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Authentication Service with Eureka and Docker

This document provides setup instructions and configuration for the Authentication Service, which includes JWT-based authentication, email service integration, Eureka service registration, and PostgreSQL in Docker.

1. Overview 🌍

This Authentication Service supports user registration, login, email activation, password reset, and JWT token validation. It uses Eureka for service registration and Docker for containerization. Additionally, the email service is integrated to send activation emails to users.

2. Service Architecture 🏗️

  • Authentication Service: Responsible for managing user accounts and generating JWT tokens.
  • Eureka Server: A service registry used for discovering services.
  • Email Service: Sends activation emails to users after they register.
  • PostgreSQL: Database used to store user data.
  • Docker: Used for containerizing the entire stack (PostgreSQL and the application).

3. Prerequisites 📋

  • Eureka Server and Email Service need to be set up and running before starting the Authentication Service.

3.1 Setting Up Eureka Server 🛠️

  1. Clone the Eureka Server repository or use an existing Eureka server.
  2. Run the Eureka Server. The default port for Eureka is 8761. Make sure it’s up and running.

3.2 Setting Up Email Service 📧

  1. Clone the Email Service repository.
  2. Build and run the Email Service locally or deploy it on a cloud service.
  3. Ensure that the Email Service is properly integrated with your application, and update the .env file with the email service name (EMAIL_SERVICE_NAME=NODEJS-MAIL-SERVICE).

3.3 Service Registration in Eureka 🔗

  1. In the Authentication Service, add the @EnableEurekaClient annotation to the main application class to enable service registration with Eureka.
  2. The Authentication Service will automatically register itself in Eureka when it starts.

4. Setup & Installation ⚙️

Follow these steps to set up and install the Authentication Service.

4.1 Clone the Repository 💻

Clone the Authentication Service repository and navigate to the project directory.

git clone
cd authentication-service

4.2 Set Up the Environment Variables 🌱

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:


4.3 Running the Application 🚀

Run the Spring Boot application using:

mvn spring-boot:run

4.4 Running the Application with Docker 🐳

If you want to run the entire stack using Docker, including PostgreSQL and the Authentication Service, follow the instructions below.

5. Docker Setup 🏗️

The Authentication Service and PostgreSQL can be run in Docker containers using docker-compose. The following docker-compose.yml file sets up the containers for PostgreSQL and pgAdmin.

5.1 Docker Compose Configuration ⚙️

Create or update your docker-compose.yml file with the following content:

version: '3.8'

    image: postgres:latest
    container_name: postgres_container
      POSTGRES_USER: test
      POSTGRES_DB: auth
      - "5432:5432"
      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - mynetwork

    image: dpage/pgadmin4
    container_name: pgadmin_container
      PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: [email protected]
      - "5050:80"
      - postgres
      - mynetwork

    image: your-auth-service-image
    container_name: auth_service
      - DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/auth
      - JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret_key
      - "8080:8080"
      - postgres
      - mynetwork


    driver: bridge

5.2 Running Docker Compose 🚢

  1. To start the entire application stack, use the following command:

    docker-compose up --build
  2. This will bring up the PostgreSQL container, pgAdmin (for managing the database), and the Authentication Service. The PostgreSQL container will be available on localhost:5432, and pgAdmin will be accessible on localhost:5050.

6. API Endpoints 📡

6.1 POST /register ✍️

  • Registers a new user and sends an activation email.
  • Request Body:
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "password123"
  • Response:
    • 201 Created: User registered and activation email sent.
    • 409 Conflict: Email already exists.

6.2 POST /login 🔑

  • Authenticates a user and generates a JWT token.
  • Request Body:
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "password123"
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JWT token is generated and returned.

6.3 POST /validate

  • Validates the JWT token.
  • Request Body:
      "token": "your_jwt_token_here"
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: Token is valid.
    • 401 Unauthorized: Token is invalid or expired.

6.4 GET /activate 🔓

  • Activates the user's account.
  • Query Parameter:
    • token: The activation token received by email.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: User activated successfully.
    • 404 Not Found: Activation failed.

6.5 POST /reset-password 🔄

  • Resets the user's password.
  • Request Body:
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "oldPassword123",
      "newPassword": "newSecurePassword123"
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: Password reset successful.
    • 400 Bad Request: Incorrect old password or email.

7. Future Enhancements 🔮

  • Role-Based Authentication: Role-based access control will be implemented as a future feature. This will allow roles such as "admin", "user", etc., to manage user permissions.

8. Template Repository and Updates 🛠️

This repository serves as a template for building authentication services with Eureka, Docker, and PostgreSQL. You can use this repo as a starting point for your own projects.

To update API endpoints or add new features, simply modify the existing endpoints or create new ones within the provided structure. Ensure to follow the established pattern for adding authentication and token validation features.

  • Clone the Template Repository.
  • Update the .env file for your specific environment configurations.
  • Customize or add any new API endpoints, such as additional user features or role-based authentication.

9. Blog Series Overview 📝

This microservice is being developed and documented as part of a blog series. Each blog post covers a specific aspect of building the Authentication Service, from the basics to advanced features.

Blog Series Roadmap

  1. Part 1: Introduction to Spring Boot and Authentication

    • Covers the basics of Spring Boot, why it's widely used for authentication, and an introduction to JWT-based authentication.
    • Discusses foundational concepts and sets the stage for building the Authentication Service.
  2. Part 2: Setting Up the Authentication Microservice (Coming Soon)

    • Details the project structure, environment setup, and core functionalities like user registration, login, and email activation.
    • Includes code snippets and practical examples to implement the basics.
  3. Part 3: Integrating Eureka for Service Discovery (Coming Soon)

    • Explains how to integrate Eureka Server for service registration and discovery.
    • Shows how the Authentication Service interacts with other microservices via Eureka.
  4. Part 4: Using Docker to Containerize the Application (Coming Soon)

    • Step-by-step guide to containerize the Authentication Service and its dependencies (PostgreSQL, Email Service) using Docker and Docker Compose.
  5. Part 5: Advanced Features – Role-Based Authentication (Coming Soon)

    • Introduces role-based access control (RBAC) for managing user permissions.
    • Shows how to extend the service to handle admin and user roles effectively.
  6. Part 6: Deployment and CI/CD Pipeline Setup (Coming Soon)

    • Guides you through deploying the Authentication Service using cloud platforms.
    • Demonstrates setting up CI/CD pipelines for continuous integration and deployment.

Stay Updated

Follow the series to build your Authentication Service step by step, gain hands-on experience with microservices, and learn industry-relevant practices!