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Intro and Julia basics

JGU Mainz, Introduction to julia

1. Introduction

In part of this class, we will use the geodynamics code LaMEM to solve geoscientific problems. LaMEM was developed in Mainz and solves the governing equations (conservation of mass, momentum and energy) using a staggered finite difference method and a marker-in-cell approach using non-linear visco-elasto-plastic rheologies. It is one of the most advanced codes available at the moment and is fully parallel and 3D.

What you will mostly be busy with is to create a model setup. This is described on the LaMEM github page and on its julia interface LaMEM.jl. Currently, the julia interface is by far the simplest way to generate a model setup and for moderate resolutions you can even run the simulations from julia and read back the results.

The Julia scientific programming language is relatively new programming language that is fast, completely open source and comes with a nice package manager. It works on essentially all systems and has an extremely active user base. Moreover programming in julia is very similar to using MATLAB, so it will not be a big change for many of you. As a result, we are slowly transitioning the codes in our research group to julia.

We are assuming that you are not yet familiar with Julia. The purpose of these exercises is therefore to give you a crash course in how to install it on your system, create a few programs, make plots etc.

2. Installing Julia

2.1 Retrieve julia

The best way to start is to download a recent version of julia (1.10.2) using juliaup. For windows, you can download it directly from the windows store; for other systems, links are given on juliaup.

An alternative way is to directly download binaries from (use a binary installer).

Install that on your machine.

2.2 Install the julia plugin in VSCode

The recommended debugger for julia is Microsoft Visual Studio Code, where you should install the julia extension which you find under "extensions" on the left side of the VSCode main window. See this page for more info.

Once this is done (in the order indicated above), you can start the Julia REPL (which stands for read-eval-print-loop, similar to the command window in MATLAB) by typing in the Command Palette (which you find in VS Code under the menu View->Command Palette) (or push F1 on most machines):

>Julia: Start REPL

This will take a bit of time initially, as it needs to compile. Once that is done, you should see the following:

Make sure that the julia environment at the bottom is 1.10 (unlike the picture above which is a bit out of date).

3. First steps

Let's start with some simple calculations within the REPL

julia> 2+3
julia> 3*4
julia> 5^2

Powers are performed before division and multiplication, which are done before subtraction and addition.

julia> 2+3*4^2

The arrow keys allow 'command-line editing' which cuts down on the amount of typing required, and allows easy error correction. Press the "up" arrow, and add /2. What will this produce?

julia> 2+3*4^2/2

Parentheses may be used to group terms, or to make them more readable.

julia> (2+3*4^2)/2

The equality sign is used to assign values to variables.

julia> a = 3
julia> b = a^2
julia> a/b

If no other name is given, an answer is saved in a variable named ans

julia> a/b

julia> ans

julia> c=2*ans

julia> ans

So far we worked with scalar values. We can always determine the type of a value with

julia> typeof(a)

which shows that a is an integer value. If we define a as:

julia> a = 2.1
julia> typeof(a)

which shows that now a is a double precision number.

3.1 Vectors

Until now we dealt with scalar values. Working with vectors in Julia is simple:

julia> x=0:.1:2

We can retrieve a particular value in the vector x by using square brackets:

julia> x[3]

Arrays in julia start at 1:

julia> x[1]

You can perform computations with x:

julia> y = x.^2 .+ 1
21-element Vector{Float64}:

Note the dot . here, which tells julia that every entry of x should be squared and 1 is added. If you want a vector with values, they should be separated by commas:

julia> a=[1.2, 3, 5, 6]
4-element Vector{Float64}:

3.2 Matrixes

A matrix in julia can be defined as

julia> a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6

Note that the elements of a matrix being entered are enclosed by brackets; a matrix is entered in "row-major order" (i.e. all of the first row, then all of the second row, etc); rows are separated by a semicolon (or a newline), and the elements of the row should be separated by a space.

The element in the i'th row and j'th column of a is referred to in the usual way:

julia> a[1,2]

The transpose of a matrix is the result of interchanging rows and columns. Julia denotes the transpose by folowing the matrix with the single-quote [apostrophe].

julia> a'
3×2 adjoint(::Matrix{Int64}) with eltype Int64:
 1  4
 2  5
 3  6

New matrices may be formed out of old ones, in many ways.

julia> c = [a; 7 8 9]
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
 7  8  9
julia> [a; a; a]
6×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
julia> [a a a]
2×9 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3  1  2  3  1  2  3
 4  5  6  4  5  6  4  5  6

There are many built.-in matrix constructions. Here are a few:

julia> rand(1,3)
1×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0398622  0.229126  0.148148

julia> rand(2)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> zeros(3)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> ones(3,2)
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.0  1.0
 1.0  1.0
 1.0  1.0

Use a semicolon to suppress output within the REPL:

julia> s = zeros(20,30);

This is useful, when working with large matrices.

