Author: Léo-Paul Dagallier
Last update: 2023-08-09
Prepare the output folder:
cd $path_to_output
mkdir RPANDA_env
Prepare the path variables: - in R:
path_to_tree = c("data/name_MCC_monodoreae3_monod_pruned.newick")
path_to_output = c("outputs/RPANDA_env/")
data_suffix <- "monodoreae3"
Read the tree:
tree <- read.tree(file = path_to_tree)
tot_time <- max(node.age(tree)$ages)
sampling_fraction <- 88/90
Data from Polissar et al. 2019 and Uno et al. 2016.
The subset of data used here corresponds to the sites 241, 235 and 959 from Pollisar et al. 2019.
Africa_C4 <- read.table("data/AfricanC4_tropics_Polissar_et_al_2019.txt", h = T)
The model will not be able to fit the environmental data because the older environmental point is at 23.38 Myr whereas the older node in the Monodoreae phylogeny is 25.04 Myr old. In order to overcome this problem, I just add 1 data in the environmental dataset at 25.1 Myr which is the mean of the last more or less table dots.
Moreover, the environmental data has to specify the values at time = 0 Myr. We will assume it is the same as the most recent value.
Africa_C4_low <- Africa_C4[39,]
Africa_C4 <- Africa_C4[-39,]
Africa_C4 <- rbind(c(0, Africa_C4$C4[which.min(Africa_C4$Age)]), Africa_C4, c(Africa_C4_low$Age, Africa_C4$C4[37]), c(25.1, Africa_C4$C4[37]))
Check that the interpolated elevation data will be correctly interpolated (black line = predicted elevation by the spline interpolation; red dots = known elevation):
env_data <- Africa_C4
df <- smooth.spline(env_data[, 1], env_data[, 2])$df
spline_result <- pspline::sm.spline(env_data[, 1], env_data[, 2], df = df)
env_data_orig <- read.table("data/AfricanC4_tropics_Polissar_et_al_2019.txt", h = T)
df_orig <- smooth.spline(env_data_orig[, 1], env_data_orig[, 2])$df
spline_result_orig <- pspline::sm.spline(env_data_orig[, 1], env_data_orig[, 2], df = df)
ages <- seq(from = 0 , to = 26, by = 0.1)
predicted_C4 <- predict(spline_result, ages)
predicted_C4_orig <- predict(spline_result_orig, ages)
{pdf(paste0(path_to_output, "Figure X - Proportion of C4 plants Polissar 2019 tropics_", data_suffix, ".pdf"))
plot(ages , predicted_C4, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "Time before present (My)", ylab = "C4 plants (%)", ylim = c(-20, 80))
lines(ages , predicted_C4_orig, type = "l", lty=2, lwd = 2)
points(env_data$Age, env_data$C4, col = "tomato", pch = 1, lwd = 2)
points(Africa_C4[40,], col = "steelblue", pch = 19, lwd = 2)
points(Africa_C4[41,], col = "steelblue", pch = 19, lwd = 2)
points(Africa_C4_low, col = "tomato", pch = 4, lwd = 2)
## png
## 2
{plot(ages , predicted_C4, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "Time before present (My)", ylab = "C4 plants (%)", ylim = c(-20, 80))
lines(ages , predicted_C4_orig, type = "l", lty=2, lwd = 2)
points(env_data$Age, env_data$C4, col = "tomato", pch = 1, lwd = 2)
points(Africa_C4[40,], col = "steelblue", pch = 19, lwd = 2)
points(Africa_C4[41,], col = "steelblue", pch = 19, lwd = 2)
points(Africa_C4_low, col = "tomato", pch = 4, lwd = 2)
λ = speciation
µ = extinction
λ | µ | Model Acronym |
constant | 0 | BConst |
time | 0 | BTime |
constant | constant | BDConst |
time | constant | BTimeDConst |
constant | time | BConstDTime |
time | time | BDTime |
% of C4 plants | 0 | BPercC4 |
% of C4 plants | constant | BPercC4DConst |
constant | % of C4 plants | BConstDPercC4 |
% of C4 plants | % of C4 plants | BDPercC4 |
If already run, load the results (to avoid re-running the models every time the rmarkdown is knitted):
load(file = paste0(path_to_output, "C4_tropics2.Rdata"))
Note that unfortunately, the models results objects could not be
published in this repository because the files are to big. You would
thus need to run the models (fit_bd
or fit_env
functions) locally.
