint of the keypair used to create the digital signature using the x5t#S256 section 4.1.8 of [[RFC7515]] field of the JOSE Header section 4 of [[RFC7515]].

The JWS MUST use the JWS Compact Serialization described in section 7.1 of [[RFC7515]]

The JWS MUST be created using one of the following digital signature algorithms:

  • RS256
  • RS384
  • RS512
  • ES256
  • ES384
  • ES512

The JWS Payload as defined in section 2 of [[RFC7515]], MUST contain a hash of the contract.content as described in the section Content Hash, one of the signature types described in the signature type section and a Unix timestamp of the sign date.

JWS Payload example:

  "contract_content_hash": "--------",
  "type": "accept",
  "signed_at": 1672527600

Payload fields

  • contract_content_hash, hash of the content of the Contract.
  • type, type of signature.
  • signed_at Unix timestamp of the sign date.

Signature types {#signature_types}

  • accept, Peer has accepted the contract
  • reject, Peer has rejected the contract
  • revoke, Peer has revoked the contract

The content hash {#content_hash}

A Peer should ensure that a signature is intended for the Contract.
This validation is done by comparing the hash of the received Contract with the hash in the signature.
The Validation MUST be done every time a Peer receives a signature.

The contract_content_hash of the signature payload contains the signature hash. The algorithm to create a contract_content_hash is described below. The algorithm ensures that the content hash is unique for a specific Contract content. Because a signature contains the content hash it becomes possible to guarantee that a signature is intended for a specific Contract.

  1. Create a byte array called contentBytes.
  2. Convert contract.content.group_id to bytes and append the bytes to contentBytes.
  3. Append contract.content.iv to contentBytes.
  4. Convert contract.content.validity.not_before to bytes and append the bytes to contentBytes.
  5. Convert contract.content.validity.not_after to bytes and append the bytes to contentBytes.
  6. Convert contract.content.created_at to bytes and append the bytes to contentBytes.
  7. Create an array of bytes arrays called grantByteArrays
  8. For each Grant in contract.content.grants
    1. Create a Grant Hash for the Grant as documented in the Grant Hash section.
    2. Convert the Grant Hash from string to bytes and store them in a byte array named grantBytes.
    3. Append grantBytes to grantByteArrays.
  9. Sort the byte arrays in grantByteArrays in ascending order.
  10. Append the bytes of grantByteArrays to contentBytes.
  11. Hash the contentBytes using the hash algorithm described in contract.content.algorithm.
  12. Encode the bytes of the hash using Base64 URL encoding with all trailing '=' characters omitted and without the inclusion of any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional characters.
  13. Convert the value of contract.content.algorithm to an int32 and surround it with dollar signs ($). When using the SHA3-512 algorithm this would result in $1$. To convert the hash algorithm to an integer see the type mapping
  14. Add 1$ as suffix to the string created in step 13. This is the enum HASH_TYPE_CONTRACT as defined in the field .components.schemas.HashType of the OpenAPI Specification as int32. If the string created in step 13 is $1$, the result should now be $1$1$
  15. Add the Base64 generated in step 12 as suffix to the string generated in step 14.

Data types {#data_types}

  • int32: use Little-endian as endianness when converting to a byte array
  • int64: use Little-endian as endianness when converting to a byte array
  • string: use utf-8 encoding when converting to a byte array

Grant hash {#grant_hash}

The Grant hash is used in the access token request to identify the Contract and Grant which contain the authorization for the connection to the Service. The iv (Initialization vector) field is included in the Grant hash to create a Grant hash that references to a single Contract. The Grant hash can be created by executing the following steps:

  1. Create a byte array named grantBytes
  2. Convert contract.content.group_id to bytes and append the bytes to grantBytes.
  3. Convert contract.content.iv to bytes and append the bytes to grantBytes.
  4. Convert the value of each field of the Grant to bytes and append the bytes to the grantBytes in the same order as the fields are defined in the OpenAPI Specification. To convert the Grant type to an integer see the type mapping
  5. Hash the grantBytes using the hash algorithm described in contract.content.algorithm
  6. Encode the bytes of the hash using Base64 URL encoding with all trailing '=' characters omitted and without the inclusion of any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional characters.
  7. Convert the value of contract.content.algorithm to an int32 and enclose it with $. The int32 value per hash algorithm type is defined in the type mapping.. E.g. The enum HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512 becomes $1$.
  8. Determine the HashType that matches with value of Grant.type and convert it to an int32 and add a $ as suffix. The int32 value per hash type is defined in the type mapping. E.g. The enum HASH_TYPE_SERVICE_PUBLICATION_GRANT becomes 2$.
  9. Combine the strings containing the hash algorithm (step 6) and Hash type (step 7). E.g. The hash algorithm HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512 and Grant Type GRANT_TYPE_SERVICE_CONNECTION should result in the string $1$2$
  10. Prefix the Base64 string generated in step 5 with the string generated in step 8.

