diff --git a/plugins.json b/plugins.json
index 5a731767..2b6b1a69 100644
--- a/plugins.json
+++ b/plugins.json
@@ -374,6 +374,21 @@
"creation_date": "2024-07-01",
"has_changelog": true
+ "free_rotation": {
+ "title": "Free Rotation",
+ "icon": "icon.png",
+ "author": "Godlander & Ewan Howell",
+ "description": "Create Java Item models without any rotation limitations.",
+ "tags": ["Minecraft: Java Edition", "Rotation"],
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "min_version": "4.11.2",
+ "variant": "desktop",
+ "website": "https://ewanhowell.com/plugins/free-rotation/",
+ "repository": "https://github.com/ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins/tree/main/free_rotation",
+ "bug_tracker": "https://github.com/ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins/issues/new?title=[Free Rotation]",
+ "creation_date": "2024-12-20",
+ "has_changelog": true
+ },
"threecore_exporter": {
"title": "ThreeCore Exporter",
"author": "Lucas, Spyeedy",
@@ -888,7 +903,7 @@
"version": "0.5.1",
"variant": "desktop",
"new_respository_format" : true
- },
+ },
"animation_to_json": {
"title": "Animation to JSON Converter",
"author": "Gaming32",
diff --git a/plugins/free_rotation/about.md b/plugins/free_rotation/about.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbd792c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/free_rotation/about.md
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
This format is designed to create Minecraft: Java Edition item models without the rotation limitations imposed by the game.
These models cannot be re-imported, so make sure to save your project as a bbmodel.
This format requires Minecraft 1.21.4 or later.
To use this plugin, start by creating a new model, or converting an existing cube based project into this format.
Configure the display settings. These will be respected as long as the size limits are not reached.
Use File > Export > Free Rotation Item to export your model into your resource pack.
When exporting, select which display slots you would like to export. The more you export, the larger the file size, so only export what you need.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/free_rotation/changelog.json b/plugins/free_rotation/changelog.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa82860f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/free_rotation/changelog.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "1.0.0": {
+ "title": "1.0.0",
+ "date": "2024-12-20",
+ "author": "Godlander & Ewan Howell",
+ "categories": [
+ {
+ "title": "New Features",
+ "list": [
+ "Initial release"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/free_rotation/free_rotation.js b/plugins/free_rotation/free_rotation.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4adf04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/free_rotation/free_rotation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+(() => {
+ const path = require("node:path")
+ const os = require("node:os")
+ let codec, format, action, properties, styles
+ const id = "free_rotation"
+ const name = "Free Rotation"
+ const icon = "3d_rotation"
+ const description = "Create Java Item models without any rotation limitations."
+ const links = {
+ websiteGodlander: {
+ text: "By Godlander",
+ link: "https://github.com/Godlander",
+ icon: "fab.fa-github",
+ colour: "#6E40C9"
+ },
+ discordGodlander: {
+ text: "Godlander's Discord",
+ link: "https://discord.gg/2s6th9SvZd",
+ icon: "fab.fa-discord",
+ colour: "#727FFF"
+ },
+ websiteEwan: {
+ text: "By Ewan Howell",
+ link: "https://ewanhowell.com/",
+ icon: "language",
+ colour: "#33E38E"
+ },
+ discordEwan: {
+ text: "Ewan's Discord",
+ link: "https://discord.ewanhowell.com/",
+ icon: "fab.fa-discord",
+ colour: "#727FFF"
+ }
+ }
+ let directory
+ if (os.platform() === "win32") {
+ directory = path.join(os.homedir(), "AppData", "Roaming", ".minecraft", "resourcepacks")
+ } else if (os.platform() === "darwin") {
+ directory = path.join(os.homedir(), "Library", "Application Support", "minecraft", "resourcepacks")
+ } else {
+ directory = path.join(os.homedir(), ".minecraft", "resourcepacks")
+ }
+ Plugin.register(id, {
+ title: name,
+ icon: "icon.png",
+ author: "Godlander & Ewan Howell",
+ description,
+ tags: ["Minecraft: Java Edition", "Rotation"],
+ version: "1.0.0",
+ min_version: "4.11.2",
+ variant: "desktop",
+ await_loading: true,
+ website: "https://ewanhowell.com/plugins/free-rotation/",
+ repository: "https://github.com/ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins/tree/main/free_rotation",
