Bottica would love some help! Here are some contributions that would be especially welcome:
- More bots
- WHOIS/ASN verifier
- Language implementations
- Documentation improvements
Have you encountered a friendly bot that offers verification? Add it to bottica-core. New entries in Bottica should match the bottica spec, and should have a comment with a link to the bot's verification webpage so that it's easier to keep track of any changes.
provide a dynamic list of CIDRs that their bot traffic could come from.
It would be great to have an additional verifier that performs this
check, and then pipes the whitelisted CIDRs into a cidr_list
Currently Bottica is only available as a Python package, but in principle any language that can do DNS lookups and read YAML should be able to support a Bottica verifier.
Some interesting options would include:
- golang/C/C++/Rust: gotta go fast
- Node.js/Ruby/Java for server-side validation
- A dockerized verification server for verifying IP/User-Agent pairs
- A CLI for piping logs into verification lists
Docs can always be improved.