An often used part of Julia is the 'colon operator,' which produces a list.

julia> -3:3

The default increment is by 1, but that can be changed.

julia> x=-3:.4:3

This can be read: x is the name of the list, which begins at -3, and whose entries increase by 0.4, until 3 is surpassed. You may think of x as a list, a vector, or a matrix, whichever you like.

You may wish use this construction to extract "subvectors," as follows.

julia> x[4:8]
julia> x[9:-2:1]
julia> x=10:100;
julia> x[40:5:60]

The colon notation can also be combined with the earlier method of constructing matrices.

julia> a= [1:6 ; 2:7 ; 4:9]

A very common use of the colon notation is to extract rows, or columns, as a sort of "wild-card" operator which produces a default list. The following command demonstrates this

julia> s=rand(10,5); s[6:7,2:4] 
2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.163274  0.923631  0.877122
 0.210374  0.321996  0.281341

Matrices may also be constructed by programming. Here is an example, creating a 'program loop.', which shows how

julia> A = [i/j for i=1:10,j=1:11]

4. Matrix arithmetic

If necessary, re-enter the matrices

julia> a=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 10]
julia> b=[1 1 1]'

Scalars multiply matrices as expected, and matrices may be added in the usual way; both are done 'element by element.'

julia> 2*a, a/4
([2 4 6; 8 10 12; 14 16 20], [0.25 0.5 0.75; 1.0 1.25 1.5; 1.75 2.0 2.5])

Scalars added to matrices require you to add a dot, as

julia> a.+1
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  3   4
 5  6   7
 8  9  11

Matrix multiplication requires that the sizes match. If they don't, an error message is generated.

julia> a*b
3×1 Matrix{Int64}:
julia> a*b'
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("matrix A has dimensions (3,3), matrix B has dimensions (1,3)")
 [1] _generic_matmatmul!(C::Matrix{Int64}, tA::Char, tB::Char, A::Matrix{Int64}, B::Matrix{Int64}, _add::LinearAlgebra.MulAddMul{true, true, Bool, Bool})
   @ LinearAlgebra /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/LinearAlgebra/src/matmul.jl:814
 [2] generic_matmatmul!(C::Matrix{Int64}, tA::Char, tB::Char, A::Matrix{Int64}, B::Matrix{Int64}, _add::LinearAlgebra.MulAddMul{true, true, Bool, Bool})
   @ LinearAlgebra /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/LinearAlgebra/src/matmul.jl:802
 [3] mul!
   @ /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/LinearAlgebra/src/matmul.jl:302 [inlined]
 [4] mul!
   @ /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/LinearAlgebra/src/matmul.jl:275 [inlined]
 [5] *(A::Matrix{Int64}, B::Matrix{Int64})
   @ LinearAlgebra /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/LinearAlgebra/src/matmul.jl:153
 [6] top-level scope
   @ REPL[107]:1

A matrix-matrix multiplication is done with:

julia> a*a
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
  30   36   45
  66   81  102
 109  134  169

whereas adding a dot performs a pointwise multiplication:

julia> a.*a
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
  1   4    9
 16  25   36
 49  64  100

5. Adding packages

Now it would be nice to create a plot of the results. In order to do so, you first need to install a plotting package. Many excellent are available, with the most widely used ones being Plots.jl and Makie.jl.

Before being able to use a package, we first need to install it. Julia has a build-in package manager that automatically takes care of dependencies (that is: other packages that this package may use, including the correct version). You can start the package manager by typing ] in the REPL:

julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> 

If you want to go back to the main REPL, use the backspace key.

As an example, lets install the Plots package:

(@v1.6) pkg> add Plots

This is will download and precompile all dependencies and will look something like this: The plotting package is fairly large so this will take some time, but this only has to be done once.

Once the installation is done, you can test whether the package works by running the build-in testing suite of that package (which is available for most julia packages):

(@v1.6) pkg> test Plots

This should look something like: Note that this takes a looong time, depending on your machine. If you get impatient, you can stop this with CTRL-C.