Fit the pure birth model (no extinction) with a constant speciation rate with time.
source(file ="R/plot_fit_env2.R")
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1]+ 0*t}<-function(t,x,y){0}
result_BConst <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4, tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
result_BConst$model <- "BConst"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BConst, Africa_C4, tot_time = tot_time)
Fit the pure birth model (no extinction) with a exponential variation of the speciation rate with time.
source(file ="R/plot_fit_env2.R")
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * t)}<-function(t,x,y){0}
lamb_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
result_BTime <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
result_BTime$model <- "BTime"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BTime, Africa_C4, tot_time = tot_time)
Fit the birth-death model with constant rates.
source(file ="R/plot_fit_env2.R")
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1]+0*t}<-function(t,x,y){y[1]+0*t}
result_BDConst <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
f=sampling_fraction, cst.lamb = TRUE, = TRUE,dt=1e-3)
result_BDConst$model <- "BDConst"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BDConst, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Fit a birth-death model with exponential variation of the speciation and constant extinction
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * t)}<-function(t,x,y){y[1]+0*t}
lamb_par<-c(0.5, 0.1)
result_BTimeDConst <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
f=sampling_fraction, expo.lamb = TRUE, = TRUE,dt=1e-3)
result_BTimeDConst$model <- "BTimeDConst"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BTimeDConst, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Birth Death model with constant speciation and exponential variation of the extinction (BConstDTime)
Fit a birth-death model with constant speciation and exponential variation of the extinction.
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1]+0*t}<-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * t)}
mu_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
result_BConstDTime <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
f=sampling_fraction, cst.lamb = TRUE, = TRUE,dt=1e-3)
result_BConstDTime$model <- "BConstDTime"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BConstDTime, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Birth Death model with exponential variation of both the speciation and the extinction rates (BDTime)
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * t)}<-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * t)}
lamb_par<-c(0.1, 0.1)
mu_par<-c(0.01, 0.01)
result_BDTime <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
f=sampling_fraction, expo.lamb = TRUE, = TRUE,dt=1e-3)
result_BDTime$model <- "BDTime"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BDTime, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Birth Death model with speciation varying as an exponential of % of C4 plants and no extinction (BPercC4)
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * x)}<-function(t,x,y){0}
lamb_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
result_BPercC4 <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
f=sampling_fraction, = TRUE,dt=1e-3)
result_BPercC4$model <- "BPercC4"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BPercC4, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Birth Death model with speciation varying as an exponential of % of C4 plants and constant extinction (BpercC4DConst)
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * x)}<-function(t,x,y){y[1]+0*x}
lamb_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
result_BPercC4DConst <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
result_BPercC4DConst$model <- "BPercC4DConst"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BPercC4DConst, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Birth Death model with speciation constant and extinction varying as an exponential of % of C4 plants (BConstDPercC4)
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] + 0*x}<-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * x)}
mu_par<-c(0.1, 0.001)
result_BConstDPercC4 <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
result_BConstDPercC4$model <- "BConstDPercC4"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BConstDPercC4, Africa_C4, tot_time)
