All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- IDS Portfolio of Building Blocks section
- Corrected typos on
- The Gitbook folders that were obsolete and not needed.
- Definition of the term "project" in IDS Graduation Scheme.
- The look and order in the main branch
- The content in the main branch, by making it more lean and shorter.
- Table of contents was replaced along with the general outline
- Replaced the call to action button (that links to the participation to IDS Github form)
- New content for IDS assets (Knowledge Base, IDS-G, Deployment Scenarios, etc.)
- Missing repositories to the overview of repositories page
- Links to new repositories and also existing markdown pages
- How to contribute table with shortlinks to create an issue
- Icons to the IDS assets
- Glossary that was part of idsa repository as the content of this repository will move into the glossary in IDS-G
- New logos for the IDS Graduation Scheme stages (Sandbox, Incubate, Graduate)
- Added applications to the IDS Graduation Scheme
- Added application by FIWARE TRUE Connector
- Added Eclipse Dataspace Connector
Added: for new features.
Changed: for changes in existing functionality.
Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features.
Removed: for now removed features.
Fixed: for any bug fixes.
Security: in case of vulnerabilities.