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Input File
The input file controls all operations performed by HiFiLES. Below is a [hopefully] comprehensive list of all inputs available for use in the code.
The general form for a parameter in the input file is:
[parameter_name] [parameter_value]
If the parameter requires a set of values, the format is:
[parameter_name] [# of values] [value1] [value2] ...
- equation
- 0 | Solve the full Euler/Navier-Stokes equations [default]
- 1 | Solve the scalar advection/diffusion equation
- viscous
- 0 | Inviscid [Euler equations] [default]
- 1 | Viscous [Navier-Stokes equations]
- riemann_solve_type: Inviscid Riemann solver to use at all element interface flux points
- 0 | Scalar diffusion [Rusanov] [default]
- 1 | Lax-Friedrich [for advection/diffusion only]
- 2 | Roe
- ic_form: Initial condition type
- 0 | Isentropic vortex test case
- 1 | Uniform flow [default]
- 2 | Sine wave
- test_case: Are we running a case with an analytical solution? If so, which one?
- 0 | No test case [default]
- 1 | Isentropic Vortex
- 2 | Advection-Equation [?]
- order: Order of basis polynomials
- dt_type: Which type of time-advancement
- 0 | Constant, user-supplied step size [default]
- 1 | Global minimum CFL-based time step (Must specify CFL)
- 2 | Element-local CFL-based time stepping (Must specify CFL)
- dt: Time step in non-dimensional units
- n_steps: Number of time steps [iterations] to perform
- adv_type: Time integration method
- 0 | Forward Euler
- 3 | Low-Storage 4th-order 5-stage Runge-Kutta
- tau: "tau" factor used in LDG flux
- 0 by default
- pen_fact: Penalty factor for LDG flux
- 0.5 by default
- restart_flag: Start from a restart file or no?
- 0 | No [default]
- 1 | Yes
- restart_iter: Iteration number to restart from (must match number in restart file name)
- n_restart_files: Number of restart files make up the case we are restarting (corresponds to the number of processors used when the restart file was made)
- mesh_file: Name of the mesh file to use
- dx_cyclic: Length (in x-direction) of periodic domain
- Infinity by default [not a periodic domain]
- dy_cyclic: Length (in y-direction) of periodic domain
- Infinity by default [not a periodic domain]
- dz_cyclic: Length (in z-direction) of periodic domain
- Infinity by default [not a periodic domain]
- LES: use a subgrid model or no?
- 0 | No [default]
- 1 | Yes
- filter_type: when using an SGS model based on filtering, choose the filter type.
- 0 | Vasilyev high-order commuting filter (available for quad/hex elements only)
- 1 | Discrete Gaussian (available for quad, hex and tri elements only)
- 2 | Modal Vandermonde (available for all element types except prisms)
- default | if nothing specified, a simple element-average filter is used
- filter_ratio: specify the ratio of filter width over element size. Enter any positive real.
- SGS model: specify the SGS model.
- 0 | Smagorinsky
- 1 | Wall Adapting Local Eddy Viscosity (WALE)
- 2 | WALE + Similarity Mixed (WSM)
- 3 | Spectral Vanishing Viscosity (SVV): simply filters the solution
- 4 | Bardina Similarity
- wall_model: specify the near-wall model.
- 0 | no model [default]
- 1 | Werner-Wengle model
- 2 | Breuer-Rodi 3-layer model
- wall_layer_thickness: specify the distance from a no-slip surface within which the wall model is applied. Enter any positive real.
- p_res: Plotting resolution, number of "plot points" per direction in each cell
- write_type: File type for solution data output
- 0 | Paraview .vtu (VTK Unstructured) type [default]
- 1 | Tecplot
- data_file_name: Prefix to use for all output files ["Mesh" by default]
- n_diagnostic_fields: Number of additional calculated fields to output, followed by the names of the fields
- Example: 6 u v w energy pressure mach
- Available fields: u v w energy pressure mach vorticity q_criterion u_average v_average w_average sensor epsilon
- inters_cub_order: Order of cubature (quadrature) rule for integrating fields (i.e., pressure & viscous forces) over element interfaces (surfaces)
- volume_cub_order: Order of cubature (quadrature) rule for integrating fields over element volumes
- plot_freq: Frequency (in iterations) at which to output the solution
- restart_dump_freq: Frequency at which to output a restart file
- monitor_integrals_freq: Frequency at which to calculate all requested integral quantities
- monitor_res_freq: Frequency at which the residual is computed & output to the terminal
- monitor_cp_freq: Frequency at which the Cp on wall boundaries is output to a file
- 0 | No output [default]
- res_norm_type: Norm to use on the residual
- 0 | Infinity norm
- 1 | L1 norm
- 2 | L2 norm [default]
- error_norm_type: Norm to use on error (test cases with analytical solution)
- 0 | Infinity norm
- 1 | L1 norm
- 2 | L2 norm [default]
- upts_type_tri: Solution points type for triangles
- 0
- fpts_type_tri: Flux points type for triangles
- 0
- vcjh_scheme_tri:
- 0 | use value of 'c' specified by user
- 1 | 'DG'-like scheme (c = 0)
- 2 | 'SD'-like scheme
- 3 | Huyhn scheme
- 4 | c+ scheme
- c_tri: Value of 'c' parameter [for vcjh_scheme_tri = 0]
- 0.0
- sparse_tri: Use sparse BLAS routines?
