Use a clock, interpret values of the seconds:
If the second is not divisible by 10(except for 0) FizzBuzz:
- if divisible by 3 => display Fizz
- if divisible by 5 => display Buzz
- if divisible by 3 and by 5 => display Fizz Buzz
- else display the value of the second
else (second is divisible by 10) Happy:
- generate a random number between 1 and 10 :
- if the random value is equal to '7' =>display Happy
- else =>display Unhappy
- generate a random number between 1 and 10 :
- 0->Fizz Buzz(this is an exception because divisible by 10)
- 1->1
- 3->Fizz
- 4->4
- 5->Buzz
- 15->Fizz Buzz
- 20 ->
based on random value :<br>
- 6 -> UnHappy
- 7 -> Happy
- 8 -> UnHappy
- 11 -> out of bound exception