Once you are done with the package manager, go back to the REPL with the backspace button.

5.1 Add more packages

Since we are installing packages, lets do some more. In this class we will be using the following packages:

  • GeophysicalModelGenerator. This is useful to visualize geophysical data in 3D and create model setups.
  • LaMEM. This is the 3D geodynamics code, we will be using later
  • GLMakie. This is a plotting package that is fully written in julia.
  • Plots.jl. This is a plotting package that buolds on top of other plotting engines such as pyplot.
  • LinearFitXYerrors. This is a small package that can be used to fit a straight line between data points.

Please install them in the package manager. For LaMEM and GeophysicalModelGenerator, you can also run the testsuite, to make sure all is fine on your machine (the GLMakie tests take a really long time).

6. Create plots

Now that the plotting package is install, we are ready to create our first plot. First you load the Plots package

julia> using Plots

Next create a plot with

julia> plot(x,y)

If you are using VSCode, it should show the plot in a separate tab as in the figure above.

We can add labels etc. with:

julia> x=0:.1:2
julia> y=x.^2 .+ 1
julia>  plot(x,y, xlabel="x", ylabel="y axis", title="my first plot",label=:none, color=:red)

which gives:

There are lots of options within the plotting package. Have a look at the tutorial here. If you are used to work with MATLAB/Octave, here a quick summary of how plotting options are called in the Plots.jl package of julia:

MATLAB/Octave Julia
plot(x,y,'r--') plot(x,y,linestyle=:dash, color=:red)
scatter(x,y) scatter(x,y)
mesh(x,y,z) wireframe(x,y,z)
surf(x,y,z) plot(x,y,z,st=:surface)
pcolor(x,y,z) heatmap(x,y,z)
contour(x,y,z,50) contour(x,y,z,level=50)
contourf(x,y,z) contour(x,y,z,level=50,fill=true)

7. Functions

A function in julia can be defined in an extremely simple manner:

julia> f(x) = x.^2 .+ 10
f (generic function with 1 method)

You can now use this function with scalars, vectors or arrays:

julia> f(10)
julia> x=1:3
julia> f(x)
3-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> y=[1 2; 3 4]
julia> f(y)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 11  14
 19  26

Functions ofcourse don't have to be one-liners, so you can also define it as:

julia> function f1(x)
         y = x.^2 .+ 11
         return y
f1 (generic function with 1 method)

This creates a new array y and returns that.

So how fast is this function? Lets start with defining a large vector:

julia> x=1:1e6;

It turns out that julia has a handy build-macro, called @time, with which you can record the time that a function took.

julia> @time f1(x)
  0.035543 seconds (205.05 k allocations: 21.952 MiB, 25.37% gc time, 69.65% compilation time)
1000000-element Vector{Float64}:

So this took 0.09 seconds on my machine. Yet, the first time any function in julia is executed, it is compiled and that's why 94% of the time was the compilation time. If we run the same function again, it is much faster and creates 2 allocations:

julia> @time f1(x)
  0.006275 seconds (2 allocations: 7.629 MiB)

In general, it is a very good idea to put things in functions within julia, as it allows julia to precompile the routines.
Also note that you need to restart the REPL or your Julia session every time you redefine a function or a structure.

If you want to do some more serious benchmarking, you need to install the package BenchmarkTools, which runs the function 1000 times and does the timings:

julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime f($x);
  1.110 ms (2 allocations: 7.63 MiB)

note that you have to put a $ sign in front of ever variable that is passed into the function. In this case the function took about a millisecond.

8. Scripts

In general, you want to put your code in a julia script so you don't have to type it always in the REPL. Doing that is simple; you simple save it as a textfile that had has *.jl as an ending. A simple example is the following test1.jl script:

 using Plots

 function rosenbrock(x,y; a=1,b=100)
     xt = x'     # transpose  
     f  = (a .- xt).^2 .+ b.*(y .- xt.^2).^2
     return f

 x = range(-2.0,2.0,length=50)
 y = range(-1.0,1.5,length=50)
 f = rosenbrock(x,y)

 # Create a contourplot
 contour(x,y,f, levels=0:10:200, fill=true, 
         xlabel="X", ylabel="y", title="rosenbrock", 
         color=:roma, clim=(1,200))

Note that the rosenbrock function has optional parameters (a,b). Calling it with only X,Y will invoke the default parameters, but you can specify the optional ones with f=rosenbrock(x,y, b=200,a=3). You can run this script in the julia in the following way:

julia> include("test1.jl")

Be aware that you need to be in the same directory as the script (see below on how you can change directories using the build-in shell in julia, by typing ; in the REPL). The result looks like (have a look at how we customized the colormap, and added info for the axes).

