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This document describes the different deployment modes supported by KAR, including:

KAR Runtime System Components

The KAR runtime system internally uses Redis as a persistent store and Kafka as a reliable message transport (Kafka internally uses ZooKeeper for distributed consensus). The Redis and Kafka instances must be reachable by every kar runtime process in order for them to operate correctly and form the application service mesh.

The Redis and Kafka instances can be provided in multiple ways, each supporting different scenarios:

  • They can be run locally as Docker containers, supporting a local clusterless mode which is suitable for development.
  • They can be run as internally-accessible services/deployments on a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, supporting the deployment of KAR applications within that cluster.
  • They can be run as externally-accessible services/deployments on a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, supporting the deployment of KAR applications both inside and outside that cluster.
  • They can be provided as cloud managed services, supporting the deployment of KAR applications across multiple execution engines including Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters, IBM Code Engine, edge computing devices, and developer laptops. Depending on the scenario, Redis and Kafka may use clustered configurations to support high availability and increased scalability.

When deployed on a Kubernetes of OpenShift cluster, the KAR runtime system also includes a mutating web hook that supports injecting KAR runtime configuration data into Pods that are annotated as containing KAR application components. This significantly simplifies the configuration of these components by automating the injection of the credentials needed to connect to the Redis and Kafka instances being used by KAR.


Throughout this document, we assume that all of the prerequisites outlined in the getting started document have been met. We also assume that if you are deploying to a Kubernetes cluster or using other public cloud managed services in your deployment, that you have the necessary clis and tools already installed and have some familiarity with using them.


The Clusterless deployment mode runs Redis, Kafka, and ZooKeeper as docker containers on your local machine. Your application components and the KAR service mesh all run as local processes on your machine.


Deploy Redis, Kafka, and ZooKeeper using docker compose by running:


After the script completes, configure your shell environment to enable kar to access Redis and Kafka by doing

source ./scripts/

Run a Hello World Node.js Example

In one window:

source scripts/
cd examples/service-hello-js
npm install --prod 
kar run -app hello-js -service greeter node server.js

In a second window:

source scripts/
cd examples/service-hello-js
kar run -app hello-js node client.js

You should see output like shown below in both windows:

2020/04/02 17:41:23 [STDOUT] Hello John Doe!
2020/04/02 17:41:23 [STDOUT] Hello John Doe!

The client process will exit, while the server remains running. You can send another request, or exit the server with a Control-C.

You can also use the kar cli to invoke the service directly:

kar rest -app hello-js post greeter helloJson '{"name": "Alan Turing"}'


Undeploy the Redis, Kafka, and ZooKeeper containers using docker compose by running:


Kubernetes and OpenShift

This section covers the base deployment scenario where all the components of the KAR application will be realized as Pods running within a single cluster. In this scenario, Redis, Kafka, and ZooKeeper are also deployed as Pods running within the cluster. For scenarios including multiple clusters and/or applications that are split between a cluster and edge devices (or developer laptops) see Hybrid Cloud below.

General Overview

This section outlines some general principles that are true of any in-cluster deployment of KAR.

For its in-cluster configurations, the KAR runtime system is deployed in the kar-system namespace and includes a mutating webhook whose job is to inject additional configuration information to enable application Pods to be joined to the KAR application mesh. Application Pods that should be mutated are indicated by annotating them with We support two modes of operation. In the recommended mode, the application container already contains the kar executable and the webhook only needs to inject volume mounts and environment variables to configure it. If the container does not contain the kar executable then the webhook can inject and configure an additional "sidecar" container containing the kar executable. This sidecar mode enables unmodified containers to be joined to a KAR application mesh, but is less resilient to failures due to incomplete support by Kubernetes for sidecar container lifecycle operations. The mutating webhook process the following annotations:

  • - sets the -app argument of kar run
  • sets the -actors argument of kar run
  • sets the -service argument of kar run
  • sets the -verbose argument of kar run
  • sets the -app_port argument of kar run
  • sets the -runtime_port argument of kar run
  • additional command line arguments for kar run
  • - "true" to enable injection of a sidecar container

If you are using a release version of the kar cli then, by default, the matching KAR runtime images will be pulled from our public image repository. If you have built your own kar cli from source then, by default, the KAR runtime images will be pulled from your local image repository that is expected to be running at localhost:5000. It is also possible to configure KAR to pull its runtime images from a non-local private registry; this results in an additional secret being created.