+ bug_tracker: "https://github.com/ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins/issues/new?title=[Free Rotation]",
+ creation_date: "2024-12-20",
+ onload() {
+ styles = Blockbench.addCSS(`
+ #format_page_free_rotation {
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ #format_page_free_rotation .format_target {
+ margin-bottom: 6px;
+ }
+ #format_page_free_rotation div:nth-child(3),
+ #format_page_free_rotation content {
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ }
+ .format_entry[format="free_rotation"] i {
+ overflow: visible;
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-around;
+ margin: 20px 35px 0;
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links * {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links > a {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ gap: 5px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ flex-basis: 0;
+ color: var(--color-subtle_text);
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links > a:hover {
+ background-color: var(--color-accent);
+ color: var(--color-light);
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links > a > i {
+ font-size: 32px;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: initial;
+ height: 32px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links > a:hover > i {
+ color: var(--color-light) !important;
+ }
+ .free-rotation-links > a > p {
+ flex: 1;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ `)
+ codec = new Codec("free_rotation_codec", {
+ name: "Free Rotation Codec",
+ remember: true,
+ export() {
+ const project = Project
+ for (const texture of Texture.all) {
+ if (!texture.saved) texture.save()
+ }
+ const dialog = new Dialog({
+ id: "free_rotation_export_prompt",
+ title: "Free Rotation Export",
+ buttons: [],
+ lines: [``],
+ component: {
+ data: {
+ project,
+ exportAllowed: false,
+ idError: "",
+ nameError: "",
+ displayIcons: {
+ thirdperson_lefthand: { icon: "accessibility" },
+ thirdperson_righthand: { icon: "accessibility" },
+ firstperson_lefthand: { icon: "person" },
+ firstperson_righthand: { icon: "person" },
+ head: { icon: "sentiment_satisfied" },
+ ground: { icon: "icon-ground", iconType: "custom" },
+ fixed: { icon: "filter_frames" },
+ gui: { name: "GUI", icon: "border_style" }
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ check() {
+ if (!project.free_rotation_item) {
+ this.idError = "The Item ID is required"
+ } else if (project.free_rotation_item.match(/[^a-z0-9_-]/)) {
+ this.idError = "The Item ID can only include the following characters:
, 0-9
, _
, -
+ } else {
+ this.idError = ""
+ }
+ if (!project.free_rotation_name) {
+ this.nameError = "The Model Name is required"
+ } else if (project.free_rotation_name.match(/[^a-z0-9_-]/)) {
+ this.nameError = "The Model Name can only include the following characters:
, 0-9
, _
, -
+ } else {
+ this.nameError = ""
+ }
+ if (this.idError || this.nameError) {
+ this.exportAllowed = false
+ return
+ }
+ this.exportAllowed = true
+ },
+ async exportModel() {
+ dialog.close()
+ const dir = Blockbench.pickDirectory({
+ title: "Select resource pack to export to",
+ startpath: project.free_rotation_path
+ })
+ if (!dir) return
+ const definitionDir = path.join(dir, "assets", "freerot", "items")
+ const definitionFile = path.join(definitionDir, project.free_rotation_item + ".json")
+ const modelDir = path.join(dir, "assets", "freerot", "models", project.free_rotation_name)
+ if (fs.existsSync(definitionFile)) {
+ const check = await new Promise(fulfil => {
+ Blockbench.showMessageBox({
+ title: "Item definition already exists",
+ message: `The item definition assets/freerot/${project.free_rotation_item}.json
already exists. Are you sure you want to continue and overwrite it?`,
+ buttons: ["dialog.confirm", "dialog.cancel"]
+ }, button => {
+ if (button === 0) fulfil(true)
+ else fulfil()
+ })
+ })
+ if (!check) return
+ }
+ if (fs.existsSync(modelDir)) {
+ const check = await new Promise(fulfil => {
+ Blockbench.showMessageBox({
+ title: "Model already exists",
+ message: `The the model folder assets/freerot/models/${project.free_rotation_name}
already exists. Are you sure you want to continue and possibly overwrite files inside it?`,
+ buttons: ["dialog.confirm", "dialog.cancel"]
+ }, button => {
+ if (button === 0) fulfil(true)
+ else fulfil()
+ })
+ })
+ if (!check) return
+ }
+ const processing = new Dialog("exporting", {
+ title: "Exporting...",
+ lines: [
+ ``,
+ "Exporting...