9. Getting help

In general, you can get help for every function by typing ? which brings you to the help terminal. Next type the name of the function. For example, lets find out how to compute the average of an array


You can add help info to your own functions by adding comments before the function, using """

    y = f2_withhelp(x)

Computes the square of `x` and adds 10 


julia> x=1:10
julia> y = f2_withhelp(x)
10-element Vector{Int64}:
function f2_withhelp(x)
    y = x.^2 .+ 10
    return y

9.1 Build-in terminal

Julia has a build in terminal, which you can reach by typing ;. This comes in handy if you want to check in which directory you are, change directories, or look at the files there.

shell> pwd

Note that this invokes the default terminal on your operating system, so under windows the commands are a but different than under linux. Once you are done with the terminal, you get back to the REPL, by using the backspace.

9.2 Online help

The official julia manual is a good place to start. Many of the julia packages are hosted on github and have help pages as well. An example, which we will use in this class, is GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl

If you click on the blue buttons, you will be taken to the help pages. Note that it is quite easy to generate a new package in julia, add tests for that package, and create an online documentation. Doing that goes beyond the scope of this class, but if you are interested you can ask us or look at the julia manual.

10. Fitting a line through data-points

Imagine that we have some points and we want to fit a line through them

julia> x = rand(20)
julia> y = 2*x .+ rand(20)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Note that you need to add .. Lets plot this:

julia> using Plots
julia> scatter(x,y)

scatter_text So obviously, there is some trend.

Now, lets fit a line through it. For that we can use the package we installed earlier:

julia> using LinearFitXYerrors 
julia> st = linearfitxy(x,y, isplot=true);
>>> [± σ]  Y = (0.5373 ± 0.1031) + (1.8656 ± 0.1988)*X 
>>> [± 95% CI]  Y = (0.5373 ± 0.2166) + (1.8656 ± 0.4177)*X 
>>> Pearson ρ = 0.911;  Goodness of fit = 0.248 

Alt text So in this case the slope of the line is 1.86. Since we use random numbers, it might look slightly different for you.

Determining power law coefficients

Now lets consider the following equation: $b=2.1a^3$ There is an easy way to retrieve the powerlaw coefficient (3 in this case), by taking $\log_{10}$ of the equation: $\log_{10}(b) = 3\log_{10}(a) + \log_{10}(2.1) $

Let's try:

julia> a = range(0.1,4.0)
julia> b = 2.1*a.^3
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Note that if you want to take the $\log_{10}$ of every entry in a, you need to add a .:

julia> log10.(a) 
4-element Vector{Float64}:

That implies that the function log10 is applied to every element in a.

Now we can compute the linear fit:

julia> st = linearfitxy(log10.(a),log10.(b), isplot=true);

>>> [± σ]  Y = (0.3222 ± 0.0000) + (3.0000 ± 0.0000)*X 
>>> [± 95% CI]  Y = (0.3222 ± 0.0000) + (3.0000 ± 0.0000)*X 
>>> Pearson ρ = 1.000;  Goodness of fit = 0.000 

And indeed the powerlaw is 3.0 (as we have no random noise in this case)

Keep the trick with the logarithms in mind as we will use it tomorrow.

11. Setting properties on markers

A common operation you will do during this class is setting material properties on markers. Let's do some warming-up exercises for that.

We start with defining the X,Z coordinates of the markers:

julia> x=-5:.1:5
julia> z=-10:.2:0
julia> X = ones(size(z))*x'
julia> Z = z*ones(size(x))' 
julia> Phase = zeros(Int64,size(X)) 

Phase is now a 2D array that defined the "rocktype" (or Phase) of ever marker, which is defined by the 2D coordinate arrays X,Z. Hint: you can copy-paste the whole block above tou your julia REPL. It will automatically remove the julia> at the beginning of every line.