Type mappings

Hash types {#type_mapping_hash}

Hash type int32 value

Grant types {#type_mapping_grant}

Hash type int32 value

Hash algorithms {#type_mapping_hash_algorithm}

Hash Algorithm int32 value

Service types {#type_mapping_service}

Service Type int32 values

Access token {#access_token}

The access token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) as specified in [[RFC7519]]

The JWT MUST specify the thumbprint of the X.509 certificate used to sign the JWT using the x5t#S256 section 4.1.8 of [[RFC7515]] field of the JOSE Header section 4 of [[RFC7515]].

The JWT MUST be created using one of the following digital signature algorithms:

  • RS256
  • RS384
  • RS512
  • ES256
  • ES384
  • ES512

The access token is a certificate-bound access token as specified in section 3 of [[RFC8705]]

JWT Payload

The payload of the JWT:

  • gth(string):
    The hash of the Grant that serves as basis for the authorization
  • gid(string): The ID of the Group
  • sub(string): The subject section 4.1.2 of [[RFC7519]]. This should be the ID of the Peer for whom the token is intended
  • iss(string): The issuer section 4.1.1 of [[RFC7519]]. The ID of the Peer who issued the token. I.e. the Peer who is offering the Service
  • svc(string): Name of the Service
  • aud(string): The audience section 4.1.3 of [[RFC7519]]. This should be URI [[RFC3986]] of the Inway providing the Service. The URI is a URL that MUST contain the scheme and port number used by the Inway
  • exp(int): Expiration time section 4.1.4 of [[RFC7519]]
  • nbf(int): Not before section 4.1.5 of [[RFC7519]]
  • cnf(object):
    • x5t#S256(string): The thumbprint of the certificate that is allowed ot use the access token. [section 3.1] of [[RFC8705]]
  • act(object):
    • sub(string): The ID of the Peer connecting to the Service on behalf of another Peer. The field of the DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant.
  • pdi(string): The ID of the Peer delegating the publication of the Service to another Peer. The field of the ServiceConnectionGrant or DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant.
  • add(object): An object which can be used to provide additional data

Example payload of a JWT for a Peer (sub: 1234567890) connecting to a Service (svc: serviceName) offered by a Peer(iss: 1234567891):

    "gth": "$1$4$+PQI7we01qIfEwq4O5UioLKzjGBgRva6F5+bUfDlKxUjcY5yX1MRsn6NKquDbL8VcklhYO9sk18rHD6La3w/mg",
    "gid": "",
    "sub": "1234567890",
    "iss": "1234567891",
    "svc": "serviceName", 
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1493726400,
    "nbf": 1493722800,
    "cnf": {
      "x5t#S256": "DpAyDYakmVAQ4oOJC3UYLRk/ONRCqMj00TeGJemMiLA"
    "add": {}

Example payload of a connection of a Peer (sub: 1234567890) to a Service (svc: serviceName) offered by a Peer (iss: 1234567891) on behalf of another Peer(pdi: 1234567892):

    "gth": "$1$4$+PQI7we01qIfEwq4O5UioLKzjGBgRva6F5+bUfDlKxUjcY5yX1MRsn6NKquDbL8VcklhYO9sk18rHD6La3w/mg",
    "gid": "",
    "sub": "1234567890",
    "iss": "1234567891",
    "pdi": "1234567892",
    "svc": "serviceName", 
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1493726400,
    "nbf": 1493722800,
    "cnf": {
      "x5t#S256": "DpAyDYakmVAQ4oOJC3UYLRk/ONRCqMj00TeGJemMiLA"
    "add": {}

Example payload for a JWT of a Peer (act.sub: 1234567892) who is connecting on behalf of Peer (sub: 1234567890) to a Service (svc: serviceName) offered by a Peer (iss: 1234567891):