+ ],
+ buttons: [],
+ cancel_on_click_outside: false,
+ onConfirm: () => false
+ }).show()
+ const close = processing.close
+ processing.close = () => {}
+ fs.mkdirSync(definitionDir, { recursive: true })
+ fs.mkdirSync(modelDir, { recursive: true })
+ const models = await codec.compile(project)
+ const definition = {
+ model: {
+ type: "composite",
+ models: new Array(models.length).fill().map((e, i) => ({
+ type: "model",
+ model: `freerot:${project.free_rotation_name}/${i}`
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ fs.writeFileSync(definitionFile, autoStringify(definition))
+ for (const [i, model] of models.entries()) {
+ fs.writeFileSync(path.join(modelDir, `${i}.json`), model)
+ }
+ close.bind(processing)()
+ }
+ },
+ template: `
Model Details
Display Settings to Export
Free Rotation models can be quite large in file size. Select only the display settings you need in order to reduce this file size.
+ `
+ },
+ onOpen() {
+ if (project.free_rotation_item || project.free_rotation_name) {
+ this.content_vue.check()
+ }
+ }
+ }).show()
+ },
+ async compile(project) {
+ project ??= Project
+ project.select()
+ const mode = Modes.selected
+ Modes.options.edit.select()
+ let maxcoord = 24
+ const cubes = Cube.all.filter(e => e.export)
+ for (const cube of cubes) {
+ for (const position of cube.getGlobalVertexPositions()) {
+ for (const coord of position) {
+ maxcoord = Math.max(maxcoord, Math.abs(coord - 8))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const downscale = Math.min(4, maxcoord / 24)
+ const models = []
+ for (const cube of cubes) {
+ const element = {}
+ const model = {
+ textures: {},
+ elements: [element],
+ display: {}
+ }
+ let size = [
+ (cube.to[0] - cube.from[0]) / downscale,
+ (cube.to[1] - cube.from[1]) / downscale,
+ (cube.to[2] - cube.from[2]) / downscale
+ ]
+ element.from = [
+ 8 - (size[0] / 2),
+ 8 - (size[1] / 2),
+ 8 - (size[2] / 2)
+ ]
+ element.to = [
+ 8 + (size[0] / 2),
+ 8 + (size[1] / 2),
+ 8 + (size[2] / 2)
+ ]
+ element.light_emission = cube.light_emission
+ element.faces = {}
+ for (const [face, data] of Object.entries(cube.faces)) {
+ if (!data || !data.texture) continue
+ const renderedFace = {}
+ if (data.enabled) {
+ renderedFace.uv = data.uv
+ .slice()
+ .map((v, i) => (v * 16) / UVEditor.getResolution(i % 2))
+ }
+ if (data.rotation) renderedFace.rotation = data.rotation
+ if (data.texture) {
+ const texture = project.textures.find(e => e.uuid == data.texture)
+ if (!texture) {
+ console.error("Texture not found... skipping")
+ } else {
+ renderedFace.texture = "#" + texture.id
+ const path = texture.source.replaceAll(/\\/g, "/")
+ const parts = path.split("/")
+ const assetsIndex = parts.indexOf("assets")
+ if (assetsIndex === -1) model.textures[texture.id] = "unknown"
+ else {
+ const namespace = parts[assetsIndex + 1]
+ const resourcePath = parts.slice(assetsIndex + 3, -1).join("/")
+ model.textures[texture.id] = namespace + ":" + resourcePath + "/" + texture.name.slice(0, -4)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if (data.cullface) renderedFace.cullface = data.cullface
+ if (data.tint >= 0) renderedFace.tintindex = data.tint
+ element.faces[face] = renderedFace
+ }
+ const quat = new THREE.Quaternion()
+ cube.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(quat)
+ const rotation = new THREE.Quaternion()
+ for (const slot of DisplayMode.slots) {
+ if (project.free_rotation_display[slot]) {
+ const scale = new THREE.Vector3(downscale, downscale, downscale)
+ const translation = cube.getWorldCenter()
+ translation.y -= 8
+ const display = project.display_settings[slot]
+ if (display) {
+ const dscale = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(display.scale)
+ const dtranslation = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(display.translation)
+ const drotation = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromEuler(
+ new THREE.Euler().fromArray([
+ Math.degToRad(display.rotation[0]),