11.1 Square

Now let’s assume that all points between x=[-1 .. 1] and z=[-5 .. -4] have a different rock type. We can use that by finding all points that are between these coordinates, using the findall command.

julia> ind = findall( (X.>-1) .&  (X.<1) .& (Z.>-5) .& (Z.<-4) );
julia> Phase[ind] .= 1

Note that you have to add brackets around every statement and that you have to use a dot (.) to indicate that it applies for every entry in the arrays. Let's create a plot of the result:

julia> using Plots
julia> ind = findall(Phase .== 0 )
julia> scatter(X[ind],Z[ind],color=:blue, legend=false, markersize=3)
julia> ind = findall(Phase .== 1 )
julia> scatter!(X[ind],Z[ind],color=:red,markersize=3)

Note that we use the exclamation mark (!) to indicate that we want to keep the previous plot.

11.2 Circle

Similarly, we can add a circle with radius 2 and center (-2,-6) with

julia> xc,zc =-2,-6
julia> ind = findall( (X.-xc).^2 .+ (Z.-zc).^2 .< 2^2 )
julia> Phase[ind] .= 2
julia> id0, id1, id2 = findall(Phase.==0), findall(Phase.==1), findall(Phase.==2)
julia> scatter(X[id0],Z[id0],color=:blue,markersize=3)
julia> scatter!(X[id1],Z[id1],color=:red,markersize=3)
julia> scatter!(X[id2],Z[id2],color=:green,markersize=3)

11.3 Polygons

We can also create more complicated polygons, by first creating the x and z coordinates of the polygon, and subsequently using the inpolygon function, which is part of the PolygonOps.jl package, which you'll have to install first:

julia> xp=[-2, 0, 3, 4, 0, -2]
julia> zp=[-6, -3, -7, -2, -1, -6]
julia> using PolygonOps
julia> polygon = [[x,z] for (x,z) in zip(xp,zp)]
julia> inside = [inpolygon([x,z], polygon) for (x,z) in zip(X,Z)]
julia> Phase[inside .== true] .= 3
julia> id3 = findall(Phase.==3)
julia> scatter!(X[id3],Z[id3],color=:yellow,markersize=3, legend=:none)

The result looks like this:

Note that we introduced a new julia concept here, namely inline iterators:

julia> polygon = [[x,z] for (x,z) in zip(xp,zp)]
6-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
 [-2, -6]
 [0, -3]
 [3, -7]
 [4, -2]
 [0, -1]
 [-2, -6]

This statement loops over all points in xp,zp and extracts x,z of that point, which it than puts in a vector polygon (which is what PolygonOps wants to have - see the help page of that package). Each entry of polygon thus contains the x,z coordinates of the respective point of the polygon:

julia> polygon[3]
2-element Vector{Int64}:

11.4 Topography

As a final exercise in this part, lets assume we also have a topography, and we want to set all markers above the topography to be "air".

julia> x_topo =[-5, -2, -1,     1,  2,  5]
julia> z_topo =[-1, -1, -0.1,-0.1, -1, -1]

In this case, we want to know at which elevation the topography is for a given X-coordinate. For that, we can use the Interpolations.jl package which provides many (multi-dimensional) interpolation routines.

julia> using Interpolations
julia> interp_linear = LinearInterpolation(x_topo, z_topo)
julia> Z_topo = interp_linear.(X)
julia> ind = findall(Z.>Z_topo)
julia> Phase[ind] .= 4
julia> id4 = findall(Phase.==4)
julia> scatter!(X[id4],Z[id4],color=:lightblue,markersize=3, legend=:none)

12. Using GeophysicalModelGenerator

The package GeophysicalModelGenerator is quite handy to collect data of different parts of the world, and visualize that in 3D using Paraview which is an open-source 3D visualisation package. It has a large amount of tutorials to show you how this works for different cases.

Let's do some exercise with this, and plot the topography of the Alps. This requires you to install both the GMT and GeophysicalModelGenerator packages:

julia> using GeophysicalModelGenerator, GMT

The function import_topo can be used to import topography from any part of the world, by specifing the southwest and northeast corners. If you want to know how it works, ask help:

help?> import_topo
search: import_topo import_GeoTIFF


  Optional routine that imports topography. It requires you to load GMT


  Topo = import_topo(limits; file::String="@earth_relief_01m.grd", maxattempts=5)

  Uses GMT to download the topography of a certain region, specified with limits=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]. Sometimes download fails because of the
  internet connection. We do maxattempts to download it.


