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- About me: Hey, I'm 183Aaros, a member of OPCN and one of the tutors of the OP co-learning this time. I'm delighted to learn the fundamentals of OP together with everyone here. Here's my personal web if you're interested in know more about me :) -> 183aaros.notion.site
- About Notes: trying to use md grammar after 2-3 days
- Yes
Optimism Co-learning Notes, day1:
Dedication: scaling Ethereum's tech expanding its ability coordinape ppl world-wide to build decentralised economies+governance systems
Principle: impact=profit
OP Collective: Builds open-source software
OP Stack: decentralised software stack backbone of blockchains i.e. OP Mainnet& base
OP Rollups: Leverage the consensus mechanism of L1
Block storage: using non-contract address(for min gas) on ETH write in compressed format transaction anti-censorship via EIP-4844 blobs inherits ETH availability& integrity
Biobiography: https://specs.optimism.io/
Key takeaway:
Transaction fee [Execution Gas Fee(Base fee, Priority fee), L1 Data Fee]
(1)tx_compressed_size = [(count_zero_bytes(tx_data)*4 + count_non_zero_bytes(tx_data)*16)] / 16
(2) weighted_gas_price = 16base_fee_scalarbase_fee + blob_base_fee_scalar*blob_base_fee
L1 Data Fee, Ecotone = (1) * (2)
L1 Data Fee,Fjord(FastLZ-compressed size, base fee/ blob base fee):
(1) estimatedSizeScaled = max(minTransactionSize * 1e6, intercept + fastlzCoef*fastlzSize)
(2)l1FeeScaled = baseFeeScalarl1BaseFee16 + blobFeeScalar*l1BlobBaseFee
where both scalars are scaled by 1e6,
L1cost = (1)*(2)/1e12
Key takeaway:
Stage 0 - Full training wheels, still an source available software allows reconstruction of the state.
- rollup
- state roots
- provide DA (data availability) on L1
- reconstructiion of state source available
Stage 1 - Limited ~, governed by smart contract, council implementation for security.
- proper proof system
- fraud proof
- user may exit without oper's coordination
- 7 days exit window
- 50% of the security council participants from external
Stage 2 - No ~, final stage, no council.
- permissionless
- 30 days exit window
- Security Council restricted to errors detected
The learning material today I choose from, has head back to VB's original articles on scaling, which inspring the design of Optimism.
Key takeaway: (mainly focus the aspect of VB's analytical framework)
Some prior background - Blockchain scaling/decentralised/safety triangle dillema etc.
Identify the problem
- the consensus architectures rely on every node processing every transaction
When it comes to soluions, one particular thing that really stand out is, VB has assessed many factors even potential growth model and how would these model choices could end up with. i.e. Batching vs. other solutions, in a sense of the comparison of a linea growth model solution vs. exponential growth model, but with a trade-off (i.e. ETH 2.0, a trade-off of the dev cycle).
At the very last part of the article, VB has mentioned shadow chain, we can see the idea that inspired Optimism Rollups. From the analytical thinking side, he identified the trade-offs, and can also see how his analytical framework constructs the original version of L2 solution that temporarily compromises, but better for solving the trilemma in the long run.
Buterin, V. (2014) 'Scalability, Part 1: Building on Top', Vitalik Buterin's Blog, 17 September 2014. https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/09/17/scalability-part-1-building-top
- a collective of companies + communities + citizens working together - to reward publicgood - build a sustainable future for Ethereum
- standardization
- Supechain scales
- governance protect security
- governance creates flywheel of sustainable growth and dev
- to create an internet that benefits all and is owned by none
- digital democratic governance consists of 2 houses
- Token house: submitting, deliberating, voting on various types of governance proposals.
- vote directly
- delegate
- Citizen house: 1 person = 1 vote, also responsible for RPGF (Retro Funding);
- reduce concentration of power
- safeguard against capture of Token House (whales etc.)
- Allocate resources for long-term benefit
Citizens House section: https://community.optimism.io/citizens-house/citizen-house-overview
Understand how Token house and citizen house works in a more in-depth aspect.
The Collective’s Operating Manual https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/OPerating-manual/blob/main/manual.md#valid-proposal-types
The Collective’s Working Constitution https://gov.optimism.io/t/working-constitution-of-the-optimism-collective/55
Identity and Reputation: Foundation within the Collective https://community.optimism.io/identity/identity-and-rep
Decentralization Milestone https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IpL0oTd3AgNBu_eWdjP9EjbQfZjq-_Nd3yU1H2ke3vY/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Decision Diagram Working Model https://www.figma.com/board/iXqyKmLJeBeplKpJBHDI7G/PUBLIC%3A-Optimism-Decision-Diagram-Working-Model?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas&t=QLiz1uM1DepwYyHy-0
- Key Governance Structure The Optimism Collective employs a unique two-house governance system:
Token House: Comprised of OP token holders Responsible for: Submitting governance proposals Deliberating on proposals Voting on various governance matters
Citizens' House: Composed of Optimism Citizens Primary functions:
- Allocating retroactive public goods funding
- Voting on proposal vetoes
- Providing a check-and-balance mechanism
- Governance Process
- Proposal Lifecycle -Three-week cycle for most proposals -Weeks 1-2: Feedback and review period -Week 3: Voting period
Key Requirements
Proposals must be: Submitted to the Governance Forum
- Marked with [Draft] initially Require approval from:
- 4 top 100 delegates (Token House)
- 4 Citizens (Citizens' House)
Voting Mechanics Token House Voting Quorum: 30% of votable OP supply Approval Threshold: 51-76% of votes (varies by proposal type)
Citizens' House Voting Based on percentage of total Citizens Includes veto rights for certain proposals Valid Proposal Types
Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) A unique mechanism where Citizens vote to reward impactful public goods projects through:
Revised and re-orgnised notes for https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/OPerating-manual/blob/main/manual.md
Key takeaway
Governance Architecture
- Two-House System: Token House and Citizens' House
- Purpose: Decentralized, democratic blockchain governance
- Unique Feature: Bicameral structure with mutual oversight
Token House
- Composition: OP token holders
- Responsibilities: Submit governance proposals Vote on protocol upgrades Manage treasury decisions Voting Mechanism: Direct voting or delegation
Citizens' House
- Core Function: Retroactive Public Goods Funding
- Key Characteristics: Temporary citizenship Veto power over Token House proposals Rewards impactful public goods projects
Governance Process
- Cycle: Three-week structured approach Weeks 1-2: Community feedback Week 3: Formal voting
- Approval Requirements: Delegate/Citizen endorsements Specific quorum thresholds Transparent review process