After the KAR runtime system is successfully deployed to the kar-system namespace, you can enable other namespaces to host KAR applications. This enablement entails labeling the namespace with and replicating the secret and, optionally, the secret in the namespace. The base installation script automatically enables the default namespace for KAR applications. To enable additional namespaces, you can use the script

Once a namespace is thus enabled, you can deploy KAR application components to the namespace using Helm or kubectl by adding the annotations described above.

NOTE: We strongly recommend against enabling the kar-system namespace or any Kubernetes system namespace for KAR applications. Enabling KAR sidecar injection for these namespaces can cause instability.

Deploying on an IBM Cloud Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

You will need a cluster on which you have the cluster-admin role.

Deploying the KAR Runtime System to the kar-system namespace

Assuming you have set your kubectl context, you can deploy KAR into your IKS cluster in a single command:


For an OpenShift cluster add -os to the command:

./scripts/ -os

Note that if you are using a locally built development version of the kar cli, the script will default to trying to deploy images from your localhost docker registry. This registry is not reachable from an IBM Cloud cluster, so you will need to add -r <some KAR version number> to pull the needed KAR images from

Run a containerized example

Run the client and server as shown below:

$ cd examples/service-hello-js
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/server-quay.yaml
pod/hello-server created
$ kubectl get pods
hello-server   2/2     Running   0          3s
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/client-quay.yaml
job.batch/hello-client created
$ kubectl logs jobs/hello-client -c client
Hello John Doe!
Hello John Doe!
$ kubectl logs hello-server -c server
Hello John Doe!
Hello John Doe!
$ kubectl delete -f deploy/client-quay.yaml
job.batch "hello-client" deleted
$ kubectl delete -f deploy/server-quay.yaml
pod "hello-server" deleted


You can disable a specific namespace for KAR applications by running

./scripts/ <namespace>

You can undeploy KAR entirely by running


Deploying on a local Kubernetes cluster

For ease of development, it can be convenient to deploy KAR to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster running on your local development machine. Several options exist for creating a local cluster; we describe them next. In all cases, we recommend also running a local docker registry to enable Kubernetes to pull images without requiring you to push your development images to an external docker registry.

Start your local cluster.

Docker Desktop

If you are using Docker Desktop on MacOS or Windows, you can enable a built-in Kubernetes cluster by checking a box in the UI.


We can use kind to create a virtual Kubernetes cluster using Docker on your development machine.

You will need kind 0.12.0 installed locally.

KAR requires specific configuration of kind. We have automated this in a script.


Rancher K3D

Similar to Kind, K3D uses Docker to create a local kubernetes cluster. Follow the directions to install K3D and then start a K3D cluster with:


Start local docker registry

The rest of our instructions assume you will run a local docker registry on localhost:5000. To ensure one is running, execute


Build and locally publish images

Next, build the necessary docker images and push them to a local registry.

make docker

When you rebuild a KAR docker image and want it to be accessible to your Kubernetes cluster, you will need to either do make docker or individually docker push the image to the localhost:5000 registry.

Deploying the KAR Runtime System to the kar-system namespace

Next, deploy KAR in dev mode by doing:


Run a containerized example

Run the client and server as shown below:

$ cd examples/service-hello-js
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/server.yaml
pod/hello-server created
$ kubectl get pods
hello-server   2/2     Running   0          3s
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/client.yaml
job.batch/hello-client created
$ kubectl logs jobs/hello-client -c client
Hello John Doe!
Hello John Doe!
$ kubectl logs hello-server -c server
Hello John Doe!
Hello John Doe!
$ kubectl delete -f deploy/client.yaml
job.batch "hello-client" deleted
$ kubectl delete -f deploy/server.yaml
pod "hello-server" deleted


You can disable a specific namespace for KAR applications by running

./scripts/ <namespace>

You can undeploy KAR entirely with


IBM Code Engine

IBM Code Engine is a multi-tenant Knative service provided by the IBM Public Cloud. We can use IBM Code Engine as the compute engine for KAR applications by deploying components as Code Engine applications (aka Knative services).