    "gth": "$1$4$+PQI7we01qIfEwq4O5UioLKzjGBgRva6F5+bUfDlKxUjcY5yX1MRsn6NKquDbL8VcklhYO9sk18rHD6La3w/mg",
    "gid": "",
    "sub": "1234567890",
    "iss": "1234567891",
    "svc": "serviceName", 
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1493726400,
    "nbf": 1493722800,
    "act": {
      "sub": "1234567892"
    "cnf": {
      "x5t#S256": "DpAyDYakmVAQ4oOJC3UYLRk/ONRCqMj00TeGJemMiLA"
    "add": {}

Manager {#manager}

The Manager is an essential component for each Peer in the Group. The Manager is responsible for:

  • Receiving Contracts
  • Validating Contracts
  • Receiving Contract signatures (accept, reject, revoke)
  • Validating Contract signatures
  • Providing the X.509 certificates of the keypair of which the private key was used by the Peer to create signatures
  • Providing Contracts involving a specific Peer
  • Providing access tokens
  • Listing Peers
  • Listing Services

It is RECOMMENDED to implement the Manager functionality separate from the Inway functionality, in order to be able to have multiple Inways that are configured by one Manager.



The Manager MUST only accept mTLS connections from other external Managers with an X.509 certificate that is signed by the TA of the Group.


The Manager MUST support Contracts containing Grants of the type ServicePublicationGrant and ServiceConnectionGrant.

The Manager MUST validate Contracts using the rules described in Contract validation section

The Manager MUST persist the Peer ID, name and Manager address of each Peer with whom the Peer has negotiated Contracts.

It is RECOMMENDED to implement a retry and backoff mechanism in case the Contract propagation fails.


The Manager MUST validate the signature according to the rules described in the signature section.

The Manager MUST generate an error response if a signature is invalid.

The Manager MUST propagate the signature to each of the Peers in the Contract when the Peer signs the Contract.

It is RECOMMENDED to implement a retry and backoff mechanism in case the signature propagation fails.

Providing X.509 certificates

The Manager MUST provide X.509 certificates of the keypairs used to sign Contracts and access tokens.

The Manager MUST provide the complete certificate chain excluding the root CA certificate used by the Group as Trust Anchor.

Providing contracts

The Manager MUST provide existing Contracts for a specific Peer. A Contract SHOULD only be provided to a Peer if the Peer is present in one of the Grants of the Contract.

Tokens {#manager_tokens}

The Manager MUST be able to provide an access token to Peers that have a valid Contract containing a ServiceConnectionGrant or DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant.

Before issuing an access token the Manager MUST validate that:

  1. The scope provided in the token request contains a Grant hash that matches with a ServiceConnectionGrant or DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant of a valid Contract.
  2. The client_id provided in the token request contains a PeerID that matches with the PeerID specified in the X.509 certificate of the client requesting the access token and later using the access token to make an API request.
  3. The Manager is provided by a Peer with the same PeerID as specified in
  4. The Manager is provided by a Peer who has an Inway which is offering the Service specified in
  5. The Peer ID specified by the X.509 certificate of the client requesting the access token matches the value of the field
  6. The X.509 certificate provided by the client contains the same public key as specified in

The cnf.x5t#S256 claim MUST contain the certificate thumbprint of the X.509 certificate provided by the client requesting the token according to [section 3.1] of [[RFC8705]]. The act claim MUST be set when an access token is generated for a Peer who is connecting to the Service on behalf of another Peer. I.e. the authorization to connect has been granted using a DelegatedServiceConnectionGrant. The pdi claim MUST be set when an access token is generated for a Service which is being offered on behalf of another Peer.

The Manager MUST include the address of the Inway in the field aud of the access token.


The name of a Service MUST be unique within the scope of a Peer.

The Peer is responsible for checking the uniqueness of a Service name.

Service listing

The Manager MUST list a Service when a valid Contract containing a ServicePublicationGrant or DelegatedServicePublicationGrant for the Service exists.

Peer listing

The Manager MUST list the Peers with whom the Peer has negotiated Contracts or who announced themselves to the Peer.

The Manager MUST persist the Peer ID, name and Manager address of each Peer with whom the Peer has negotiated Contracts.