- 0 | Dense BLAS [default]
- 1 | Sparse BLAS
- upts_type_quad: Solution points type for quadrilaterals
- 0
- vcjh_scheme_quad: Flux points type for quadrilaterals
- 0
- eta_quad
- 0.0
- sparse_quad
- 0 | Dense BLAS [default]
- 1 | Sparse BLAS
- upts_type_hexa
- 0
- vcjh_scheme_hexa
- 0
- eta_hexa
- sparse_hexa
- 0
- upts_type_tet
- 1
- fpts_type_tet
- 0
- vcjh_scheme_tet
- 0
- eta_tet
- 0.0
- sparse_tet
- 0 | Dense BLAS [default]
- 1 | Sparse BLAS
- upts_type_pri_tri
- 0
- upts_type_pri_1d
- 0
- vcjh_scheme_pri_1d
- 0
- eta_pri
- 0.0
- sparse_pri
- 0 | Dense BLAS [default]
- 1 | Sparse BLAS
- gamma: Ratio of specific heats
- 1.4 by default
- prandtl: Prandtl number
- 0.72 by defult
- R_gas: Ideal gas constant (J/kg-K)
- 286.9 by default
- mu_gas: Dynamic viscosity (kg/m-s)
- 1.827E-05 by default
- S_gas: "S" from Sutherland's Law for viscosity
- 120 by defult
- T_gas: Temperature of the gas for Sutherland's Law (Kelvin)
- 291.15 by default
- fix_vis // 0: Sutherland's law, 1: Constant viscosity
- 0 | Sutherland's Law [default]
- 1 | Constant viscosity
Viscous Boundary Conditions - Used only for viscous cases
- Mach_free_stream: Mach number of free-stream flow
- nx_free_stream: normalized x-component of free-stream flow [unit normal component]
- ny_free_stream: normalized y-component of free-stream flow
- nz_free_stream: normalized z-component of free-stream flow
- Re_free_stream: Reynolds number of free-stream flow
- L_free_stream : Reference length corresponding to the chosen Re (i.e. chord length of airfoil)
- 1 by default
- T_free_stream: Temperature of free-stream flow (Kelvin)
- 300 by default
- T_wall: Temperature of isothermal wall
- 300 by default
- Mach_wall: For moving wall, to calculate velocity magnitude of wall motion [don't use this]
- 0.0 by default
- nx_wall: For moving wall [don't use this]
- ny_wall: For moving wall [don't use this]
- nz_wall: For moving wall [don't use this]
Inviscid Boundary Conditions - Used only for inviscid cases
- rho_bound: Density of free-stream
- u_bound: x-component of velocity
- v_bound: y-component of velocity
- w_bound: z-component of velocity
- p_bound: Pressure of free-stream
These are set equal to the prescribed boundary conditions by default
These initial conditions are used only for inviscid flows:
- rho_c_ic Initial condition on density
- u_c_ic Initial condition on x-velocity
- v_c_ic Initial condition on y-velocity
- w_c_ic Initial condition on z-velocity
- p_c_ic: Initial condition on pressure
The following initial conditions are utilized only for viscous flows:
- Mach_c_ic: Initial Mach number of fluid
- nx_c_ic: Initial x-component of fluid motion
- ny_c_ic: Initial y-component of fluid motion
- nz_c_ic: Initial z-component of fluid motion
- Re_c_ic: Reynolds number initial condition
- T_c_ic: Initial condition on temperature
- artif_only: To run inviscid case with artificial viscosity (mu = 0), set this to 1 - don't use it for concentration method
- artif_type: Type of artificial viscosity
- 0 | Persson's method
- 1 | Concentration method
- ArtifOn: Turn artificial viscosity on/off
- 0 [off] by default
- epsilon0
- s0: Sensor threshold value (values of sensor > s0 will be filtered) (typically of order 1)
- kappa
- motion_flag: Are we running a moving-mesh case? If so, what method?
- 0 | No motion [default]
- 1 | Linear-elasticity method
- 2 | Rigid movement
- 3 | Sin/Cos perturbations test case (see Persson, DG on deforming domains)
- 4 | Blending functions
- GCL_flag: Solve the Geometric Conservation Law? [not working yet]
- 0 | No [default]
- 1 | Yes
- n_deform_iters: For linear elasticity method, number of iterations to perform during each time-step's deformation process
- 1 by default
- mesh_output_freq: Frequency at which to output mesh to file (-1: use plot_freq)
- -1 | Use plot_freq
- No output by default
- mesh_output_format: Format for mesh file output
- 0 | Gambit [not implemented yet]
- 1 | Gmsh [default]
- blend_dist: Distance over which to blend motion for blending method
- moving_boundaries: Control periodic motion of multiple boundaries (see below)
Format of moving_boundaries parameter:
{bnd name 1} {motion type 1} {motion params 1}
{bnd name 2} {motion type 2} {motion params 2}
Boundary name: name (in mesh file) of moving boundary
Motion type: motion params:
- 0: Constant velocity [x-velocity,y-velocity,z-velocity]
- 1: Periodic motion [Ax,Ay,Az,Atheta,Wx,Wy,Wz,Wtheta]
- (x = Axsin(2piWxt), y = Aysin(2piWyt), z = ...)
For Example:
Slip_Wall 1 -2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0
For Advection/Diffusion Equation Only
- wave_speed_x
- wave_speed_y
- wave_speed_z
- lambda: Flux parameter, in range [0,1]
- 0 = central
- 1 = upwind
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- Meshing for HiFiLES
- [(2D) Flat Plate]
- [Laminar]
- [Turbulent]
- [Local Time-stepping]
- [(2D) Laminar Circular Cylinder]
- [(2D) NACA 0012, 5° AoA, Re = 60,000, M = 1.6]
- [(2D) SD7003 airfoil, 4° AoA, Re = 22,000]
- [(3D) Method of Manufactured Solutions]
- [(3D) SD7003 wing section, 4° AoA, Re = 10,000]
- (3D) Taylor-Green Vortex, Re = 1,600
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- [Code Structure]
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