Encryption util; two flavours: Sodium (preferred), or Sugar.
$ composer require ssitu/sod
use SSITU\Sod\Sod;
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
// Sod config:
$sodConfig["cryptKey"] = '703af4dd03ebe11e35167157a8a697d8a2cb545a907a38289f8a7ba19432a342';
$sodConfig["flavour"] = "Sugar"; # prefer "Sodium" if installed
// Sod init:
$Sod = new Sod($sodConfig);
// or:
# $Sod->setCryptKey(string $key);
# $Sod->setFlavour(string $flavour);
// For a quick check:
// To test if Sodium is installed:
// Encrypt:
$Sod->encrypt(string $message);
// Decrypt:
$Sod->decrypt(string $message);
// If something went wrong:
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