We will not deploy Redis and Kafka on Code Engine; instead we will provision instances of Database for Redis and EventStreams in the same IBM Public Cloud region as the Code Engine service we are using to run the application components. We will configure the Code Engine project to enable the kar runtime processes to connect to these instances.

To simplify the flow of deploying on Code Engine, KAR application containers intended for Code Engine deployment need to contain both the application itself and the kar cli. We configure these containers to execute in "sidecar in container" mode. If you are using a container derived from the KAR Java or JavaScript SDK base images, this can be done simply by setting the KAR_SIDECAR_IN_CONTAINER environment variable.

There is currently no integration between Code Engine's autoscaling capabilities and the Kafka topics that indicate the actual application load. Therefore we currently bypass Code Engine's autoscaler and deploy with a fixed number of containers for each application component.


Managed Services

Use the IBM Cloud Console to create resources. Please consult the documentation for each managed service if you need detailed instructions.

You will need a Standard EventStreams instance. Once it is allocated, create a service credential to access it.

You will need a Database for Redis instance. Once it is allocated, create a service credential to access it, using the same name as you used for the EventStreams service credential.

Code Engine Project

Create a Code Engine project

ibmcloud ce project create --name kar-project

Then, configure the project for KAR by creating the secret. This step is automated by a script that takes the service credential name and uses the ibmcloud cli to extract information and create the secrets.

./scripts/ <service-credential>

Optionally configure your local environment

Because we are using a Redis and Kafka instance that are accessible both to containers running in IBM Code Engine and to your laptop, we have the option of deploying applications with some components running on the cloud in IBM Code Engine and others running locally. To enable this option, you need to setup your local environment so that kar can connect to your public cloud Redis and EventStreams instances. Do this by running

source scripts/ <service-credential>

Run a Hello World Node.js Example

Although deploying a KAR application component to Code Engine can can be done directly with the ibmcloud ce cli, it requires a fairly extensive set of command line arguments. The script wraps ibmcloud ce to simplify the process. It automatically targets the current Code Engine project (change the targeted project with ibmcloud ce project target <project-name>).

./scripts/ -app hello -image -name hello-js-server -service greeter

Once the server component is deployed, you can use the kar cli to invoke the service directly:

kar rest -app hello post greeter helloJson '{"name": "Alan Turing"}'

You've just run your first hybrid cloud application that uses KAR to connect components running on your laptop (an "edge device") and the IBM Public Cloud into a unified application mesh!


You can undeploy an application component with

ibmcloud ce application delete --name hello-js-server

You can disable a Code Engine project for KAR applications with

./scripts/ kar-project

or delete it entirely with

ibmcloud ce project delete --name kar-project

Hybrid Cloud

The key to a Hybrid Cloud deployment of KAR is to provision a Redis and Kafka instance that are accessible to all of the compute elements you want to utilize. This can include Kubernetes clusters, edge devices, virtual machines, development laptops, and managed compute services such as Code Engine.

In general, you need to first provision the Redis and Kafka instances and then in each computing environment create the configuration information that enables kar to access them. In Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters and in IBM Code Engine, this means creating the secret. For local environments or VMs this means setting a collection of KAFKA_ and REDIS_ environment variables.

Using the IBM Public Cloud

Provision Managed Services

Use the IBM Cloud Console to create resources. Please consult the documentation for each managed service if you need detailed instructions.

You will need a Standard EventStreams instance. Once it is allocated, create a service credential to access it.

You will need a Database for Redis instance. Once it is allocated, create a service credential to access it, using the same name as you used for the EventStreams service credential.

Configuring compute engines

Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters

Install the KAR runtime system on your IKS cluster

./scripts/ -m <service-credential>

Code Engine

Enable a project for KAR applications

./scripts/ <service-credential>

Local environment or VMs

Set the necessary KAFKA_ and REDIS_ environment variables with

source scripts/ <service-credential>

Deploying Applications

Deploy each application component to the desired compute engine using the scripts/tooling appropriate for that engine as described elsewhere in this document.