+ Math.degToRad(display.rotation[1]),
+ Math.degToRad(display.rotation[2])
+ ], "XYZ")
+ )
+ scale.multiply(dscale)
+ rotation.multiplyQuaternions(drotation, quat)
+ translation.multiply(dscale)
+ translation.applyQuaternion(drotation)
+ translation.add(dtranslation)
+ }
+ model.display[slot] = {
+ rotation: (new THREE.Euler()).setFromQuaternion(rotation, "XYZ").toArray().slice(0,3).map(e => Math.radToDeg(e)),
+ translation: translation.toArray(),
+ scale: scale.toArray()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ models.push(autoStringify(model))
+ }
+ mode.select()
+ return models
+ }
+ })
+ format = new ModelFormat({
+ id: "free_rotation",
+ name: "Free Rotation Item",
+ extension: "json",
+ icon: "3d_rotation",
+ category: "minecraft",
+ format_page: {
+ component: {
+ methods: {
+ create: () => format.new()
+ },
+ template: `
Target : Minecraft: Java Edition
+ About:
+ - This format is designed to create Minecraft: Java Edition item models without the rotation limitations imposed by the game.
+ - These models cannot be re-imported, so make sure to save your project as a bbmodel.
+ - This format requires Minecraft 1.21.4 or later.
+ Usage:
+ - Create a new model, or convert an existing cube based project into this format.
+ - Configure the display settings. These will be respected as long as the size limits are not reached.
+ - Use File > Export > Free Rotation Item to export your model into your resource pack.
+ - When exporting, select which display slots you would like to export. The more you export, the larger the file size, so only export what you need.
+ `
+ }
+ },
+ render_sides: "front",
+ model_identifier: false,
+ parent_model_id: true,
+ vertex_color_ambient_occlusion: true,
+ bone_rig: true,
+ rotate_cubes: true,
+ optional_box_uv: true,
+ uv_rotation: true,
+ java_cube_shading_properties: true,
+ java_face_properties: true,
+ cullfaces: true,
+ animated_textures: true,
+ select_texture_for_particles: true,
+ texture_mcmeta: true,
+ display_mode: true,
+ texture_folder: true,
+ codec
+ })
+ codec.format = format
+ action = new Action("free_rotation_export", {
+ name: "Export Free Rotation Item",
+ icon: "3d_rotation",
+ condition: { formats: [format.id] },
+ click: () => codec.export()
+ })
+ MenuBar.addAction(action, "file.export.0")
+ properties = [
+ new Property(ModelProject, "string", "free_rotation_item", {
+ label: "Item ID",
+ description: "The item ID of the item that the model should apply to",
+ condition: { formats: [format.id] }
+ }),
+ new Property(ModelProject, "string", "free_rotation_name", {
+ label: "Model Name",
+ description: "The name of the model file that is output",
+ condition: { formats: [format.id] }
+ }),
+ new Property(ModelProject, "string", "free_rotation_path", {
+ label: "Export Path",
+ default: directory,
+ condition: { formats: [format.id] },
+ exposed: false
+ }),
+ new Property(ModelProject, "object", "free_rotation_display", {
+ default: {
+ thirdperson_lefthand: true,
+ thirdperson_righthand: true,
+ firstperson_lefthand: true,
+ firstperson_righthand: true,
+ head: true,
+ ground: true,
+ fixed: true,
+ gui: true
+ },
+ label: "Display Settings",
+ condition: { formats: [format.id] },
+ exposed: false
+ })
+ ]
+ },
+ onunload() {
+ codec.delete()
+ format.delete()
+ action.delete()
+ styles.delete()
+ properties.forEach(e => e.delete())
+ }
+ })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/free_rotation/icon.png b/plugins/free_rotation/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dabd3472
Binary files /dev/null and b/plugins/free_rotation/icon.png differ
diff --git a/plugins/free_rotation/members.yml b/plugins/free_rotation/members.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71a48338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/free_rotation/members.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ - ewanhowell5195
+ - Godlander
\ No newline at end of file