The Manager MUST persist the Peer ID, name and Manager address of each Peer who called the announce endpoint as specified in the OpenAPI Specification.


The announce is used to share the Manager address and Peer information among Peers. The announce is also used by the Directory to obtain the Manager addresses of all Peers in the Group. Each Peer MUST call the announce endpoint of the Directory to register themselves as participant of the Group.

In addition to announcing to the Directory a Manager SHOULD call the announce endpoint of the Peers with whom the Peer has negotiated Contracts when the address of Manager changes.

Interfaces {#manager_interface}

The Manager functionality MUST implement an HTTP interface as specified in the OpenAPI Specification.

FSC manager address

The Manager is required to include its public address as HTTP Header Fsc-Manager-Address in each POST or PUT request sent to another Manager.

Error response

The Manager implements two error formats

OAuth 2.0 error response

The /token endpoint MUST return an error response as described in section 5,2 of [[RFC6749]].

Other endpoints

The Manager MUST return the error response object as described in .components/schemas/error of the OpenAPI Specification.

The code field of the error response MUST contain one of the codes defined as .components.schemas.ManagerErrorCode in the OpenAPI Specification.

The domain field of the error response MUST be equal to ERROR_DOMAIN_MANAGER.


Error code HTTP status code Description
ERROR_CODE_INCORRECT_GROUP_ID 422 The Group ID in the Contract does not match the GroupID of the receiving Manager
ERROR_CODE_PEER_NOT_PART_OF_CONTRACT 422 The Peer tried to submit or sign a Contract without being a Peer on the Contract
ERROR_CODE_SIGNATURE_CONTRACT_CONTENT_HASH_MISMATCH 422 The Peer tried to submit a signature with a Contract content hash that does not match the Contract
ERROR_CODE_PEER_CERTIFICATE_VERIFICATION_FAILED 400 The Peer provided a x.509 certificate signed by the trust anchor of the Group but the content is invalid. E.g the Peer ID is in a incorrect format
ERROR_CODE_PEER_ID_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH 422 The Peer submitted a signature that includes a Peer ID that does not match the ID of the submitting Peer
ERROR_CODE_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED 422 The Peer submitted a signature that could not be verified
ERROR_CODE_GRANT_COMBINATION_NOT_ALLOWED 422 The Peer submitted a Contract with a combination of Grants that is not allowed
ERROR_CODE_URL_PATH_CONTENT_HASH_MISMATCH 422 The Content Hash in the URL path does not match the Content Hash generated from the Contract Content in the request body
ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_HASH_ALGORITHM_HASH 422 The Hash Algorithm in the Contract Content hash or Grant Hash is not supported
ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM_SIGNATURE 422 The Algorithm in the Signature is not supported

Directory {#directory}

The Directory is a Manager chosen by the Group to act as the Directory.

The Directory is used by Peers to:

  • Discover Services
  • Discover Peers
  • Publish Services
  • Register themselves


Service publication

Service publication is accomplished by offering a Contract to the Directory which contains one or more ServicePublicationGrants with each ServicePublicationGrant containing a single Service. Once the Directory and the Peer offering the Service have both signed the Contract, the Service is published in the Directory.

The Directory MUST be able to sign Contracts with Grants of the type ServicePublicationGrant.

The Directory MUST validate the ServicePublicationGrant in the Contract using the rules described in ServicePublicationGrant section

Although multiple ServicePublicationGrants are allowed in a single Contract it is RECOMMENDED to limit this to one per Contract. Adding multiple ServicePublicationGrants on a single Contract makes the Contract fragile. If the publication of one Service changes the whole Contract will be invalidated.


The Outway is used by Peers to connect to a Service.
The Outway functions as a forwarding proxy that is responsible for setting up the connection to the Inway that is offering a Service.

The Outway is responsible for:

  • setting up mTLS connections with Inways
  • including a valid access token with each request
  • deliver the response from the Service to the client calling the Outway



The Outway MUST use mTLS when connecting to Inways with an X.509 certificate signed by the chosen TA of the Group.


The Outway MUST proxy the request to the address of the Inway specified in the field aud of the access token.

The Outway MUST use an access token provided by the Peer specified in the field of the ServiceConnectionGrant.

The Outway MUST include an access token in the HTTP header Fsc-Authorization when proxying the HTTP request to the Inway.

The Outway MUST validate that the Group ID specified in the claim gid of the access token matches the Group ID of the Outway.

