Business problem
At Code Your Future, we like to use a learning technique called spaced repetition. In fact, it is set as prep work several times during the course. The technique involves reviewing a topic over increasing time gaps (e.g. after one week, one month, three months, six months, one year).
What is the simplest thing that could possibly work?
Proposed functionality
- A trainee can add the name of a topic and the date on which they first learned it
- The system then calculates the dates on which they should review - The computed dates could be stored in the browser and displayed when the trainee revisits the website
Users and roles
- As a trainee, I want to easily calculate the dates when I should be reviewing a newly learned topic.
- As a trainee, I want to know which topics I should be reviewing so that I can plan it.
Stretch goals
• Integrate with Google Calendar / iCal / Outlook to allow future review dates to be added my calendar and notified about them
Things to consider
Leaning into browser storage seems like a good way to avoid building an auth system (which is a difficult challenge of its own).