    •  latitude values in the southern hemisphere should have a minus sign (e.g., -2.8)

    •  longitude values that are "west" should either come with a minus sign or are defined by values >180

  Dataset             Resolution                                                   Description
  ––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
  "@earth_relief_01s"  1 arc sec      SRTM tiles (14297 tiles, land only, 60S-60N) [NASA/USGS]
  "@earth_relief_03s"  3 arc sec      SRTM tiles (14297 tiles, land only, 60S-60N) [NASA/USGS]
  "@earth_relief_15s" 15 arc sec                            SRTM15+ [David Sandwell, SIO/UCSD]
  "@earth_relief_30s" 30 arc sec                       SRTM30+ [Becker et al., 2009, SIO/UCSD]
  "@earth_relief_01m"  1 arc min                                ETOPO1 Ice surface [NEIC/NOAA]
  "@earth_relief_02m"  2 arc min                              ETOPO2v2 Ice surface [NEIC/NOAA]
  "@earth_relief_03m"  3 arc min  ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (5.6 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_04m"  4 arc min  ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (7.5 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_05m"  5 arc min    ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (9 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_06m"  6 arc min ETOPO1 after Gaussia30n spherical filtering (10 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_10m" 10 arc min   ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (18 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_15m" 20 arc min   ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (28 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_20m" 20 arc min   ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (37 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_30m" 30 arc min   ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (55 km fullwidth)
  "@earth_relief_60m" 60 arc min  ETOPO1 after Gaussian spherical filtering (111 km fullwidth)

  Note: this routine is only available once the GMT.jl package is loaded in the REPL


  julia> Topo = import_topo([4,20,37,49]);
    size  : (960, 720, 1)
    lon   ϵ [ 4.0 : 19.983333333333334]
    lat   ϵ [ 37.0 : 48.983333333333334]
    depth ϵ [ -3.8725 km : 4.2495 km]
    fields: (:Topography,)

  And you can save this to Paraview with

  julia> write_paraview(Topo,"Topo_Alps")
  1-element Vector{String}:


  importtopo(; lat::Vector{2}, lon::Vector{2}, file::String="@earthrelief_01m.grd", maxattempts=5)

  Imports topography (using GMT), by specifying keywords for latitude and longitude ranges



  julia> Topo = import_topo(lat=[30,40], lon=[30, 50] )

  The values can also be defined as tuples:

  julia> Topo = import_topo(lon=(-50, -40), lat=(-10,-5), file="@earth_relief_30s.grd")

Lets download the topography of the Alps and Adria:

julia> Topo = import_topo([4,20,37,49])
  size      : (961, 721, 1)
  lon       ϵ [ 4.0 : 20.0]
  lat       ϵ [ 37.0 : 49.0]
  depth     ϵ [ -3.859 : 4.377]
  fields    : (:Topography,)

The structure Topo now contains the topography. We can write that into a file format that Paraview can read with:

julia> write_paraview(Topo,"topo")
Saved file: topo.vts

Next you can open this in paraview: Topo_Adria_Alps

Exercise a Now retrieve a topographic map of Mainz and the Oberrheingraben around lon = [47.5,51] and lat=[7,9].
Important: make sure that you use a lower resolution, otherwise the datafile becomes massively large!! Start with "@earth_relief_15m.grd", once that works you can use download a more detailed map "@earth_relief_03s.grd". Topo_Oberrhein

Note that to make this look like a topographic map, I used the "Oleron" colormap provided on this webpage.

Exercise b Many numerical models use cartesian coordinates; yet often the data is given in longitude/latitude. GMG provides a tool to project lon/lat to cartesian coordinates, around a specific projection point. For this, we first define the projection point:

julia> p=ProjectionPoint(;Lon=8.25,Lat=50.0)
ProjectionPoint(50.0, 8.25, 446249.9583391763, 5.538900199152534e6, 32, true)

Next, we can convert the data to cartesian and save it to disk with:

julia> Topo_cart = convert2CartData(Topo_Oberrhein,p)
    size    : (2401, 4201, 1)
    x       ϵ [ -96.87418916543683 : 53.75004166082368]
    y       ϵ [ -278.17046607524156 : 112.82848351912759]
    z       ϵ [ -0.053 : 1.491]
    fields  : (:Topography,)
julia> write_paraview(Topo_cart, "Topo_cart_Oberrhein")
Saved file: Topo_cart_Oberrhein.vts

This map is easier to deal with. We also get an idea of the size of the map (in kilometers). Oberrhein_Cart

Exercise c The GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl package comes with many tutorials. Have a look at the tutorial Generating LaMEM model which shows how to create a 3D volcano setup.