The Outway MUST NOT alter the path of the HTTP Request.

Clients MAY use TLS when communicating with the Outway.

Obtaining access tokens

Access tokens are obtained using the Client Credentials flow section 4,4 of [[RFC6749]]. Access tokens MUST be obtained by calling the /token endpoint defined in the OpenAPI Specification.

To request a token via the Client Credentials flow the following information must be sent to the Manager which acts as an Authorization Server:

  • GrantHash of a Service Connection grant or Delegated Service Connection grant provided in the scope field.
  • PeerID of the Peer making the request in the client_id field
  • client_credentials in the grant_type field.

The GrantHash provided in the request to the Manager acts as a reference to a Grant on a Contract. The Manager (Authorization Server) will perform the verification steps defined in the token section before providing an access token.

The component retrieving the access token MUST use mTLS to authenticate with the Authorization server (Manager) as defined in section 2.1 of [[RFC8705]]. The component retrieving the access token MUST use an X.509 certificate signed by the chosen TA of the Group. The Manager MUST verify this client certificate and issue a token bound to this client certificate according to section 3.

Obtaining access token

Which component obtains an access token for a Service is an implementation detail and out of scope for this document.

Error response

If the Error has occurred in the Inway or Service the Outway MUST return the error without altering the response.

The Outway MUST return an error response defined in the Error handling section when the error is produced by the Outway.

The code field of the error response MUST contain one of the codes defined as .components.schemas.OutwayErrorCode in the OpenAPI Specification.

The domain field of the error response MUST be equal to ERROR_DOMAIN_OUTWAY.

Error code HTTP status code Description
ERROR_CODE_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED 405 The Outway received a request with an HTTP Method that is not supported. The CONNECT method is not supported.


The Inway is used by Peers to offer a Service to other Peers.
The Inway is a Reverse proxy that handles incoming connections from Outways and routes the request to the correct Service.

The Inway is responsible for:

  • validating access tokens.
  • routing requests to the correct Service.
  • forwarding the access token to the Service which is being called.
  • returning the response from the Service to the Outway.



The Inway MUST only accept connections from Outways using mTLS with an X.509 certificate signed by the chosen TA of the Group.


The Inway MUST validate the access token provided in the HTTP Fsc-Authorization.

The request MUST be authorized if the access token meets the following conditions:

  • The access token is signed by the same Peer that owns Inway.
  • The access token is used by an Outway that uses the X.509 certificate to which the access token is bound. This is verified by applying the JWT Certificate Thumbprint Confirmation Method specified in section 3.1 of [[RFC8705]].
  • The Service specified in the access token is known to the Inway.
  • The Group ID specified in the claim gid of the access token matches the Group ID of the Inway.


The HTTP request MUST contain the HTTP Header Fsc-Authorization which contains the access token obtained by the Outway.

The Inway MUST proxy the HTTP request to the Service specified in the field svc of the access token.

The Inway MUST not delete the HTTP Header Fsc-Authorization from the HTTP Request before forwarding the request to the Service.

The security of the connection between the Inway and the Service is out of scope for this document.


Proxy Endpoint

The HTTP endpoint / MUST be implemented.

Error response

The Inway MUST return the error response of a Service to the Outway without altering the response.

The Inway MUST return an error response defined in the Error handling section when the error is produced by the Inway.

The code field of the error response MUST contain one of the codes defined as .components.schemas.InwayErrorCode in the OpenAPI Specification.

The domain field of the error response MUST be equal to ERROR_DOMAIN_INWAY.

Error code HTTP status code Description
ERROR_CODE_ACCESS_TOKEN_MISSING 401 The HTTP header Fsc-Authorization does not contain an access token. In this scenario the HTTP header WWW-Authenticate MUST be set to Bearer
ERROR_CODE_ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID 401 The provided access token is invalid. In this scenario the HTTP header WWW-Authenticate MUST be set to Bearer
ERROR_CODE_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED 401 The provided access token has expired. In this scenario the HTTP header WWW-Authenticate MUST be set to Bearer
ERROR_CODE_WRONG_GROUP_ID_IN_TOKEN 403 The Group ID specified in the access token does not match the ID of the Group of the Inway
ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND 404 The Service specified in the access token is not offered by the Inway
ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE 502 The Inway is unable to reach the Service


OpenAPI Specification