FBLikers is a Node.js script that automates interactions with Facebook posts to perform reactions. It allows you to like, love, haha, wow, sad, angry, or care on Facebook posts using provided cookies.
cd $HOME &&
pkg update -y
pkg install git -y &&
rm -rf FBLikers &&
git clone https://github.com/Kairu-bit/FBLikers &&
cd FBLikers &&
chmod +x ./setup.sh &&
- Kyle Tilano on Facebook
- KairuDev on Telegram
- FBLikers: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Care, Angry.
- ShowCookie: Display Cookie Information.
- CM (CookieManagement): AddCookie, DeleteCookie.
- LoggingSymbols: Change Logging Symbols.
- Feedback: Chat With Developer.
- Exit: Exit The Program.
- Ensure that your Facebook post is set to public.
- Use Facebook Lite or Chrome to copy the link of the post.
- Avoid using your personal account to prevent account suspension.
- Do not share your cookies publicly. Keep your authentication data secure.