Birth Death model with both speciation and extinction varying as an exponential of % of C4 plants (BDPercC4)
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * x)}<-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * x)}
lamb_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
mu_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
result_BDPercC4 <- fit_env(tree,Africa_C4,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
result_BDPercC4$model <- "BDPercC4"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BDPercC4, Africa_C4, tot_time)
f.lamb <-function(t,x,y){y[1] * exp(y[2] * x)}<-function(t,x,y){0}
lamb_par<-c(0.1, 0.01)
rand_var <- cbind(Age = seq(from = 0, to = 26, by = 2), Random = 1/exp(seq(from = 0, to = 26, by =2)))
result_BRand <- fit_env(tree,rand_var,tot_time,f.lamb,,lamb_par,mu_par,
f=sampling_fraction, = TRUE,dt=1e-3)
result_BRand$model <- "BRand"
Plot the model:
plot_fit_env2(result_BRand, rand_var, tot_time)
models_list <- list(result_BConst, result_BTime, result_BDConst, result_BTimeDConst, result_BConstDTime, result_BDTime, result_BPercC4, result_BPercC4DConst, result_BConstDPercC4, result_BDPercC4)
AICc <- c()
model <- c()
lambda <- c()
alpha <- c()
LH <- c()
mu <- c()
beta <- c()
for (m in models_list){
AICc = c(AICc, m$aicc)
model = c(model, m$model)
LH = c(LH, m$LH)
lambda = c(lambda, m$lamb_par[1])
if (!$lamb_par[2])){
alpha = c(alpha, m$lamb_par[2])
} else{alpha = c(alpha, NA)}
mu = c(mu, m$mu_par[1])
if (!$mu_par[2])){
beta = c(beta, m$mu_par[2])
} else{beta = c(beta, NA)}
} else{mu = c(mu, NA)
beta = c(beta, NA)}
model_compare <- data.frame(model = model, LH = LH, AICc = AICc, Lambda = lambda, Alpha= alpha, Mu = mu, Beta = beta)
model_compare <- model_compare[order(model_compare$AICc),] # sort on AICc values
model_compare$dAICc <- model_compare$AICc - min(model_compare$AICc)
The best fitting model appear to be the Birth Death model with speciation and extinction both varying exponentially with C4 fraction.
Export the table:
write.csv(model_compare, file = paste0(path_to_output, "C4_tropics2_models_compare.csv"), quote = F)
save.image(file = paste0(path_to_output, "C4_tropics2.Rdata"))
best_model <- result_BDPercC4
tot_time <- max(node.age(tree)$ages)
t <- seq(0, tot_time, length.out = 100)
df <- smooth.spline(Africa_C4[, 1], Africa_C4[, 2])$df # define the degree of freedom for spline interpolation
spline_result <- pspline::sm.spline(Africa_C4[, 1], Africa_C4[, 2], df = df)
# plot(-spline_result$x, spline_result$ysmth, type = "l", xlab = "Time", ylab = "% of C4 plants °C")
spline_result_df <- data.frame(time = spline_result$x, percC4 = spline_result$ysmth)
BM_df = data.frame(time = t, lambda = best_model$f.lamb(t), mu = best_model$, netdiv = best_model$f.lamb(t) - best_model$
# spline_result_df$time <- round(spline_result_df$time, digits = 2)
# BPercC4_df$time <- round(BPercC4_df$time, digits = 2)
full_df <- full_join(spline_result_df, BM_df)
full_df_trans <- gather(full_df, "lambda", "percC4", "mu", "netdiv", key = "var", value = "value", na.rm = T)
scale_fact = 20
full_df_trans$value[full_df_trans$var == "lambda"] <- scale_fact * full_df_trans$value[full_df_trans$var == "lambda"]
full_df_trans$value[full_df_trans$var == "mu"] <- scale_fact * full_df_trans$value[full_df_trans$var == "mu"]
full_df_trans$value[full_df_trans$var == "netdiv"] <- scale_fact * full_df_trans$value[full_df_trans$var == "netdiv"]
g <- ggplot(full_df_trans)+
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, group = var, color = var, linetype = var), size = 1)+
scale_color_manual(values = c(percC4 = "#e6ab02", lambda = "#e41a1c", mu = "#377eb8", netdiv = "#984ea3"))+
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(percC4 = "solid", lambda = "dashed", mu = "dashed", netdiv = "solid"))+
scale_y_continuous(name="% of C4 plants", sec.axis=sec_axis(~./scale_fact, name="Fitted rate (event.Myr⁻¹)"))+
scale_x_reverse(limits = c(25, 0), name = "Time before present")+
theme(axis.line.y.left = element_line(color = "#e6ab02", size = 1),
axis.ticks.y.left = element_line(color = "#e6ab02", size = 1),
axis.line.y.right = element_line(color = "#984ea3", size = 1),
axis.ticks.y.right = element_line(color = "#984ea3", size = 1),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "#737373", size = 1),
axis.ticks.x = element_line(color = "#737373", size = 1),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
legend.position = "top")
Save the plot:
ggsave(filename = paste0(path_to_output, "best_C4_tropics_model.png"), plot = g)